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Could you please add a progress bar?

Jim G

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Well, what you can do is, run a quick scan a few times (and a full scan if you like too), take note of how long it takes, and then you can use that to gauge approximately how long your scan is going to take for each scan type :)

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I guess some reasoning would be just if you haven't seen the thread... Basically this has been discussed several times as mentioned in previous posts above but I believe the reason behind not implementing the progress bar is because there would be no way to accurately measure the progress.

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Well, I know that the program cannot detect how many files and folders there are, so it's hard to make the progress bar. But how about calculate the total files first?

What I mean is not the quick scan, it is so quick that user doesn't need a progress bar, but the full scan took quite a long time. I found that when I check the property of drive C: in "My Computer", Windows can calculate the total size of drive C very fast. So if MBAM does this first, the program can know the total size to scan, then the program can calculate the progress.

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Well , we all know a quick scan (the usual type) takes 5-7 mins - End of scan - What more can you want ??

Even the Spybot bar hesitates and hangs at times - It is not a timer - I know of NO accurate scan time bar - Even my Avira bar gets to 99.8% and then hangs for the next few mins -

As said by TeMerc !!!!! - Never - And by me why ???

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i dont see the point.i know how long it should take quick or full scan.

i really hope this isnt thrown in,the program would use resources (even if only slightly) and myself i feel it would be a step in the wrong direction.thats how some others ended up being tossed in the waste basket;at first great dection rates then frills,then a crap bloated program.

frills dont intrest me at all,dection rates do.

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I agree with you, but the users have spoken (enough to persuade the developers), so that's what matters here. Malwarebytes' is the type of company (at least in my experience) that listens to its users regardless of how against implementing a change the developers may be, the upcoming exclusion feature for the IP Protection module is a prime example, as is this. I don't think they'll ever stop their work to keep up with the latest threats though, that's always been their primary focus, and based on the individuals who handle the defs and the program, I don't see that changing no matter what other features get added to the program :) .

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