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How did you choose your forum name ?


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I see a lot of interesting Names on this Forum. Just wondering how you chose your name?

My name is easy: Popeye - Over 20 years in the US Navy, Retired. I think the name fits, and no I don't look like Popeye, if anyone is wondering. :)

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Ah, those were the days. :)

My user name is in memory of my two pug furbabys, first three letters in their names (shogun and dang). :D

Mine was The Barefoot Fox (as in sly, sneaky animal - not a female not wearing shoes :)).. Had a $600 (dual use) mobile/fixed with a rack system on SSB with a freq. meter and a freq. slider and 1/4 wave whip portable on the car with a dual quad direction on a rotor at home.. KAFW7577.. club was RadioMiamiFlorida (RMF177) Never ran over the 5W limit (or bled over into neighbor's TVs) although we had some a@s running 1,000 watts on channels 21/22 in our area.. (lots'a dangerous fun locating them and pushing steel pins through their RG cables to short them out and hear the finals blow out when they tried to get on the air.) The FCC did NOTHING to stop those guys running linears at 1,000 watts or more..


My son was the BALD FROG

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Mine was The Barefoot Fox (as in sly, sneaky animal - not a female not wearing shoes :)).. Had a $600 (dual use) mobile/fixed with a rack system on SSB with a freq. meter and a freq. slider and 1/4 wave whip portable on the car with a dual quad direction on a rotor at home.. KAFW7577.. club was RadioMiamiFlorida (RMF177) Never ran over the 5W limit (or bled over into neighbor's TVs) although we had some a@s running 1,000 watts on channels 21/22 in our area.. (lots'a dangerous fun locating them and pushing steel pins through their RG cables to short them out and hear the finals blow out when they tried to get on the air.) The FCC did NOTHING to stop those guys running linears at 1,000 watts or more..


My son was the BALD FROG

:) thats cause the FCC is broke, me too :D

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My screenname in the past (circa 2001) was stonehenge316 (I liked the ancient wonder of the world and the 316 has biblical significance to me; still have that same name on AIM), but I started playing Runescape in ~2001 and that name was too long, so I looked around, saw my computer screen, and my first account was screen316; I think that got banned for some odd reason (that or I lost the password; dumb little kid I was!), so I took the next number over:



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My screenname in the past (circa 2001) was stonehenge316 (I liked the ancient wonder of the world and the 316 has biblical significance to me; still have that same name on AIM), but I started playing Runescape in ~2001 and that name was too long, so I looked around, saw my computer screen, and my first account was screen316; I think that got banned for some odd reason (that or I lost the password; dumb little kid I was!), so I took the next number over:



I love history. It's fascinating. Something that excites the mind and brings all sorts of ideas what could have happened. Turns it into a movie in your head or a really good book. Watch the history channel regularly. :)

Weren't we all? :) I've done some stupid things that were really embarrassing. :)

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Wow! Besides the interesting Forum names there are a lot of interesting stories on how these names came about. Thanks for sharing your stories about your Forum Names. :D

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I also have had a CB radio since the 1970s.

My call sign from back when licences were required in Canada is XM422810

And my handle was "postie22"

I occasionaly pick up CB traffic where I am but there is no one close enough to talk to any more.

I remember when all 23 then later 40 chanels would be wall to wall with traffic.

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