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IMPORTANT: Web Blocking / RAM Usage

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I just finished...  Doing remote access when possible and driving to effected businesses to reboot.  Word to the wise:  small businesses with out cloud access, rdp, remote access (because the affected system doesn't have enough ram to function) need to reboot the affected system.  Don't wait.  My last stop had 3 computers with the problem and they where hot boxes.  You see some people with nic and ram problems, thats why.  You need to protect your hardware because of this issue.  I applaud mbam for the quick fix but it's not a total fix as someone may have to physically be at the system to reboot it.  Good luck to you.

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3 minutes ago, TerryH said:

This was no different than being hit with a virus and we're paying money for it. 

Maybe it's just me, but v3 is worse than any experience I could have in its absence. And I'm going on faith here that it actually protects me as there has been no video documentation that v3 protects against ransomware.

Edited by Telos
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I had issues this morning. Windows 7 Professional lagged terribly and shut down twice while I was troubleshooting. I turned off MB Web Protections, then windows shut down a third time while running scan. It ran very, very sl-o-o-o-wly. During the scan, a pop up windows message  not able to access licence or similar message. Cancelled scan.

Looking under settings, there is no update for the MB 3.3.1 Premium trial version to remediate today's issues.  MB / Settings/Scan folder options are Activate Licence (and enter key which did not come with the trial) or Update Now (select version to purchase/no upgrade for trial version offered).

Just now as I write, a "Program Compatibility Assistant window" opened with message: "Windows detected this program did not run correctly" and "has applied compatibility settings to this program". However, it looks like I have latest and greatest versions but still had problems: 

Installed Jan 17th, 2018 / MB V, Update package 1.0.3084 , Component Package 1.0.262 on Windows 7 Professional, 64bit

Was this connected to, or coincidentally a separate issue from this mornings issues? What can be done? Do I lose last 4 days of my trial? Spent 1/2 a day trying to fix this.

Please help


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2 hours ago, WatchingtheTaskManager said:

Hi mytimbuk2, I had the same issue. Uninstalling from the control panel straight up didn't work for me.

I was able to get it working by using the Malwarebytes Cleanup Utility to remove the entire program and then reinstalled. You can it find here https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-1112 or by going to the main site -> support -> home -> Uninstall / Reinstall -> How-To: Use the Malwarebytes Clean Uninstall Tool and downloading the tool from there...

Reinstall manually instead of letting the program do it for you and maybe use a older installation file if you still have it on your computer from when you first downloaded Malwarebytes. The one they are distributing from the main site seems to have something wrong with it, since it did not work when I ran it.

Yep, after hours of working on 3 computers, finally got it uninstalled in safe mode... took a long time of waiting.  Couldn't download or use computer without getting rid of it first, but gotter done, what a nightmare.  Should offer me another lifetime subscription... or at least a year free.

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19 minutes ago, TerryH said:

Absolutely! This was no different than being hit with a virus and we're paying money for it. 

Ditto!  And when all you've got is a frozen system, who and where is the clue that Malfunctionbytes is the culprit?? After multiple reboots and running WINSRT scanner, the process of elimination showed that only this junk release could be at fault. Oh, and having a second system handy that WASN'T running Malfunctionbytes helped a lot! As it is, I'm still sitting here with 1.0.whatever fix installed and web protection still cannot be activated. And everyone's gone home!

Edited by webbieadmin
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Actually, I appreciate the way it was handled.   Quick response, followed by a reasonable explanation, and a change of process.

Nobody's happy about suddenly seeing their RAM crank up to eleventy, but let's face it - mistakes happen.

And really, in terms of qualifying for the all-time list of software update glitches, I'm quite certain this one doesn't even rank in the Top 1000.



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Lost an entire day just wondering what was happening with my PC. I somehow managed in being able to turn off the automatic startup of MB, then had to unplugged my computer in order to be able to reboot. MB is still not running but what should I do now?

With all these replies I just cannot figure out if the problem is resolved or not.

What should I do now? Restart MB to download an update and hope that PC survives?

I swear, if I have to uninstall and reinstall this program one more time... I'm done.

Thanks for any help!





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During the web protection module palaver a few months ago, I was the first to...shall we say, forcefully express my annoyance. But credit where it's due, this update, which was released extremely quickly on a Saturday night has completely fixed all of my computers of the memory leak. Great job and thank you.

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1 minute ago, subtec said:

Actually, I appreciate the way it was handled.   Quick response, followed by a reasonable explanation, and a change of process.

Nobody's happy about suddenly seeing their RAM crank up to eleventy, but let's face it - mistakes happen.

And really, in terms of qualifying for the all-time list of software update glitches, I'm quite certain this one doesn't even rank in the Top 1000.



To most of us private users this was a hiccup. To some it is/was an expensive disaster. We pay companies like MBAM to protect us, therefore are held to a higher degree of  accountability. It obviously was not intentional, but it happened, and there is no excuse for it.

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43 minutes ago, small said:

Malwarebytes probably intercepts well over one hundred potential nasties per day on my system alone

I am assuming this is a shared system of some sort? If it is your personal computer then that doesn't seem normal at all. I have had two events total and one of them was a false positive...

Unless you're visiting sites you know are high risk you might have some sort of adware or something else on your computer.

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2 minutes ago, WatchingtheTaskManager said:

I am assuming this is a shared system of some sort? If it is your personal computer then that doesn't seem normal at all. I have had two events total and one of them was a false positive...

Unless you're visiting sites you know are high risk you might have some sort of adware or something else on your computer.

My home screen says "Real-Time detections: 582    Those are likely lifetime, not daily. ;)

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The level of my disappointment regarding this matter is well beyond the harshest swearwords in existence. For several years I have relied on, and paid Malwarebytes a bunch of sweet euros in license fees, but I’ve seen the software quality trend plummeting at an alarming rate lately, and now THIS.

I had been working on a time critical design project for 5–6 hours, when my screens suddenly just went blank. All screens, not just the main one. Blank, as in black, but not shut down like the video card wasn’t alive sending image data. Windows itself went…black. Ctrl+Shift+Esc to see what was going on didn’t help one damned bit.

Tried remoting to the machine, and at first it seemed able to connect, some windows flashed by but alas, close but no cigar. I had of course saved my work several times during the session, but I knew pressing the Reset button could possibly garble the document and ditch my work. But what to do??

And of f*cking course my system went bananas after I pressed Reset. Memory usage spiked, munching my entire 32 GB RAM to f*cking nichts! My hours of work is now wasted, and I have a machine that feels unstable (at the very least to say).

I HAVE NO TRUST IN YOU ANYMORE, MBAM! You will not be receiving as much as a cent from me anymore. Please go f*ck yourself at your earliest convenience.

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Look, I too am pissed.  I too have been inundated with client calls and panic.  I too wonder why.

Moreover, MY concern is purchasing the "TEAM" version with the statement of "Priority Support" 'Put your support at the front of the line'.

THIS was the ONLY purpose to buy the 'TEAM' version, none other.

At 10:09 PST (Malwarebytes timestamp) I sent this:





Their reply: (immediately)


Thank you for submitting your support request!

This is an automated email just to let you know we received your request and created ticket xxxxxxx for you. A support agent will get back to you shortly to address your request. In the meantime, you may find an answer to your issue in our Malwarebytes Support site.

Tip! Upgrading to the latest version of Malwarebytes fixes most of the issues you may be encountering. And we have KB articles to assist you:

- How to upgrade to the latest version of Malwarebytes 3
- How to activate Malwarebytes 3
- How to obtain your license information and confirmation email


Kevin Goodwin
Director, Malwarebytes Consumer Support


Then at 4:14 PM (EST) I get this:

Your support ticket xxxxxxx has been updated. Please reply to this email to update the ticket with any questions or additional information.

Tim (Malwarebytes Support)

Jan 27, 13:13 PST 

Hello Unhappy End User, welcome to Ky7CZ60.png Malwarebytes Customer Support! My name is Tim E. and I will be assisting you today

Thank you for getting in contact with us. I'm very sorry about this.

I will need to collect additional information in order to troubleshoot the issue. This can be accomplished with use of our Malwarebytes Support Tool, which automates collection of diagnostic information that will help us ascertain the cause of the issue you're experiencing.

DlGZXXt.png Malwarebytes Support Tool (MBST)
  • Please download MBST using the link below:
  • Once the file is downloaded, open your Downloadsfolder/location of the downloaded file.
  • Double-click DlGZXXt.png mb-support- to run the program.
  • Place a checkmark next to Accept License Agreement and click Next.
  • You will be presented with a page stating, "Welcome to the Malwarebytes Support Tool!". Please proceed with the instructions below.
  • Note: If you are you running the Windows XP Operating System, please skip the Online Log Collection instructions and proceed with Offline Log Collection below.

Online Log Collection
  • Click the Get Started button.
  • In the Email Address field, enter the following address: YOUR_EMAIL@YOU_ARE_SCREWED.NET
  • In the Ticket Number field, enter the following number: xxxxxxx
  • Click the Next button.
  • Note: If you receive a message stating, "Invalid information" please verify you have an active Internet connection and the above information has been entered correctly. If the message persists, please click the Previous button and skip to theOffline Log Collection instructions below.
  • If successful, the program will proceed to gather diagnostic information from your computer.
  • Upon completion, a message stating, "Logs have been uploaded successfully!" should be displayed.
  • Please click the Exit button. We will get back in contact with you shortly once the logs have been reviewed.

Offline Log Collection
  • Click the Advanced Options link.
  • Click the Gather Logs button.
  • A progress bar will appear and the program will proceed to gather diagnostic information from your computer.
  • Upon completion, click OK.
  • A file named HSPwQfy.png mbst-grab-results.zip will be saved to yourDesktop.
  • Please attach the file in your next email reply.

If you encounter any issues during the running of the tool, please let me know.


Tim E. | Malwarebytes Consumer Support | support.malwarebytes.com



We all remember when this program was free.  We all know they went commercial because they had the edge.  Now, we all got totally embarrassed because we persuaded our users to purchase/enlist in the subscription for a better level of protection.

This thread can go on for days, most likely someone will pull mine because of the frankness or they don't want my opinion stated here.

We are all kind of seemingly beta testing for Malwarebytes, and we should be given some compensation or acknowledgement if their incompetence is so blatant that this happened today.  Are they making so much money that they are enjoying capitalism and outsourcing to junior level engineers and developers?  Who is the over-see-er? 

Sure things like this happen, but how does one regain the trust and level of security demanded in todays vicious environment?

Now, all wee need to do is have them issue a 100 page, "Terms and Agreement", 'disclaimer' and everything to make sure they are shielded from legal action.  Watch, my predictions usually come true.  They are out of business in 5 years.  I can share additional nightmare stories with similar situations, as I'm sure we all can.  I hope I don't get sued because of this.  I know I lost a lot of confidence in my user base today, even though I was able to recover the majority of end users from this nightmare.

Edited by guruuno
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This is totally unacceptable!!! I have been chasing what I thought was a virus affecting my entire company's computers as they all became unresponsive at the same time. I have been working on this for 12 hours. WHY didn't you send an email to your customers!!!!!  I have all my customers purchase your product and now I look like a fool as I have been getting calls all day. Don't you test your product before pushing it out

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