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By the way, I just posted this elsewhere but since it's relevant, I thought I'd post it here:

It annoys me that our names are no longer displayed in their associated group colors (such as blue for me, green red for you etc.).  Having those colors stand out at the top for each user's name next to their posts made finding their specific posts/content much easier (as doe the 'Topic starter' tag we've enjoyed for sometime now; I'd like to see that return as well).

Edited by exile360
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7 minutes ago, exile360 said:

By the way, I just posted this elsewhere but since it's relevant, I thought I'd post it here:

It annoys me that our names are no longer displayed in their associated group colors (such as blue for me, green red for you etc.).  Having those colors stand out at the top for each user's name next to their posts made finding their specific posts/content much easier (as doe the 'Topic starter' tag we've enjoyed for sometime now; I'd like to see that return as well).

Thanks for posting that here. I'm not sure how much control we have over that now since that change appears across all themes at the moment.

For now, you can still see the Group Name with the color underneath your avatar.

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1 minute ago, AlexSmith said:

For now, you can still see the Group Name with the color underneath your avatar.

Thanks, yep, I noticed that.  I also noticed that nifty new little shield icon, however I do wish it wasn't obstructing my glorious custom made icon.  I worked very hard for several minutes in MS Paint and Greenfish Icon Editor Pro (which is ironically free even though it has the word 'Pro' in the name :P) to make that and I'm very proud of it.

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6 minutes ago, exile360 said:

I was able to recreate this issue - it occurs when using the Night Test Theme. Please use one of the other themes for the time being.

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@Porthos agreed. We can fix themes rather easily in this release, but I am working through some other stuff first.

@exile360 we identified that the sidebar is a new feature of IPS 4.5.x called the Topic Summary Sidebar. It appears for topics that a more than 3 pages deep to help with learning more about a long topic.

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I see, though I was really just referring to all the empty space across the board, both in posts and on the index:


Everything highlighted in red is wasted space which is a real usability issue for widescreen displays, at least in my opinion.  I use a big screen for a reason, and not having to scroll constantly to read everything as though it were a paper-width PDF would be nice, but that's the modern web for you, I guess.  That's obviously why we had the 'wide' theme previously (which was awesome, of course).  Hopefully you'll be able to work the same magic this time with the new setup, but I'm sure other more prominent issues must be worked out first.

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The white space issue should now be fixed. We have enabled the Fluid Width feature on all themes by default.

The overall look/feel of the "Malwarebytes Dark 4.5"  is not ideal. We will do our best to clean this up as time allows but we may try using a built-in theme capability to produce an in-box Night or Dark Mode.

Our previously under test "TEST 2 - Night Mode" theme has been disabled and replaced with a new "Night Mode" option for members in the test group. Check it out and let us know your thoughts.

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I wasn't able to read topics on the side for a few times. The page would just load up blank.

No issues going to main forum page. Not sure why that happened but after reloading FF 4 times the issue cleared up. Note that I was not logged into the forum at the time this happened.

Have used PM text editor with no issues. So far all is well other than what has already been stated,

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When I try to open FRST logs in this thread: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=306792&ct=1598897990  I get logged out and given the Sorry, you do not have permission https://forums.malwarebytes.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=306792&ct=1598897990

Big problem when I cannot open logs or make replies....

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12 minutes ago, kevinf80 said:

When I try to open FRST logs in this thread: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=306792&ct=1598897990  I get logged out and given the Sorry, you do not have permission https://forums.malwarebytes.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=306792&ct=1598897990

Big problem when I cannot open logs or make replies....


Which thread? Both links are directly to an attachment.

10 minutes ago, kevinf80 said:

Also cannot edit my replies....


Looking in to this to see if its a permissions issue I can adjust.

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