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10 minutes ago, kola1 said:

I just had one of my machines update from V4 to V5 on it's own :(

That should not happen on its own. It is not even happening with the manual check for update button. Just checked my self.


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On 3/13/2024 at 9:53 AM, Porthos said:

Was this the first scan on each? Has the subsequent scans had the same result?

It's happening with every scan on both machines.

The scans themselves are not freezing and they do complete in reasonable time, it's just the UI that stops showing the progress for a while.
So it's no big problem - if you know it happens.

Additional, while typing this I was running another scan on the second laptop. (Just to check if it was still doing it today).
This time the display froze twice, firstly at Scaning memory for a few minutes, then it jumped to Scanning file system and froze there for another minute or so.

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I had another though about this UC freezing that I'm seeing, so did some testing.

I changed the scan priority:

Result - no more UI freezing, but obviously longer to scan.

(I didn't have anything else open myself, but of course Windows is always doing stuff in the background).

I then switched back to higher priority scans, quit Malwarebytes, Restarted the laptop, and ran a new scan.
The freezing behaviour returned, but oddly had changed.
It now froze for shorter periods and at multiple various stages throughout the whole scan - more 'stuttering' than freezing.
Possibly that's a consequence of running multiple scans in short succession?

I then tested the same tweak on the other machine.
A scan run in lower priority mode showed no UI freezing there either.
Switching back to higher priority scans and Restarting the laptop etc, again resulted in more of a stuttering than a freezing.

To me it looks very much like a buffering issue, such as you will sometimes see when streaming media,

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On 2/22/2024 at 11:30 AM, Wisewiz said:

They added a non-removable ad for Premium Plus to the right-click menu:


@Wisewiz we've improved the tray menu shortcut with the latest beta release (release details here).



On 2/23/2024 at 6:03 AM, Dave77 said:

Just upgraded to Malwarebytes 5 on a test machine. As Privacy VPN is now built in, we have lost the visual indicator that the VPN is connected:



Version 4 taskbar with VPN installed: image.jpeg.37fc83e1ed5d130ea815448286611062.jpeg

This is a significant problem, as you can no longer just glance to check if VPN is connected, or hover over to check status and server.

@Dave77 we've released a work-around improvement for this with the latest beta release - VPN status now shows when hovering over tray icon (release details here). We will continue improving this experience in upcoming releases so that the status is visible without the need to hover over the tray icon.

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29 minutes ago, H4V0C said:

@Dave77 we've released a work-around improvement for this with the latest beta release - VPN status now shows when hovering over tray icon (release details here). We will continue improving this experience in upcoming releases so that the status is visible without the need to hover over the tray icon.

Many thanks.

I have noticed that even this first workaround has been 'dumbed down' compared to the hover over in the stand-alone Malwarebytes Privacy:


I look forward to the future improvements, and hope we can get back the missing features.

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I'm a long time Microsoft Systems Engineer, tech support guy, (over 25 years) and Malwarebytes User and strong supporter, promoter of the Malwarebytes product and brand for the last 14 years.

Exposing, displaying, or showing "Other Devices" names to the user listing to others who do NOT know each other is a definite bad no no and in my opinion a privacy administration and security issue.

The HOSTNAME or PC name identification info about the other activated devices using Malwarebytes should absolutely be private and hidden from the user interface. Please note that you never had that showing in previous versions EVER. No normal user should have knowledge of the others network host computer name. Security Security Security, Privacy issue!

It does NOT HELP anyone. Only account holders using the Subscriber Dashboard  IT GUY Administrator accounts with sign on should see that info for management purposes like always.

Please remove the OTHER DEVICES listing in the User Interface.

I don't want to have to explain or get embarrassed explaining to users those are NOT their computers AND TO NOT WORRY they were NOT HACKED, ITS JUST A GLITCH. :(

Please "do the needful" Change and Fix quickly as a priority item on your escalation fix list!



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I don't agree. 

The names on a PC display mean nothing.  They are  just names.  To get it, one would have access to the PC and once there there is far more valuable information to be harvested and profited from.  Names of other devices are not a "valuable" target once the Insider Threat has been accomplished.


Edited by David H. Lipman
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1 minute ago, wisemantek said:

I'm a long time Microsoft Systems Engineer, tech support guy, (over 25 years) and Malwarebytes User and strong supporter, promoter of the Malwarebytes product and brand for the last 14 years.

Exposing, displaying, or showing "Other Devices" names to the user listing to others who do NOT know each other is a definite bad no no and in my opinion a privacy administration and security issue.

The HOSTNAME or PC name identification info about the other activated devices using Malwarebytes should absolutely be private and hidden from the user interface. Please note that you never had that showing in previous versions EVER. No normal user should have knowledge of the others network host computer name. Security Security Security, Privacy issue!

It does NOT HELP anyone. Only account holders using the Subscriber Dashboard  IT GUY Administrator accounts with sign on should see that info for management purposes like always.

Please remove the OTHER DEVICES listing in the User Interface.

I don't want to have to explain or get embarrassed explaining to users those are NOT their computers AND TO NOT WORRY they were NOT HACKED, ITS JUST A GLITCH. :(

Please "do the needful" Change and Fix quickly as a priority item on your escalation fix list!



Hi, I'm Michael and lead our product team here. I really appreciate you taking the time make an account and share your feedback. We've got an open discussion on this right now. Our original intent with this feature was for users to see all of their Malwarebytes products and then some info and maybe even actions they can take (remotely) from one interface. Think extremely basic and light remote management of their apps - that even an end user can use and get value from. <- I too am a long time tech so I think about these things often and don't want to make the average users' experience confusing or worse, less secure.

Please keep your feedback coming in as it helps us shape the future of our apps. 

And thanks for being a loyal user all of these years. :)

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If the devs were to remove the two sections people have objected to here, they could keep the slick new dashboard design and still get the program window back to the size it had before. That would be, as Martha Stewart would say, a GOOD THING.



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1 hour ago, wisemantek said:

I'm a long time Microsoft Systems Engineer, tech support guy, (over 25 years) and Malwarebytes User and strong supporter, promoter of the Malwarebytes product and brand for the last 14 years.

Exposing, displaying, or showing "Other Devices" names to the user listing to others who do NOT know each other is a definite bad no no and in my opinion a privacy administration and security issue.

The HOSTNAME or PC name identification info about the other activated devices using Malwarebytes should absolutely be private and hidden from the user interface. Please note that you never had that showing in previous versions EVER. No normal user should have knowledge of the others network host computer name. Security Security Security, Privacy issue!

It does NOT HELP anyone. Only account holders using the Subscriber Dashboard  IT GUY Administrator accounts with sign on should see that info for management purposes like always.

Please remove the OTHER DEVICES listing in the User Interface.

I don't want to have to explain or get embarrassed explaining to users those are NOT their computers AND TO NOT WORRY they were NOT HACKED, ITS JUST A GLITCH. :(

Please "do the needful" Change and Fix quickly as a priority item on your escalation fix list!



Thank you for the feedback @wisemantek. Can you provide some additional context to help us design a solution with your needs in mind?

Are you using Malwarebytes for personal or business use?

  • If personal usage,
    • How many users are on the account you manage?
    • What concerns do you have about other family members knowing the hostname of the other devices on the account? What would they do with that information that makes this a security/privacy issue for you?
  • If business usage,
    • How many users are on the account you manage?
    • Subscription details: Did you purchase a Malwarebytes Standard (formerly Malwarebytes Premium) license or a Malwarebytes for Teams license?
    • Other than the account owner, do any of the other device users need access to the device list shown in the Other devices section?
Edited by H4V0C
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Thank you for the update and replies. Only displaying what's required in a less busy screen display of options, links, things that require additional unnecessary tech questions answered is a terrific idea. 

Otherwise unnecessary tickets and extra precious time will be lost as an IT Support guy. We will be required to explain The "Other Devices" questions. 

For example: Basic Normal User Call Hey WiseManTek, Who is this MrSmithPC, DingDongServer, MrsJonesCpu, and FBiVanPC, showing on my  Malwarebytes screen for some reason under this area called Other Devices?

ME (WiseManTek): Uhhh sorry about that sir or madam. Pay no attrition to that extra stuff. Just know that your current device is activated and is perfectly fine and protected. 

Must be a bug or addtional feature or something.  Let me research and see if I can  remove that or disable thst from view or something. ... I'll look into it further and get back you.??

Perhaps something can be managed to display or not display from subscriber account dashboard or tick box setting to hide or something??? Just another idea to help. Cheers 

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For me the issue is that I don't have the MB VPN and I don't have any other devices on my one device license.  In my case the whole VPN section and Other Devices section are not meaningful.  The VPN section in particular ends up just being an ad for the VPN software which I'm not going to ever install.

I would prefer that MB not display these sections unless the VPN is installed (for the VPN section) and the license is for more than one device (for the Other Devices section).  My second choice would be for MB to add an option so that each of these sections can be hidden unless we wish to see them.

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I agree with BillH99999 post suggestion and those ideas should be considered to be implemented on next upcoming builds very soon.

"...MB not display these sections unless the VPN is installed (for the VPN section) and the license is for more than one device (for the Other Devices section).  My second choice would be for MB to add an option so that each of these sections can be hidden unless we wish to see them" 

I agree! a CHOICE (option) to hide. Choices for On and OFF OR HIDE are excellent  design! Let the owner DECIDE and control what to see or not see.

I did tech support for thousands of users and customers for big tech companies for many many years and trust me, the less (pop-ups) they see or know anout the better the experience and the happier the customer. 😃

This is going to catch on fire as Malwarebytes will lose quality and simplicity for what it is famous and known for.

It is my recommended choice to all people I know for protection on thier technology and I manage about 100 Malwarebytes activated devices annually and promote the product and stand by it stating to all that I know can sleep at night knowing that you have Malwarebytes installed versus other products that miss the mark.

Please 🙏 continue to be good. 😎 

Don't lose your crown and reputation. 🫅

Love you ❤️  - Fix it. 😆 

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On 3/14/2024 at 2:48 PM, Porthos said:

@nukecad A log from the support tool would help.

Apologies Porthos, I somehow missed that post.

To be clear I personally do not having a problem with this display stuttering/hanging at all.

I know that it's just the UI display graphics stuttering and that the scan itself is running as it should.
I know that it may well be because my two laptops are getting old and so are lower spec than newer machines.

I was just pointing out that it happens, and on both my laptops.
I'm pretty sure that as v5 gets more widely distributed you will have others, probably others with older/lower spec machines like my laptops, seeing the same.

So I don't need any help that would require a log, and TBH I don't see how it would help the dev's track down the cause (other confirming that my laptops are old).
But if you would still like one anyway then give a shout and I'll take the time to download the latest Support Tool and get a log next time I do a scan.

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@digmorcrusher Ain't that NICE? You don't have Plus, so you're not seeing the stuff that's aimed at the Plus subscribers. Yay!

AAAAND ... WAIT for it ... The right-click menu is tidied up now, because the hover-balloon does the job for Plus subscribers. Yay!

Two giant leaps forward in one update!


Edited by Wisewiz
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I have a question,
I have VPN and Malwarebyte on my system.
Is it still the case that no update to version 5 can take place if VPN 3.17 is installed?
Will this be changed in the course of time?


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