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Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Update to 2.0.1

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@John L. Galt is absolutely correct.

It has been a longstanding Windows "glitch" that goes back many, many versions - minor corruption of the icon cache.

It is not unique to MBAM - it can happen to any program, and is often seen at times of software upgrades.

The fact that MS offers a fixit tool for the problem speaks to the fact that it's not unique or specific to MBAM. ;)

There is even a tutorial over at sevenforums.com with 2 methods to fix it >>HERE<<.


Having said that, as John mentioned, I'm sure that the MBAM team will fix any glitch in the program itself.





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@John L. Galt is absolutely correct.

It has been a longstanding Windows "glitch" that goes back many, many versions - minor corruption of the icon cache.

It is not unique to MBAM - it can happen to any program, and is often seen at times of software upgrades.

The fact that MS offers a fixit tool for the problem speaks to the fact that it's not unique or specific to MBAM. ;)

There is even a tutorial over at sevenforums.com with 2 methods to fix it >>HERE<<.


Having said that, as John mentioned, I'm sure that the MBAM team will fix any glitch in the program itself.





@John L. Galt


Thank you both...sounds good.  I do think something in 2.0 triggered the Microsoft reaction, but that's just a guess.

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Thank you both...sounds good.  I do think something in 2.0 triggered the Microsoft reaction, but that's just a guess.


You're most welcome.

If you run into any other issues with MBAM 2, please feel free to start a NEW post >>HERE<< in the support section -- someone will be more than happy to help you.


Take care,



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That is a rather generic question / issue. There are some issues for specific systems or OS but overall the vast majority of user do not have an issue with it freezing. If you're having a specific issue and no one has assisted you with looking into the issue I would suggest creating your own topic and have someone assist you here: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showforum=41

Thank you

I did a clean install in my operating system and the issue is gone.Don't know if it's fixed in this latest version(2.0.1) but it's gone.Thanks.

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Edit: In about 2-3 weeks we're going to release yet another patch that will fix about ~30 bugs that have been reported or we've discovered. We wanted to make sure the UI issues were addressed first since we had some really great feedback from everyone.

Any news on that 2-3 weeks? I'm excited to upgrade to 2.0.x, but am waiting for all the minor bugs to be worked out. I'm normally quite the early adopter, and avid bug reporter, but am not in a good position for such a thing at the moment.


I appreciate how (incredibly) hard it is to write bug-free software - and am quite the happy customer. 

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Any news on that 2-3 weeks?



Yes, many users eagerly anticipate the next build.

However, only the MBAM staff can provide status updates on the new releases. ;)

I'm sure they will post here, at the blog and on social media when the time comes.


Thanks very much for your support of the product and for your patience,



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I kept getting a notification "The new version has been downloaded, do you want to update now" and i'd click yes.  Malwarebytes would pop up

and nothing would happen.


So i went to the Malwarebytes site and downloaded "mbam-setup-" and executed the update myself which seemed to work fine and i executed a full scan of everything without incident.


Later i noticed that although the Program is now 2.0.1 the mbamgui.exe is still showing for the database.


Is that ok?


Thank you.




Max ^_~

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Hi, max:




That doesn't sound quite right. is not a a database version.

It is the previous PROGRAM version.


First, try a reboot or two (if not already done).

If still a "no go", please follow the directions exactly as shown here:
MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x


If that does not correct it, then please read & follow the steps in this pinned topic Diagnostic Logs

Then, please post back the requested logs as attachments in a NEW forum post in the support section >>HERE<<.


Please let us know how it goes,



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Hey dd1 ^^,


Thx, well i went on to check actual running programs and it looks like Windows 8.1 'Notification Area Icons' screen is providing a red herring by keeping the old icon for 'mbamgui.exe' in the list.  The Task Manager doesn't show any such program running.




So, no worries, i'll just clean that screen up when i determine how to ... heh.


Btw, i tried to cut and paste a 'Cntrl-Prnt Scr' picture of that screen here and the forum said "Sorry, you're not allowed to post that file extension here" or something like that.  What's up with that?




Max ^_~

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Hi, Max:
This post might explain part of what you are seeing.

Delete Autostart Entries Using Autoruns:

  • Please download Sysinternals Autoruns from here and save it to your desktop.
    • Note: If using Windows Vista or Windows 7 then you also need to do the following:
      • Right-click on Autoruns.exe and select Properties
      • Click on the Compatibility tab
      • Under Privilege Level check the box next to Run this program as an administrator
      • Click on Apply then click OK
  • Double-click Autoruns.exe to run it.
  • Now, in Autoruns, click on the Logon tab and look for any Malwarebytes Anti-Malware entries. If you find one, right-click on it and select Delete then click Yes when asked to confirm. Once that is done, reboot your computer and see if Malwarebytes Anti-Malware still starts when you've set it not to do so.

    For those curious, this happens because the old startup entry for Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.75 is sometimes left behind in the registry after it has been uninstalled. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0 does not use the registry to start with Windows, but this old entry may cause it to start.


Having said all that, this is actually more of a news/announcements thread. ;)

That is why you cannot post attachments here.

So, for additional troubleshooting, I would suggest that you please start a new post in the support section here.

That way, your issue can receive the full attention from the staff and experts, without creating confusion for others wishing to post here.


Thanks VERY much for your patience, understanding and support of MBAM,



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Finally jumped the ship an had a successful install and everything is back to normal 

why i say normal is that i set a password for the settings menu and forgot it in the old version (because keyscrambler bugged out and was encrypting my keystroke) but now everything is accessible

edit: about the password setting lock, can you have an option that you have to enter the password 2 times? enter the password and then verify it again a second time, that way if something was buggy i would have to enter it twice and since it needs the password to be matching i would see that something is wrong

and i'm loving the new look and advanced setting and the backup adverts are ok with me because a pc is only as good as its last backup

about the functionality: it still uses high RAM (170mb when scanning) and cpu (up to 60% when scanning) all this on:

- Intel e3300 celeron processor 

- Windows 7 32 bit

- 3GB ram 

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With the new update I can not find how to disable the near constant, and annoying notifications of malicious sites being blocked.

Whomever posts the solution to this, please just post the solution instead of saying something like, "Go to "xxxx" section and read all the way down to the bottom to find the solution.

The old version ended up being very simple to fix:

1. Open Malwarebytes
2. Click on the Protection tab
3. Uncheck the last item — “Show tooltip balloon when malicious website is blocked”
4. Click the exit button rather than the X at the top right to close the window.


HOWEVER, I do not see that option now with the new update.

Please don't be a lazy technician, and get all huffy when someone doesn't read all through the links when you just have to say the above info. I found that info on a non Malwarebytes site some time ago, and was really miffed at the prick that was all like... "Did you read the link, or the manual, or some other snotty remark..." When the solution was as easy as the steps above... 4 freaking steps man!


Anyway, the steps above don't work on the new update. I hate to wait 2-3 weeks for the patch to fix this as the pop ups are really annoying...

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Hello and Welcome BrianRomanAlexander ....

No need to bash any techs or call them lazy, as I have never seen anyone here do such a thing when trying to help......

That being said, currently that option is not available with the latest version of Malwarebytes v2.0.1. A lot of folks have complained and they are in the process of added that option back with a lot more way to manipulate all sorts of notifications. We will however have to wait until they roll out a new version to give us those features, and the release date has not be announced as of yet, best I can do is quote the CEO.

Edit: In about 2-3 weeks we're going to release yet another patch that will fix about ~30 bugs that have been reported or we've discovered. We wanted to make sure the UI issues were addressed first since we had some really great feedback from everyone.

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With the new update I can not find how to disable the near constant, and annoying notifications of malicious sites being blocked.

Whomever posts the solution to this, please just post the solution instead of saying something like, "Go to "xxxx" section and read all the way down to the bottom to find the solution.

The old version ended up being very simple to fix:

1. Open Malwarebytes

2. Click on the Protection tab

3. Uncheck the last item — “Show tooltip balloon when malicious website is blocked”

4. Click the exit button rather than the X at the top right to close the window.


HOWEVER, I do not see that option now with the new update.

Please don't be a lazy technician, and get all huffy when someone doesn't read all through the links when you just have to say the above info. I found that info on a non Malwarebytes site some time ago, and was really miffed at the prick that was all like... "Did you read the link, or the manual, or some other snotty remark..." When the solution was as easy as the steps above... 4 freaking steps man!


Anyway, the steps above don't work on the new update. I hate to wait 2-3 weeks for the patch to fix this as the pop ups are really annoying...


As I wrote in message #40 in this same topic:


In 1.x, you had two options for malware notifications:

  • "Show tooltip balloon when filesystem threat is blocked"
  • "Show tooltip balloon when malicious website is blocked"

With 2.0, you only have "Notifications: Enabled | Disabled". A real step backwards, IMO.



With 1.x, I used to run with tooltips enabled for filesystem threats but disabled for malicious websites. Now I have to run Notifications: Disabled. Major-league drag, IMO.


I'd like to see the usability study in which participants preferred to collapse the two choices into one.

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Was it an install over the top of a working licensed 1.75 version?


Do you have an ID and KEY in the Registry?


Location for Windows x86 32-Bit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

Location for Windows x64 64-Bit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

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Got the update a few days ago (from version 1.75) and just wanted to say thanks and let you know I like the changes in this new version. I don't find the colours or interface too garish or 'too much' in the least; in fact I think you've struck a nice balance between making the UI look a little flasher than it used to and being functional and practical to use. It's just right IMO.


I'd like to see a pop up for update notifications returned too, and also malicious website blocking pop ups if these have also been removed (I think I read in a thread somewhere they had been).


Nice work Marcin and co! :)


ETA Forgot to mention that it's running very smoothly here. I've not come across any bugs.

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I installed the new Malwarebytes about a week or so ago and I keep getting hit by the same tracking cookie. Is Malwarebytes compatible with AVG 2014 Free addition?

Hello and Welcome Nihilist1979


Malwarebytes does not target tracking cookies... and yes Malwarebytes is compatible with AVG 2014, I have not heard of any issues or conflicts with them running together. Should you encounter any issues you can post about them HERE

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