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  1. Once your spouse cheats on you, guess what? They will do it again, fact.
  2. You vastly underestimate the non-ability of elderly people, but I appreciate your crisp advice.
  3. I'm 2,000 miles away from my elderly mom. Her computer is toast. Remoting in doesn't work. My option is to fly there and fix it or just shrug and have her be without. Quite a predicament for a Saturday morning. Lots of fun for sure.
  4. Probably because they aren't 100% confident, which is...concerning at best. Hope they weren't hacked. We may never know the actual truth.
  5. While I agree it's frustrating (see my posts) you haven't lost "so much time and money" in the last 45 minutes. Nobody is going to pay you anything, get real.
  6. Nice strawman. Want to come over and re-do my multi-thousand line Excel sheet I was working on? Auto-save only reclaimed some of my work. Nice, right?
  7. New users? Nah, I've used this software for like 8 years. It's brought 3 of my machines, along with intense Excel work on my Surface, to it's knees. Lost too much data this morning to care about paying these guys more money. I may sound like I'm being unreasonable, but I disagree. I'm out, trust lost.
  8. Bwahahaha reeeee MAGA! But seriously though, this issue totally crippled my machine. Kept losing my work, ended up force uninstalling Malwarebytes. I'm out, trust is now lost. I understand software is hard, but this is an insane error for a company requiring a monthly revenue drip. Goodbye Malwarebytes.
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