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IMPORTANT: Web Blocking / RAM Usage

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I too spent numerous hours diagnosing my older desktop computer, receiving error messages about memory, Chrome, several other programs running, etc.  I thought my eight year old system was starting to pass away, and buying another one was now necessary.  I'm in IT and take care of numerous client computer systems.  Thankfully, most clients are shut down during the weekend, so it wasn't quite as bad for me as many others on this forum.  It finally dawned on me that the culprit could be MBAM, and I went into the settings and disabled all real-time options.  After restarting the system, things were back to normal.  

I remember the last time MBAM pushed out a faulty update that made the program go crazy and start quarantining hundreds of Windows processes, again crippling my computer.  I turned off the auto quarantine option, and vowed never to turn it back on if something so simple could have such devastating consequences.  We were told at that time that MBAM was completely overhauling their update system to prevent something like this from happening again.  Well, here we are today with something similar.  

I won't be turning on real time protection again.  I'm now going to recommend all clients never upgrade to the premium product, and those that have will keep real time protection turned off.  I love using MBAM as the occasional malware scanner, but it's obvious their software developers can't handle their now complicated real time antivirus product.

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I have uninstalled MBAM premium from both of my PCs permanently after this disaster. I have had a lifetime license and was a loyal customer for five years. Now Kaspersky Total Security is handling all malware protection going forward. Malwarebytes has lost many customers because of this. New customers will be filing for refunds and businesses whose servers were affected will be filing class action lawsuits.

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This has been a day from hell. Could not do anything on my computer all day. It would boot up but was frozen - cursor just spun out of control. After hours was finally able to delete malwarebytes which solved my problem. Too bad things like this happen. I only figured it out when I finally remembered last year had a similar problem which turned out to be your program. 

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Yes, this happened to me last night. Malwarebytes (Premium) was using 8 million k of my memory, increasing every second. The problem I found was that Web Protection was turned off, and when I tried to turn it on it sat at 'starting' indefinitely.

(Edit this happened between 2:45 and 4 am Australian time.)

I uninstalled, CCleaned and reinstalled, and Malwarebytes seems fine today, but I really, really do not want this to happen again. It crashed my computer several times.

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3 hours ago, pcolaagent said:

Hi back at ya from Florida, what a day. Spent the entire day on this issue. I suspect this will hit the news and my past thoughts on  "relax Malwarebytes is active"  days are over. Today they became the nightmare for many. The only positive I see is the amount of new registering on the forum boards today, not sure that is a good thing though .Mine is uninstalled, I'll see what happens before deciding to reinstall in the future.

Hello here from the night,

I haven't seen such a disaster like this in 20 years. Presumably the from Malwarebytes wanted to send an update before the weekend and hadn't checked this before.

Anyway, I'm very tired here and going to sleep now. ;)

At least today I learned a lot of (funny9 sayings from the States that I had never heard before. :lol:

Despite all the trouble, I wish everyone here from Schleswig-Holstein a nice Sunday! :)


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It was throwing up Windows memory low errors for me within about 6 to 8 minutes (at a guess) after each reboot making my PC unusable *see pic at the bottom of my post.. yikes!.

Web protection said it was off on my system and on my friends, it's back on again now since it's been fixed.

After figuring out that it was MBAMService doing it I quit Malwarebytes but MBAMService couldn't be stopped, it was stuck on stopping and it wouldn't stop manually so it never did, nor obviously did the memory problem.

I watched MBAMService slowly eating up all of the memory on my PC via Resource Monitor after a restart.

The switch [Start Malwarebytes at Windows Startup] doesn't work!, the program just starts up again at reboot, the switch just kept resetting to on, maybe if I'd done it 12 odd times it would of stayed off, see *things you still need to fix below.

I cut my internet connection and did a system restore before figuring it out, I then uninstalled Malwarebytes so I could use my PC again.

Friends were phoning me up for help as I was still trying to work out for myself what was causing it, they said their laptops were running slow.


Things you still need to fix:

After reinstalling Malwarebytes I had to keep switching [Usage and Threat Statistics] and [Scan for rootkits] on and off at least 12 times each over many minutes to finally get one of them to stay on and the other to stay off as they kept automatically resetting.

The switch [Start Malwarebytes at Windows Startup] doesn't work either, the program just starts up again at reboot, the switch just kept resetting back to on, maybe 12 tries would of done it maybe not.
Perhaps more switches that I've never tried also do the same?.

When I set a password in Malwarebytes why do I have to keep entering it for every single new tab that I click on after already having entered the password once?, the old version of Malwarebyes used to let you navigate around all of the settings tabs after entering the password only once and it only locked again after closing the program interface.

Why does Malwarebytes keep trying to contact the license server when I have a lifetime license and even when I have no internet connection?, what's the point other than the annoyance?, it's a lifetime license so how many times does it really need to check it?!.

Other than the glitches, thanks.


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After 5 hrs of trying to reboot a system and determine why each request takes at least 30 seconds to process and each reboot became a walk-away-and-come-back-later thing, I finally figured out Malwarebytes was corrupted. 

Then after trying to determine WTF was going on with the app, I decided to uninstall using Revo. The app’s uninstaller freezes so Revo hangs.  

Malwarebytes won’t open now because the service can’t be found.

Was  finally able to close app but system now taking about a minute to process a request.

Would've been great to get an emergency email announcement  with instructions.

Ya’ know, every minute a screw up takes from a user’s life to fix is like a mike off a tire: you can’t get it back. Time is our most precious non-renewable resource. It angers me to have it wasted.

I am out of ideas how to proceed so I can get my system operating again. I am dead on the water and tired of wasting my life on this.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  

Many thanks.



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3 hours ago, Porthos said:

It was a DATABASE and not new software. There are many of those per day. That is what protects your computer from current threats.

Alter, was lese ich hier?

And did that protect my computer and my friends or what? What a stupid comment.

This database was the threat!


I can only shake my head with it (no idea if that's what they say in the States).

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2 hours ago, TerryH said:

To most of us private users this was a hiccup. To some it is/was an expensive disaster. We pay companies like MBAM to protect us, therefore are held to a higher degree of  accountability. It obviously was not intentional, but it happened, and there is no excuse for it.

Well, not if you as a private user had installed this software also on Comuter of friends / family etc.. Of course, this was certainly a catastrophe for a company or PC dealer supporter.

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A 22 page post on a forum, most of us have never used is not the optimal way to notify paying customers that you have discovered a bug in your new release.

Fact is, most of us have trusted Malwarebytes for so many years now, that we may not have even considered it to be part of the problem as we each spent hours of our time today trying to troubleshoot system failures.

I lost a day ... and the ripple effect of the people I interacted with who had to interact with me while I was frustrated with an unresolved technical problem is exponential.  Truly the ripple effect of the pebble in the pond.  I'll own it as a Zen teaching and put it in my pocket for next time.

The irony of course is that I didn't ever figure the issue out on my own.  I had a call from my 75 year old father who just got off a 45 minute phone call with tech support at Dell.  And yes, as a CIO for 25 years myself, I feel embarrassed for how far off the bleeding edge of trouble shooting I have fallen since I left my career a decade ago.

And I realize this is a long and pointless rant.  But it's been a VERY long and in retrospect pointless day and I can't help but feel much of this could have been avoided by pushing out an email to your community.

I'm turning off my auto-subscription tonight.  And will have to consider how to proceed after I have a chance to mull over all of the after effects of today.

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3 hours ago, small said:

Absolutely gobsmacked at the number of people bitching about this problem.  On average, Malwarebytes probably intercepts well over one hundred potential nasties per day on my system alone, for which I am eternally grateful.

Are you kidding us around here? What kind of pages do you visit? Dubious po*n sites?
In the last few years, I've only received a warning from MBAM. Do you run a server? If so, for their security there is better software.

And yes, I have paid for this software and I don't expect such a disaster. Mistakes always happen, but this was more than just a mistake. And as a customer, you can also complain about that.

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9 minutes ago, MsKarma said:

A 22 page post on a forum, most of us have never used is not the optimal way to notify paying customers that you have discovered a bug in your new release.

Fact is, most of us have trusted Malwarebytes for so many years now, that we may not have even considered it to be part of the problem as we each spent hours of our time today trying to troubleshoot system failures.

I lost a day ... and the ripple effect of the people I interacted with who had to interact with me while I was frustrated with an unresolved technical problem is exponential.  Truly the ripple effect of the pebble in the pond.  I'll own it as a Zen teaching and put it in my pocket for next time.

The irony of course is that I didn't ever figure the issue out on my own.  I had a call from my 75 year old father who just got off a 45 minute phone call with tech support at Dell.  And yes, as a CIO for 25 years myself, I feel embarrassed for how far off the bleeding edge of trouble shooting I have fallen since I left my career a decade ago.

And I realize this is a long and pointless rant.  But it's been a VERY long and in retrospect pointless day and I can't help but feel much of this could have been avoided by pushing out an email to your community.

I'm turning off my auto-subscription tonight.  And will have to consider how to proceed after I have a chance to mull over all of the after effects of today.

You're so right!

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I'm an old guy (70) and a network admin for 35yrs. I've used products & services from hundreds of vendors over the years. I can't think of a single major vendor (over a continuum of years) that has not made a few bad mistakes. MB immediately owned up, didn't whitewash or tie it to anything else & got a fix out quickly.  I respect them for that and will not write them off due to a single mistake over many years. I’ve used MB on multiple workstations for many years and their track record is a very good one. Also, I’ve made my share of whoppers. My simple solution before any fix was available was to first look for any application specific clues (in this case MB because the “Real Time Web Protection” kept bombing) and then did a 2 minute Google search for “MB problems with today’s date” (via web on my phone) and was able to confirm the hunch. I then “Booted in Safe Mode (F8 while booting)”, went to Services, set the MB service from Automatic to Manual & rebooted.  The memory usage dropped back to normal and a few hours later MB had a fix. For me, doing some basic “non-it” detective work before starting down rabbit holes that keeps me out of trouble.  MB's been a solid outfit for allot of years and they still have my confidence! 

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I was playing Warcraft, in a Raid, when my system froze. At first I thought it was my Graphics card dying. I re-booted, I had to, my computer became unresponsive.

Three times I tried to restart my system, yet it crashed almost immediately. (Edit, I admit I may have cried.)

On the fourth try my computer booted with some semblance of competence. It was crunching, so I checked Task manager and saw 8 million k memory usage (ever increasing) by Malwarebytes services.exe (I think, it was 4am by this stage.) So I uninstalled, rebooted again, re-installed Malwarebytes, ran the update and my system was perfect.

I am so thankful for the quick fix, and more thankful that the constant crashes didn't damage my system.

I lost my spot in the Raid. (I was top heals, too!) so I'll have to kill Illidan in Timewalking today. At least I can feel confident that my Graphic's card was not the issue, and that I won't crash from the game this time.

Edited by Lisselle
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Yep, I got hosed too - lost about 6 hours trying to get one of my systems to function again.  No unhappy users other than my wife.

Screwups happen - but mb folks, you burnt up a hell of a lot of good will in your customer base.

Now you gotta figure out how to earn it back: this is day zero ...


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Thanks for your kind reply. After a sanity break, I returned and found your post. After finally being able to close down the service that was consuming 85% of memory, I downloaded the tool but opted to not reinstall on my desktop. I have yet to checkout my laptop but am hoping for better results as it’s been shutdown all day.

Just for grins, I then ran Revo’s Forced Uninstall and as I assumed would happen, it found that MB’s tool did not perform as cleanly as claimed. 


Well said. It wasn’t a pointless rant at all. And it was reasoned and quite literate. 

We agree that pushing an email to paid users would’ve greatly helped. 

I too am no longer on the bleeding edge after retiring 6 years ago. In fact, I don’t even see the edge in my rearview mirror. That is something I’m quite content with.


I agree that MB folks owned the issue right away. How could they not?

They also got a fix out PDQ. How could they not?

I’m not as sure about my future with them as you are yours. Trust has to be earned in the game they chose to play in even more so than in the average software dev markets. 

I like your forgiving position. I also know that once folks mess up big they tend to work harder to not repeat it and use the humbling experience to improve in practice and spirit. 

My only question, from one old guy to another, is: Why didn’t you share your insights earlier?



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The easiest way around it today was to go into services and change startup to "disabled" on the Malwarebytes Service and restart(unfortunately had to do this immediately after a restart to avoid the lag from it using all the physical memory) ; this fix helped our business for the the roughly 3.5 - 4 hours it was a problem.  Once I realized there was a fix i went into services and change startup to "automatic" on the Malwarebytes Service, waited for it to start, opened Malwarebytes and clicked "current" next updates and waited it for it for it to download and apply update.  I did also have to either restart again or Task Manager and end the MBAMservice and restart Malwarebytes, depending on the computer.....problem solved.  This was not fun, but at least we kept business going with this little interruption.

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1 hour ago, X-Ray said:

Hello here from the night,

I haven't seen such a disaster like this in 20 years. Presumably the from Malwarebytes wanted to send an update before the weekend and hadn't checked this before.

Anyway, I'm very tired here and going to sleep now. ;)

At least today I learned a lot of (funny9 sayings from the States that I had never heard before. :lol:

Despite all the trouble, I wish everyone here from Schleswig-Holstein a nice Sunday! :)


LOL Thanks for the chuckle, sweetdreams

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From old guy to old guy: Sorry for not getting on to the forum at the beginning. We have a virulent form of flu in the valley here right now and I've been sick as a dog. My wife basically cattle proded me out of bed to fix her workstation earlier and I went back to bed after fixing (with my low tech solution). When I got back up a little bit ago & checked the forum, I felt compelled to say a few good words about MB. It was a duzy of a mistake, but in using them for many years at many clients, I thought  some of the vicious comments were over the top in relation to their overall track record.  In years past, I've seen people like Norton put out techno babble excuses to mitigate a few of their screw ups. MB didn't do that, which I respect. If they have both their heart & ethics in the game (coupled with a good track record), they are worth a second chance in my book. Allot of these software companies have so many hooks into our PC's that their ethics & honesty matter as much to me as their code

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