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Quote block, double spacing and a Return to Top option

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My earlier post had a Quote that could not be removed by me ?? I then posted Sorry Aura, but I had trouble editing ?

I also added {{Why can I not stop "Auto Double Spacing" of paragraphs}} ?? This is now gone / edited by others ?? This is because there are times that we need to add "When You Have Finished," include the logs from - and we can list at times, 3 items below each other. This would mean.

Item / 1

Item / 2

Item / 3

A shocking waste of space. We still need to waste time as this board has no Return To Top tag on each post, as most other versions / Forums do have, and for 20 posts of media, it is almost 1900, not mid to late 2010's.

The Topic Headings have not been updated to a better grouping system, where I thought you would have a more reasonable (read cleaner) definition of what you want the customer to see when they ""Walk in the front door"" and are guided to help that is wanted... The  Quote sign sends you to expect that you need to hit the  + every time you respond to a question..! !....

Please Note that I am not being nasty in any way, but some of the newer "organizers" need to go back to early / mid 2008 when Marcin responded mostly by himself to questions from users and provided what I thought was good and clear directions to them on how to use the program, and basic computer tips. I will try to remove my post that may have been a bit misplaced, but it generated some more interest than the High Fives here.

Thank You -

EXTRA : Go back to the basics "Started by Gimpguy2000, 18 Jul 2007" Followed with a basic Q and  A type forum in early to mid 2008, and I joined later in 2008

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9 hours ago, noknojon said:

I also added {{Why can I not stop "Auto Double Spacing" of paragraphs}} ??.......

If you hold down the Shift Key then hit enter it will single space to the next line

9 hours ago, noknojon said:

We still need to waste time as this board has no Return To Top tag on each post

For this they are still looking into it, however you can use the Home Key on your keyboard and it will take you to the top of the page


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9 hours ago, noknojon said:

My earlier post had a Quote that could not be removed by me ?? I then posted Sorry Aura, but I had trouble editing ?

I also added {{Why can I not stop "Auto Double Spacing" of paragraphs}} ?? This is now gone / edited by others ?? This is because there are times that we need to add "When You Have Finished," include the logs from - and we can list at times, 3 items below each other. This would mean.

Item / 1

Item / 2

Item / 3

A shocking waste of space. We still need to waste time as this board has no Return To Top tag on each post, as most other versions / Forums do have, and for 20 posts of media, it is almost 1900, not mid to late 2010's.

The Topic Headings have not been updated to a better grouping system, where I thought you would have a more reasonable (read cleaner) definition of what you want the customer to see when they ""Walk in the front door"" and are guided to help that is wanted... The  Quote sign sends you to expect that you need to hit the  + every time you respond to a question..! !....

Please Note that I am not being nasty in any way, but some of the newer "organizers" need to go back to early / mid 2008 when Marcin responded mostly by himself to questions from users and provided what I thought was good and clear directions to them on how to use the program, and basic computer tips. I will try to remove my post that may have been a bit misplaced, but it generated some more interest than the High Fives here.

Thank You -

EXTRA : Go back to the basics "Started by Gimpguy2000, 18 Jul 2007" Followed with a basic Q and  A type forum in early to mid 2008, and I joined later in 2008

We can certainly change the single vs double spacing if that's what people want. It's simply doing this because that's the default setting of v4. For now, we're trying to keep default settings (especially those related to only v4) set to default so we can troubleshoot (the change to v4) better. Again, open to adjust this if that's what a majority says they want.

Back to Top was just added this morning. FWIW, that's not a default option (or even an ACP option) and needed to be manually added (coded) to the theme (by IPS).

+ Quote / headers: are you saying it's confusing to a new user what they need to do when first coming to our site? Can you clarify here a bit more?

I'm not exactly following the last part of your post concerning going back to 2008 and the extra note. Can you clarify what you're suggesting we do / read up on?

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I'm not exactly following the last part of your post concerning going back to 2008 and the extra note. Can you clarify what you're suggesting we do / read up on?

First - Sorry, but a lot of this was fired without full links, and quite often little extra thought. . . Extras like F/Fox posted should be included these days.
All I wanted to stress was that 10 years ago, in late 2007 - 2008 this type of over confusing board was not required, those early days did not require the mess that is currently on the board, but I am saying that you seem to have ignored the Customer, the most important person. The person who pays your wages ....... not mine, as I get a cap once every 5 years, and a tee shirt ( if I'm lucky.)

Those early days did not require the mess that is currently on the board.
But if you wish to cover Several Products, a Quick Jump Link as you enter is often the best, this will link each area that may be needed. EXAMPLES -
1 MBAM Enquiries and Help
2 Ransomware Removal Programs Enquiries
3 Malware Removal
4 DIY Malware Removal

5 General Computer Help
Etc Etc Etc..
Surely simple enough for any decent coder, as most (even PDF's) use this method ??

You should be able to hit the board and be fronted with the "MBAM Enquiries and Help" AKA, The Forum, where you or I can ask "What is wrong with version XXX" at the top, or use my Quick Link method as above..

With the second part, I was merely stating that you have gone to the "latest / newest model", which is NOT always the best way to go, as there are existing and (personal opinion only) much better versions are already in use if you look around. Read the Bleeping Computer board, and you are presented with (basically) in series Windows Versions > Linux Versions > Mac Help > Malware help and similar advice > Followed down to general chat and a TESTING box at the bottom. I personally know this gets a lot of use from Experts and Home Helpers.

Sorry for my long tale of woe, but I still keep an interest here, as I joined in 2008 and hope it will be viable for at least the foreseeable future.

Thanks -


" Back to Top was just added this morning"  Very Good Thank You !!!!!!! (At the bottom of just about every page, its needed)

This should be on every topic box, not just the end of a page, so you can check details in the (example) FRST post after you reply. =========>>>>>>>> Here on each post

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Thanks yardbird,
I think we had a "Button" for return to top, at mid bottom of the page (but not marked), and when diagnosing problems there are times you want to skip from mid-page to top or original reply and that is where you can see on (example Bleeping Computer) it exists and is used.

Thanks -

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Thanks Ron.

I may have been playing too long at B.C, but each panel had  Report   MultiQuote   Quote    Back to top each panel end.
Naturally you use the options given, and as these were given the Report was used quite often (required), and so was Back to Top

But we can work to suit the new "plastic version" (My opinion Only) and go along with what is requested. :)


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I am a bit sorry that I posted so much on this topic, but it just seems that what I see as an ideal board and what you have spent money on, are not the same.
Just that to me, a forum board is a method of "speaking to", and "helping" your clients in the most organized method.

I have already said too much, so you can just sort out any problems, and later tweak it to "a decent" forum

Thanks for letting me have a say ...........

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On 3/24/2016 at 10:00 AM, msherwood said:

We can certainly change the single vs double spacing if that's what people want. It's simply doing this because that's the default setting of v4. For now, we're trying to keep default settings (especially those related to only v4) set to default so we can troubleshoot (the change to v4) better. Again, open to adjust this if that's what a majority says they want.


Double line spacing is NOT the world's typewriting or word-processing convention.

While there *is* a workaround (Shift + Enter), why would we want to have to use 2 keystrokes to accomplish what the entire world has always accomplished with 1?
This is the only place on the internet I know of (and the only software application -- word-processing, email client, webmail client, etc.) that uses a double-line-space default.
It's unnatural, awkward, clumsy (and it is just one of the numerous problems with v4).

So, yes, please change it to single-space default.

Thank you,

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8 hours ago, Khadijah said:

I like this one ^_^ very easy to work with

No disrespect, but simple one line replies such as yours above are perfect for this editor, but when you are actually trying to provide help to people her like many of us do with our fixed replies that are full of code, this editor does not cut it.

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