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IMPORTANT: Web Blocking / RAM Usage Issue

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4 minutes ago, Salamoney said:

If any of you think you can design a better anti-malware program, be my guest. Until then, stop complaining and let them do their job. It's naive to think mistakes don't happen.

Like anyone here or anywhere else in the world is stopping them from doing their job!!

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2 minutes ago, Titas said:

This is unbelievable, I lost so much time and money from this. I really hope someone will compensate all of this..If not..What other alternatives do you guys recommend?

Compensate you......? What are you expecting? lol.......

"JOINED 16 minutes ago"

Ohhh nevermind, you're likely a competing software developer looking to bait people into a discussion about your product as a replacement. Get a life.

Edited by jamestlarson
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Its not a good situation, thats for sure. But these things do happen, despite all efforts and processes in place to prevent then.  II don't think there's an AV vendor out there that hasn't screwed all their customers at one time or another through faults in their updates. I recall several  products deleting critical windows files before now, which caused PCs to have to be 'repaired' or even rebuilt in some cases.

I just hope we get an apology as a minimum with a full explanation once this is fully resolved.

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1 minute ago, Titas said:

This is unbelievable, I lost so much time and money from this. I really hope someone will compensate all of this..If not..What other alternatives do you guys recommend?

While I agree it's frustrating (see my posts) you haven't lost "so much time and money" in the last 45 minutes. Nobody is going to pay you anything, get real.

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stuff happens, but this is a serious problem. For those having issues, uninstall with Revo Uninstaller for now until they announce the issue is fixed. Overall MWB is great, do keep in mind that they are humans too.

That said, probably gotta investigate how this made it past quality control.

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46 minutes ago, RubbeR DuckY said:


We're aware of an issue with a protection update that shipped an hour ago that is causing all web traffic to be blocked and RAM usage to climb. We are triaging this right now with all hands on deck. I will have an update shortly with root cause and will share with all of you as I get information.

I completely appreciate the pain this is causing our users and we are working hard to resolve this.

This is crazy. You posted this over 45 minutes ago, and it's still not fixed. Why can't yesterday's database just be pushed out as the latest version?

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6 minutes ago, LightBrokers said:

Is it a good security software ? anyone can confirm ?

We used to use Sophos in our corp. environment.  It's not good.  Personally (and on a few servers), I use BitDefender and have been very happy so far (2 years worth)

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Been using this for a little over a year and the first time I've seen a hiccup. I've disabled the service and killed the process and will keep an eye on the forum for updates. Wouldn't be surprised if this is somehow related to all the hoopla with Spectre/Meltdown. My company has still not rolled out the January updates from Microsoft because the updates will break about three applications we use unless those applications are updated first, which is being worked on. Not sure if I want to blame Microsoft or Intel for this mess. Both appear to be at fault. :-/

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Having the same issue.  I have uninstall this program and now i can use my laptop again.  It was so bad that i could not open ANYTHING on my laptop, could not even shut it down because i could not get to the screen i needed to do that. So i winded up just holding my power button down till it turn it's self off then i restarted it in safe mode, uninstalled Malware bytes then restarted my laptop. Now i have everything back and running on my laptop and i can use it again. I will re-install Malware bytes when they have the problem fixed, Hopefully they will let us know when it is fixed. 

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Regardless of all the negativity and hate here, I've had Malwarebytes for years on a lifetime licence and not had much of a problem until today. These things happen, rarely, but they happen and I'm sure the devs will learn from this, everyone makes mistakes. If there's anyone who claims to have never made a mistake, I wouldn't trust them.

Hopefully they fix it quickly as this should be high priority even if they just do a rollback to the previous update, though that may not solve anything (a rollback doesn't mean the new changes will be undone completely. They need to get to the root cause first.) unless everyone is willing to reinstall to remove the recent updates clean completely.

For now stopping/disabling the service, use a temporary/trial antivirus and wait for an update is the only way stop the memory leaks and high disk usage for now, shouldn't take more than a few hours.

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We have over 600 PCs offline due to this issue. MWB is blocking all IP traffic. We have no way to get updates to the machine as it cannot get to the internet or to our MWB v2 Enterprise Console. The only fix seems to be manually disable the software.  Any ideas? Are we gonna have to sneakernet this fix? 

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How the big fat hairy heck do I shut off Malwarebytes? I hit the Quit button but the blasted thing keeps coming back on it's own; the antimalware program has become malware!  I also had automatic updates shut off but the stupid program must have turned them back on. Malwarebytes has been having problems with updates since version 2 came out. Hire some competent software engineers!

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