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digmorcrusher last won the day on November 24 2023

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  1. Gorgeous vehicles, would love to own one. Cars today are just computers with 4 wheels, too much tech that isn't really needed for the most part.
  2. This is a good idea. However the main point of contention, for myself, is having all these features contained in a single app. This means that people will have to install these features even if they don't want them. You should never have to install something you don't want or need. Not sure how you would get around this other than having checkboxes upon installation as to what you want to install or seperate programs which it seems you do not want to do.
  3. If your going to have a program with a bunch of features that are included then the only way would be to offer the user a choice as to what they can install the first time they use MB. For example have a box where the user can opt out of installing the VPN or Identity Protection etc. When they do this the gui show not show these features, not show any ads for these features, or be configurable where they can remove these features themselves. This way users can choose as to how bloated or lean their MB program is.
  4. I'll bite. Your doing all this for one reason only, to make money. Its just my opinion but I do not like my AV to be complicated or bloated with a bunch of nonsense I don't want such as a password manager or VPN. And I absolutely abhor any advertising in a paid program. The reason I stopped using Emsisoft is because of the management console they implemented which made doing anything overly complicated. Your going in a direction I do not like, however, I'm sure you wouldn't be doing it if your research has not shown that the majority of your users are ok with it. I'm sure they will absolutely pay more for shiny new features they may or may not need. Best of luck.
  5. Hmm, I uninstalled MBAM about a week ago to test something else. I won't be reinstalling if my paid version gets ads.
  6. YUp, there's plenty around here but you don't see them out in the open that much, I might see one once every 2 years.
  7. Unfortunately I think your not going to get a new car out of these. Maybe a cup of coffee. 😁 https://www.usmint.gov/coins/coin-medal-programs/presidential-dollar-coin/thomas-jefferson https://www.usmint.gov/coins/coin-medal-programs/presidential-dollar-coin/ulysses-grant
  8. Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canucks.
  9. Yup, 2 grandparents born in Romania/Ukraine.
  10. I love beets and make 3 or 4 big pots of borsch per year but not sure I want to guzzle beet juice anytime soon.😜
  11. Come on now you can't live on meat alone, at least that what my doc says. Although meat makes the meal as far as I'm concerned
  12. Sorry to torture you.🤤
  13. Wow, has it come to this? Are people so addicted to their screens that lack of exercise causes them not to be able to touch their toes. I'm 66, 30 lbs. overweight and I can get half of my fingers on the floor and am fairly certain with a bit of a warmup could get most of my palm on the floor with no knee bending. Now.... off to prepare supper, bbq ribeye steak and asparagus. 😋
  14. Will be shorts weather here soon, supposed to be 18 C today. Leafs starting to come out on trees and grass turning green.
  15. Not exactly what you are looking for but could save you in an emergency. https://www.lifealert.com/
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