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  1. We have folks that like to tag along to other users topics, you can disregard them. We prefer each person start their own topic for one on one assistance since each computer is different.
  2. Thanks for all the added info...
  3. I thought it updated automatically, how does one go about updating it? How can I see what version is installed? @gonzo thanks for adding to white list.
  4. Not saying its not possible, however I use SEP Version 14.0 RU1 MP1 build 3872 (14.0.3872.1100) and have no ill effects with MB3 and slowness. I do not have any exclusions in either SEP or MB4.
  5. I am trying to download a Portable version of UltraFileSearch. It gets blocked by MB Browser Guard. I put a check mark to not block it again but it just keeps looping and does not allow the download unless I pause Browser Guard Protection Download Site https://www.ultrafilesearch.com/download.html Portable Download Link https://www.ultrafilesearch.com/download.php?name=UltraFileSearchStd_560.zip
  6. @Taffy1812 check your PM messages, I send you the file since your having issues downloading it. The file I sent you is in a zip format.
  7. Who translated it to Spanish? Awesome! Your computer is protected in Spanish translates to the following: ¡Increíble! Su computadora está protegida. (I can also use Fantastico!) Not saying its wrong, as using the translation you have set for spanish does translate to english properly... its looks weird.
  8. Just a question if you don't mind, is it detecting the file in a scan, or are you getting notifications in the system tray when its running about it blocking a connection?
  9. Great, keep us posted. Staff may have other recommendations after they review the logs as well.
  10. Thanks for the added info and the logs, lets wait for a member of staff to review them, and hopefully they can get to the bottom of whats going on with your system. A quick look at the logs show you are using ESET Security, which may be conflicting with Malwarebytes. See if you can exclude Malwarebytes files from ESET Malwarebytes for Windows antivirus exclusions list https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038522974 https://support.eset.com/en/kb2769-exclude-files-or-folders-from-scanning-in-eset-windows-home-products @LiquidTension, when you get a chance can you review the logs please.
  11. Hello and Welcome! Being that you believe you are infected, follow the instructions in the post below to get help getting it cleaned up.
  12. Hello and Welcome @parkelectric Sorry to hear your having issues. Please reboot your computer so we can have a clean slate. You mention the support tool does not work, are you getting any sort of errors, if so what are they. After the reboot, lets see if the support tool will now run. What antivirus are you using? Try to disable it while you run the support tool. To begin, please try the following to see if it fixes the issue: Download the Malwarebytes Support Tool Accept the EULA and click Start Repair Follow the onscreen instructions and restart your computer if prompted to do so Once that is done check to see if the issue is fixed. If the issue is still present then please do the following so that we may take a closer look at what is going on: Run the Malwarebytes Support Tool Accept the EULA and click Advanced tab on the left (not Start Repair) Click the Gather Logs button, and once it completes, attach the zip file it creates on your desktop to your next reply Please let us know how it goes. Thanks
  13. Hello and Welcome @ATCtech Sorry to hear about your issues. Please do the following so that we may take a closer look at what is going on: Run the Malwarebytes Support Tool Accept the EULA and click Advanced tab on the left (not Start Repair) Click the Gather Logs button, and once it completes, attach the zip file it creates on your desktop to your next reply Please let us know how it goes. Thanks
  14. Have you tired installing it using the offline installer? Malwarebytes Offline Installer https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb4_offline
  15. That is correct, with the settings you were instructed to make by @exile360 above you should be good to enable all functions with MB4. Both will run side by side without any issues. You are also correct, its is not wise to run 2 Antivirus programs at the same time, in this case, your Windows Defender is your Antivirus and Malwarebytes is your anti-malware.
  16. I love the Black and White photos.... gives it a good touch.... sometimes color can be overwhelming.
  17. The "My Account" page is so you can manage activation's of your licensed products, and gives you a list off all the keys you own. In case you did not know, it does not give you the ability to assign a key to a device, only deactivate a device.
  18. Looks like the offline installer link has now been updated... just tried it and it did download the latest version
  19. If I am not mistaken, you are not allowed to sell Malwarebytes Keys on Ebay.
  20. Glad to hear all is working now, and being that you can now open Malwarebytes, I suggest you go to Settings -> Account where you can see your premium key and make a note of it someplace safe in case you ever need to transfer it to another system or need it to re-activate for some reason. You can also try to manually added to your account to see if it lets you.
  21. No rush, but as mentioned above, please make sure your other topic is complete first and you are given the all clear before you proceed here in this topic. This is to prevent us making changes to your computer that will affect the work that the Expert helping you is doing. Thanks for understanding.
  22. Thanks for that additional info, please provide a screenshot of what your seeing as well as the requested logs from post #2 bove
  23. If your talking about the icons in the system tray, one of the icons is a "ghost" icon from the previous install. I see this on some computers after a version upgrade. If you hover the mouse over both icons, one of them will disappear. A reboot corrects it as well.. Known issue I believe...
  24. If you buy a 1 device license one at a time yes its more expensive, but if you pay for a 4 device license for one year its only $63.70 US Dollars, that's not a bad price to keep 4 devices protected IMO. As shown in the image below. 1. Most folks like to run AV alongside Malwarebytes, If you have Windows 10, then the build in Windows Defender alongside MB is sufficient IMO 2. Not having the Premium and only using the Free version for on demand scans is doable, but you will not have the 4 protection modules that keep you safe while using your computer and surfing the internet. The paid version is way better to keep you protected. 3. AV test in my opinion are not very reliable.
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