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Another Windows 7 x64 freeze after the 1.0.508 update

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13 hours ago, LiquidTension said:

Please provide us the minidump file (and %systemroot%\MEMORY.dmp if it exists) so we can verify the cause. WeTransfer.com can be used to upload the files if you're unable to attach to a forum post.

Thank you!

This was using CP 1.0.482. I think it was user error on my end with no AVAST and MB exclusions present, but I would very much like you to look at the mini dump if possible and thank you for asking.

Is there a way to configure Windows 7 to create both mini dump and memory dump? A cmd command maybe?

In system and recovery I've only the option for either a mini or memory dump and have always left it set for mini, as the only software I have is Bluescreenveiw.  

13 hours ago, LAVA said:

Might be another issue with your system, as almost nobody saw a BSOD with this issue... just a deadlock freeze.  Have you run SFC (System File Checker) on it?

System is all good, no hardware issues, only a 1gig OC on 3.3g i5 2500k which has never BS'd and SFC shows nothing. No Blue Screen since adding exclusions and I'm yet to add the 7 individual Mbam.exe paths to AVAST. I've never had to before, just the main folders and the MB system 32 drivers.


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11 hours ago, MajesticWi said:

Since installing 1.0.527 last Friday on my desktop, I have been hard freeze FREE.  No problems what so ever. System is running like it use too.   Knock on wood. 🙂

Same good results with the 1.0.527 install on my laptop. 

I've also noticed that 1.0.527 has cleaned up my Reliability History in regards to mbamservice.exe and Windows Shut Down issues. 



This is very very interesting, if i remember correctly from approx around October 2018 i would also get the same "on the odd occasion"  windows failed to shut down properly message on the next restart. My Fix will be to wait for 1.0.527 to prove itself then once it has updated to that then i will turn off my "Automatically download and install application updates" Until the next update proves itself.


PS: Got to love it 1.0.482 has decided to turn off my "Malware Protection" just noticed it now. Will see what happens on next boot but i am not overly concerned at this point because Avast Premier is doing its job.

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7 hours ago, SubyTooner said:

This was using CP 1.0.482. I think it was user error on my end with no AVAST and MB exclusions present, but I would very much like you to look at the mini dump if possible and thank you for asking.

Is there a way to configure Windows 7 to create both mini dump and memory dump? A cmd command maybe?

Refer to this article:

Take note of the complete memory dump information at the top. You will need to use option 2.

7 hours ago, SubyTooner said:

System is all good, no hardware issues, only a 1gig OC on 3.3g i5 2500k which has never BS'd and SFC shows nothing. No Blue Screen since adding exclusions and I'm yet to add the 7 individual Mbam.exe paths to AVAST. I've never had to before, just the main folders and the MB system 32 drivers.


Thanks for providing the dump file. I'll send you a message shortly with further details.

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Thanks again to everyone who tried and provided feedback on the test build.

This components update has now been promoted to all Windows 7+ users. See here for the announcement: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/236862-announcing-malwarebytes-for-windows-361/?tab=comments#comment-1293765

The new components update is being metered out and will be installed automatically in the background (providing the 'Automatically download and install application component updates' setting is enabled). To install this immediately from within the Malwarebytes user interface, click Settings > Install Application Updates.

The components package version number is the same as the test build (1.0.527).

Edited by LiquidTension
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57 minutes ago, LiquidTension said:

To install this immediately from within the Malwarebytes user interface, click Settings > Install Application Updates.

I did this on two computers, on one of them it took 3 retries to get it to find the new version.... just thought I would mention it.

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I installed the new version a couple hours ago.  No BSODs (yes, I had a four our five of them along with my 30-40 hard freezes) but I did have a few anomalies so far, which may or may not be related.  One was opening a text file in Notepad++.  It just hung and I had to force-close the window.  Worked fine the next time.  The other was typing text into a web browser (chrome) window.  It echoed the first three characters I typed, but it took about 10 seconds for the next characters to appear.  

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I turned automatic updates back on and forced an update to the 1.0.527 components package this morning and have been running MBAM Premium with all real-time protections fully enabled for several hours now with zero freezes. This is a huge improvement from before where I couldn't go 30 minutes, sometimes even 10 minutes, without a freeze. I will leave it on for the remainder of the day to ensure all is well. There doesn't appear to be any impact to my PC; all programs are running as expected like before the freezing.

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12 minutes ago, AverageJoe said:

I turned automatic updates back on and forced an update to the 1.0.527 components package this morning and have been running MBAM Premium with all real-time protections fully enabled for several hours now with zero freezes. This is a huge improvement from before where I couldn't go 30 minutes, sometimes even 10 minutes, without a freeze. I will leave it on for the remainder of the day to ensure all is well. There doesn't appear to be any impact to my PC; all programs are running as expected like before the freezing.

Great! Thanks for the following up with the information.

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On 1/17/2019 at 4:38 PM, bdubrow said:

Hi all—

I wanted to share some promising news!

We’ve now been able to consistently reproduce the freeze in house on more systems and we believe we have narrowed the problem to multi-processor synchronization issues with our Web Protection code on Windows 7.

We have an updated version of Malwarebytes that we’re currently testing, so far with encouraging results.

I want to make this update available just as soon as possible, but we want to be sure we aren’t introducing any additional issues, so further testing is still required.  Assuming all goes well, I’m hoping we’ll have more good news for you next week.

We appreciate everyone who’s been working with us to help resolve this problem, even behind the scenes.  Your assistance has been invaluable!


"multi-processor synchronization"

Ah, just as I thought! Was it the Russians or Global warming? 

Thank you guys so much for identifying a complicated problem and staying with us 'very random' freeze issues complainers. The complaints were all across the board. As an early complainer, your forum was invaluable to me, since I first identified a hardware problem, upgraded the hardware and OS, and it was fixed (little did I know at the time WIN10 was the real fix for me). The second workstation had the exact same motherboard, so I was convinced something wasn't happy with the particular motherboard. Then the third workstation with a different motherboard caused me to search out Malwarebytes to find if 'they' had reports of a virus freezing computers. Only then did I find two other users having the same complaints. That's when I removed (when there is smoke there is fire) Malwarebytes on the two remaining computers, also Win 7, and no more freezes.

My point is, that if it wasn't for this forum I would not have suspected Malwarebytes created the problem. So the fact that you are so open with the forum and posts, was invaluable to me which saved a lot of work and time for me. Unlike some others, I had no issue with the lack of reporting of progress or a bunch of 'feel-good' statements that all is under control. Your transparency ('Houston we have a problem') was by far the biggest help for me! Thanks!


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3 hours ago, LiquidTension said:

Thank you all for the feedback!

And thank you so much LiquidTension for enduring the storm!

My hat is off to you and all on your team for an excellent job, A+!

Your team has saved my rear end hundreds of times with Malwarebytes and have generated countless dollars saved by me and my customers. You guys are still the best, including all your tools and identifying and grabbing up those excellent tools that we all have used before you got your hands on them.


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I enabled WEB Protection after installing the MWB component 1.0.527 update on 1/21. I have experienced no freezes since. My system (Win 7 Professional, 64 bit) is running as smoothly as it was before this issue arose. Thanks for working through the issues as quickly as you did given the difficulty of dealing with an intermittent fault.

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My MB has also been working fine without any lock-ups under WIndows 7 for >60 hours.  

As usual MB on-line support was excellent.

One tip - Bite the bullet.  If there is ever another confirmed MB freeze/lock-up or blue-screen bug for any version of Windows, please warn your existing users...

Personally I would appreciate a warning by E-Mail but could work with advice on a MB Facebook group if that is arranged and users advised that it will be used.

My best regards also to the technical staff who identified and corrected the problem.



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Thank you LiquidTension and exile360 for your many hours of interfacing between us customers and your gurus. As a tired old hardware developer I decided early on stay out of the fray and let those with far more software savvy run with it. And they did very well. Congrats to all. Personally I regressed to 482 mid December and still sitting on it. If all holds together until February I'll switch to 527.

But now that the fire is out and the smoke slowly dissipates, and everyone moves back into their comfort zone I find it interesting that many running only MWB had issues (like me), while others running only Avast or possibly another malware tool with or without MWB had issues. And I find your comment about "multi processors" having been affected by some MWB code in 508 really interesting. The problems people reported within 18 pages of this forum, to me ring of a variation/combination of Stuxnet, Spectre, and Meltdown aberrations.

Just FYI for the next time in white water.

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15 hours ago, abs7125 said:

Will MB be pushing this update to everyone? 

If you disabled to Automatically download and install applications component updates and Notify me when full versions updates are available, you probably won't get the update.... You would have to turn those back on and click Install Application Updates...

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Just FYI, the original user in this thread has reported that their issue with Malwarebytes causing the system to freeze when using Windows Mail and Google Chrome has also been fixed by the latest release so I suspect the impact of this multithreading architectural fix in the Web Protection driver may have wider implications in improving performance and fixing previously seemingly unconnected issues with the protection components in Malwarebytes 3.

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