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What media player do you use


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  • Root Admin

In the following order depending on if one has an issue playing the file.

Windows Media Player (plays almost every format now )

KMPlayer (used to use VLC for most but now WMP plays most files and VLC was having issues with a few so I tried KMPlayer and it can play ones that VLC chokes on)

VLC (rarely use it anymore but still have it because every once in a while I run into a file that both WMP and KMPlayer choke on and VLC will play it)

So far between the 3 players I've not run into a file that one of them won't play for me.

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I use Windows Media Player and Windows Media Center and can play all video and audio formats thanks to Shark007's Vista Codec Package along with the x64 Components Add-On.

Exile, do you have a link for that? How reliable do you find that package? Any conflicts with RealPlayer (if you use RealPlayer, that is) that you know about?

How easy is it to uninstall if you don't get on with it?

I'm curious, (as if you wouldn't notice, :unsure:)

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  • Root Admin
I use Windows Media Player and Windows Media Center and can play all video and audio formats thanks to Shark007's Vista Codec Package along with the x64 Components Add-On.

Granted many of the CODEC packs today do not seem to have the issues they used to have (most paid no attention to conflicts or old versions, etc and actually could often cause more problems than they solved), but I still would be very cautious of installing a CODEC pack as most of them are written by individuals that may or may not know or understand all of the ramifications of such a package.

In years past I needed to install a lot of different CODECS but today on Windows 7 here are the only ones that I have installed.



Then these players



So far I've not run into any video file that one of my players cannot play but your mileage may vary as there are plenty of "odd ball" created videos on the Web. Just be very careful about what or who's CODEC Pack you install. Some are good, others can create problems that will not be easy to undo.

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Exile, do you have a link for that? How reliable do find that package? Any conflicts with RealPlayer (if you use RealPlayer, that is) that you know about?

How easy is it to uninstall if you don't get on with it?

I'm curious, (as if you wouldn't notice, :))

You can download it here. It's incredibly reliable, contains a RealPlayer compatible codec so you can watch RealMedia files without installing RealPlayer and the codec pack uninstalls very easily and cleanly and is well maintained and updated regularly. They even have their own forum located here, but I've never had to use it since I've never had issues on XP or Vista x64. It contains many tools and settings for the various codecs and even has a feature to detect and uninstall any existing conflicting codecs from your system if you want it to.

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Sounds too good to be true, Exile. You don't happen to have a second job as marketing agent for these people do you? :)

One thing though. I have RealPlayer 10.5 installed (actually the Plus ver. is what I have). Never liked the look of v.11.

Would you recommend uninstalling it if I download and install that codec package given your comments on the RP codec? I'm aware, though, that it may not be necessary to do this.

Do you actually have RealPlayer installed on your system?

Nearly forgot...thanks, Exile, for providing that link :)

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Nah, I don't work for Shark007. The codec pack is a free tool that he maintains on his own and he doesn't sell anything at all as far as I know. He's a retiree who does it in his spare time because he knows the frustration of dealing with codec issues. I think he accepts donations, but that's it. I've been using it for ages now as I got sick and tired of having to use third party players and plugins, especially since I like to view everything in Windows Media Center so often as I have it connected to my TV. It's nice when you see a FLV (Flash) video playing in Media Player and Media Center.

I do not have RealPlayer installed on my system and I believe the Codec Pack will as you to remove it if found during installation due to a conflict that can occur (that's one of the nice things about it, it tells you when there is going to be a conflict with codecs instead of letting you find out the hard way).

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