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Editing profile

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I think permissions related to profile editing were changed to discourage and cripple spammers that comes on the forums. Admins/Staff knows more about this than me, but I recall them mentionning it when people asked similar questions in the General Chat 1-2 months ago.

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7 minutes ago, daman1 said:

Using IE11 ???

I have a 173 posts i would think i would have by now???


5 minutes ago, Aura said:

I think permissions related to profile editing were changed to discourage and cripple spammers that comes on the forums. Admins/Staff knows more about this than me, but I recall them mentionning it when people asked similar questions in the General Chat 1-2 months ago.

^ this.

@daman1 - we're going to be discussing this policy and seeing if we need to adjust it for users like you. It's a bit down in the priority list right now.

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5 minutes ago, msherwood said:


^ this.

@daman1 - we're going to be discussing this policy and seeing if we need to adjust it for users like you. It's a bit down in the priority list right now.

Under stood and thank you...i would like to be able to edit it as I'm sure others would also.

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  • Administrators
1 minute ago, daman1 said:

Under stood and thank you...i would like to be able to edit it as I'm sure others would also.

Agreed! I think the current setup is an all-or-nothing thing and primarily done to help with spam. @AdvancedSetup and the rest of our team is going to be reviewing stuff like this.

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In my opinion it really needs to be post count because I've seen spammers with active unused accounts sitting there for months before the bots finally returned to fill in the spam content/links etc. into their profiles so time/length of account won't block/filter them out. That's just my opinion based on my own experience and observations of course, so even though I am a member of the Malwarebytes staff, I am not the one making the decisions about this so my opinions here are not official or anything.

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Sorry, but to answer this fully you will need to put up with me for a lengthy post. Not by intention, but at this stage there are several items missing that I will try to fill in ...

Firstly @  Porthos, that 20 or 50 posts was allowing you to edit your post, as the Experts always wanted the script that you posted, not an edited version, since they could miss replies. In your Screen ID. there was always a section that showed if you had changed your Screen Name at any time (so we could trace your history and issues), and Spammers

>Keeping track of members is always a reasonable criteria, and continuity of the forum. I would prefer that each member makes a personal request to people like AdvancedSetup, or at at least a request to exile360, as these two people generally controlled the Forum / Board, and have since the program initiated a public forum in 2008. As of 2008 when we started, AdvancedSetup seemed to organize the daily running of the public forum and helped with Malware removal, while exile360 was from the start a major part of adjusting and adding corrections to the program, and assisting the Home Users that acted as helpers in basic areas. While both of them have almost put 10 years at the Forum Head. I am not aware of your current "back-room" deals,

Marcin as Root Admin always wanted this basic program (MBAM) to succeed and keep it as simple to use as it could be, but in first early versions like 1.30 and up to 1.75, it had a few flaws (as it still has). I still fail to see the names of these 3 people in your HALL  OF  FAME list.

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I think the post count of 100 is fair enough. By than you know for sur someone is really participate seriously on the forum and not a spammer.



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@daman1 I think for now you must have more than 200 post count, it worked for me above than just be patience and when you have something very need to change send an private message to ask one of the adminstrators want to change it for you if not just wait, no need to be mad about it. ^_^

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Just a reminder that this isn't an "issue" nor a "bug" and therefore cannot be fixed as such. Users will have access to the Edit Profile feature once the Staff agrees on the prerequisites needed to access that feature. For now, all we can do is wait for them to decide and comeback to us with a decision,

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