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  1. Totally agree with you there.
  2. Google warns exploits in the wild against a Use After Free vulnerability in Chrome’s audio component. UPDATE Google is warning users of a high-severity vulnerability in its Chrome browser that is currently being exploited by attackers to hijack computers. The flaw (CVE-2019-13720), discovered by security researchers Anton Ivanov and Alexey Kulaev at Kaspersky, exists in Google Chrome’s audio component. Google is urging users to update to the latest version of Chrome, 78.0.3904.87 (for Windows, Mac, and Linux) as it rolls out over the coming days. “This [updated] version addresses vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit to take control of an affected system,” according to a Thursday Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) alert. “One of these vulnerabilities (CVE-2019-13720) was detected in exploits in the wild.” Read Full Story at Source: ThreatPost.com
  3. Hello and Welcome @Maja_ Sorry your having issues. For starters you need to remove the Compatibility Setting you have for mbam.exe C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\mbam.exe [RUNASADMIN]
  4. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Department of Defense (DoD) have identified a Trojan malware variant—referred to as HOPLIGHT—used by the North Korean government. The U.S. Government refers to malicious cyber activity by the North Korean government as HIDDEN COBRA. CISA encourages users and administrators to review Malware Analysis Reports MAR-10135536-8 and the page on HIDDEN COBRA - North Korean Malicious Cyber Activity for more information. Source CISA Cyber+Infrastructure
  5. Hello and Welcome @Sue5 Microsoft Windows Defender and Malwarebytes are actually a good combination to use. Normally not needing any exclusions. That being said, if you would like to add exclusions to be on the safe side here is a KB article that will help. Malwarebytes for Windows antivirus exclusions list https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-1123
  6. Penn Testers Arrested - Read About it @Reddit Coalfire CEO Tom McAndrew statement can be found HERE
  7. Doh, good catch exile360, I missed the part he had Windows 7 already.
  8. Microsoft Reports Global Cyberattacks on Sporting and Anti-Doping Organizations from Russian Espionage Actors Microsoft publicly released information revealing an uptick in cyberattacks globally targeting anti-doping authorities and sporting organizations. The Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) routinely tracks malicious activity originating from the Russian advanced persistent threat (APT) group 28, also known as Fancy Bear, STRONTIUM, Swallowtail, Sofacy, Sednit, and Zebrocy. According to Microsoft, APT28 is targeting sporting and anti-doping organizations using spearphishing, password spraying (a brute force technique), fake Microsoft internet domains, as well as open-source and custom malware to exploit internet-connected devices. To protect against similar attacks, Microsoft recommends: Enabling two-factor authentication on all business and personal email accounts, Learning how to spot phishing schemes and protect yourself from them, and Enabling security alerts about links and files from suspicious websites. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) encourages network defenders to remain vigilant and review the Microsoft article, the World Anti-Doping Agency article, and the following resources for additional information: Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks Brute Force Attacks Conducted by Cyber Actors Protecting Against Malicious Code Source: CISA Cyber-Infrastructure
  9. @Porthos has already tagged someone that will be able to look into your ticket. Please do not create any more tickets as that only slows things down. One ticket is all that is needed. Make sure you check your junk/spam folders for any possible replies.
  10. That is a very old version, any reason why you have not updated your copy of Malwarebytes? Having this old version is not really doing you any good, as the newer versions have way more features and protections to keep you safe. I recommend you update to the latest version available for your version of windows. What version of Windows are you using so that I can recommend which version to install?
  11. Just to add, doing a full daily scan with Malwarebytes is really not recommended. All you need is a Threat scan which should only take less than 10 minutes depending on the speed of your computer. You can do a full scan if you wish, maybe once a month. Since you have Premium fully active, chances of something getting in is not likely.
  12. In his case, I would create an image of that laptop first before I did anything with it.
  13. Thanks for the clarification. I suggest to contact the business support and find out if they support off-line updates. I am not to familiar with the business version at this time.
  14. As recently as 2 weeks ago, I upgraded a Win7 computer from Windows 7 to Windows 10. It was an in place upgrade and everything went fine, Windows 10 was fully activated. The computer I worked on had Malwarebytes and I did not do anything to Malwarebytes during the upgrade. It was still installed after the upgrade and fully activated as well.
  15. Hello and Welcome @Trog You can buy your copies of Malwarebytes on any computer and download the installer to a USB stick to install on any computer of your choosing. That being said, the computer you install it on will have to have an internet connection in order for it to activate and receive updates. It will also need an internet connection in order to use all its features, for example some of the cloud features in Malwarebytes used for detection and cleaning....
  16. Just to add... If you are using Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection (business version) I would assume that the server running the Malwarebytes console would have access to the internet, download the updates and push it to the endpoints. Are these computers your talking about isolated and not networked at all?
  17. Since this is a business computer and your running Malwarebytes for business, you should have your IT staff help you correct your issues. Sorry but since you did not mention that ahead of time, the steps to fix your issue would have been different (for example we would not have had you uninstall/upgrade, however the other steps would have applied). You will have to talk with your IT staff to get it corrected and your Malwarebytes license re-applied.
  18. I did try it @nikhils this time around I was able to re-open Malwarebytes correctly with no error. Seems it only happened after I upgraded to the latest beta, without rebooting, however I was not prompted to reboot.
  19. @nikhils No, after the reboot its working fine, do you want me to Quit Malwarebytes and see if it happens again?
  20. Hello and Welcome @Ramer-TMG Please follow the instructions found in the topic below to see if it will fix your issue.
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