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About gringo_pr

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  1. Hello Unwarped You should reach out to your hosting company and find out if they can remedy it
  2. Hello unwarped This is William from the helpdesk I sent you an email directly after you received that explaining that it was in error and that the block is coming from the IP address that the website is being hosted on is what is being blocked
  3. I am working this case on the Help-desk and it looks to be fixed at this time
  4. Hello TJL I have replied to your support ticket with all the relevant information I am going to close the forum ticket and if you could reply to the support ticket with any other question you may have
  5. I have replied to your support ticket - please continue with me there
  6. Hello LGM4U I am very happy we were able to come to an agreement on the helpdesk - I am going to close this ticket and have a wonderful Christmass
  7. Hello LGM4U I have reviewed your case on the help desk and I have reached out to you in a new ticket - please follow-up with me in the email I sent to you
  8. Hello Guys I have a client at the help desk that has this suggestion I find I difficult to access data on dashboard as the white is too bright and the printed instruction on your new malwarebytes cannot be seen clearly,.and seem to get lost within the white background. Not just by myself but others have commented also. Can you make the Dashboard and the rest more user friendly, otherwise it will only be used by individuals with extremely good eyesight. The previous malwarebytes was much easier to read Good look.x Gringo
  9. Hello First thing I would like you to try is to start in safe mode and let me know if it starts in the normal account Reboot your computer in Safe Mode. For Windows 8 or Windows 10 follow the instructions here – http://www.howtogeek.com/107511/how-to-boot-into-safe-mode-on-windows-8-the-easy-way/ For all other Windows operating systems follow the instructions here – http://support.eset.com/kb2268/?locale=en_US Gringo
  10. Hello Zer0day You can find them in this folder C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MBAMService Gringo
  11. Hello Chamm go into Settings > Protection > Exploit Protection > Manage Protection Applications and then turn off protection on your specific browsers. Gringo
  12. Hello Sophie707 I would like you to open Malwarebytes and click on settings Go to the protection tab at the top you will find 4 on and off switches - I would like you to turn them off and try to run a scan - then turn them on one at a time till you find the one that is giving trouble when you find the one that is giving trouble can you come back here and let us know gringo
  13. Hello I will need to get a couple of reports to start with First open Malwarebytes> click Settings>Application and enable the Event Data log. Wait a few minutes and then I would like you to zip up the report and send it to me please c:\program data\Malwarebytes\Mbamservice\logs\MBAMSERVICE.log After you've done that, turn off the Event Data log option. . This next scanner will not make any changes to your machine on its own, nor will it divulge any personal information that may compromise your security. Please download Farbar Recovery Scan Tool from here http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/farbar-recovery-scan-tool/ and save it to your desktop. Note: You need to run the version compatible with your system. **After you click the Download Now 64-bit, another page will open — DO NOT CLICK ANY ADDITIONAL 'download now' buttons, just wait and look toward the bottom of your browser for the option to Run or Save. Click Save. •Double-click to run it. Note: If you are prompted by Windows SmartScreen, click More info followed by Run anyway. •Click the Scan button. •When the scan has finished, it 2 logs will be saved in the same directory the tool is run. Please attach the following logs in your reply. Addition.txt FRST.txt Gringo
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