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Microsoft readies massive Windows update


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Microsoft readies massive Windows update

Problems from XP to 8

08 Jul 2013 10:19 | by Nick Farrell in Rome


In case you are wondering why your computer behaves oddly tomorrow, it is because your Windows automatic upgrade is downloading the mother of all patches.

Normally the Vole delivers any security patches on the second Tuesday of the month, and tomorrow it is planning a big one.


Microsoft said that this patch is aimed at all the Windows versions, from XP up to Windows 8.1.  This means that we are dealing with some ancient flaws that are part of the bedrock of the Windows system.

Microsoft will release, on 9 July, a number of seven security patches that are rated as ‘critical’.  This could be the last time that we see an upgrade for Windows XP as on 8 April, 2014,  Microsoft will officially kill support for the ancient OS.

The updates are said to fix “remote code execution vulnerabilities” although there is also a patch that will fix the privilege flaw in Microsoft’s Security Software package.

By “remote code execution vulnerabilities” vole means those holes in the system that hackers can exploit.

This particular release is one of the nastiest from Microsoft this year.

If Redmond is saying all Microsoft products are critically affected, it boils down to: “if you don’t fix this your computer and those in your network really are screwed”.

Security experts have not been able to tell us what they expect in this edition.  But tomorrow they will be going over it with a fine tooth comb to see what is in the package.

After all it means that there is a problem with the super-secure Windows 8 that has existed since the days of XP.

Since it is a patch which cannot be ignored it means that company security teams are going to be flat out making sure that it does not break their networks.

Three of the bulletins roughly match the profile of the issue Google’s Tavis Ormandy disclosed back in May.

This was a big memory management problem in the win32k.sys component of Windows (codename CVE-2013-3660).

According to some security experts, Windows has already released more security updates this year than it had in all 2012.


SOURCE: http://news.techeye.net/software/microsoft-readies-massive-windows-update#

Edited by ShyWriter
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machines at work downloaded them all... gonna wait till its late and quiet to install them.... :)  I'll do mine at home tomorrow if it doesn't automatically do it tonight :P

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yeppers ... the same here ; a fistful of updates .

and as mentioned ... that damnable "bing desktop" that i have (re)hidden for more times than i care to remember .


on a side note :

i also have a machine that i have to load XP on this weekend ... gawd ... add more updates to the mix .

the owner of the machine got a smokin' deal on a sealed oem copy w/coa (25 bucks) .

he found the machine in a bone-pile sans the HD ... i checked it out : Pdual core 2.6GHz/4 gigs ram , etc .

i told him that XP was "going away" (sigh) .

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Interestingly Yesterday I received 14 updates on a WinXP PC which included the July revision of the MRT.
Today I got a notification for the July MRT once again  post-14644-0-47044500-1373463047.gif

Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool v4.22, July 2013
Started On Tue Jul 09 13:52:04 2013

Results Summary:
No infection found.
Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool Finished On Tue Jul 09 13:57:27 2013

Returncode: 0 (0x0)

After running it again...

Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool v5.2, July 2013 (build 5.2.9201.0)
Started On Wed Jul 10 10:47:32 2013

Results Summary:
No infection found.
Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool Finished On Wed Jul 10 10:52:38 2013

Return code: 0 (0x0)

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I missed that Steve.  Interesting....  That version could be why I got it Yesterday and then again Today
{ I knew capturing the log event would have some value.  Didn't know what though }
From the log file;  C:\WINDOWS\Debug\mrt.log
v4.21, June 2013
v4.20, May 2013 
v4.19, April 2013
v4.18, March 2013
v4.17, February 2013
v4.16, January 2013

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On my Vista PC I went to the MRT download page which downloaded the file; 


Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool v4.22, July 2013
Started On Tue Jul 09 13:50:17 2013

Results Summary:
No infection found.
Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool Finished On Tue Jul 09 13:53:10 2013

Return code: 0 (0x0)

Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool v5.2, July 2013 (build 5.2.9201.0)
Started On Wed Jul 10 16:28:22 2013

Results Summary:
No infection found.
Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool Finished On Wed Jul 10 16:33:08 2013

Return code: 0 (0x0)

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I had a large update last night for my Windows XP and some of it failed . I am not good on computers and not sure what to do , because now that genuine advantage active X will not work. Also read about Verizon Share All , that is not new news to me, I have known for a good many years.

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New version of MSE as well (as an optional update for those who have MSE installed as their AV):

Antimalware Client Version:

Engine Version: 1.1.9607.0

Antivirus definition: 1.153.1718.0

Antispyware definition: 1.153.1718.0

Network Inspection System Engine Version: 2.1.9607.0

Network Inspection System Definition Version:

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On my Vista PC I went to the MRT download page which downloaded the file; 





I had the same thing on my main desktop box last night.

(I presume it will be the same deal when I boot up my other 2 rigs today and MS Update phones home to check for updates.....)


It appears that M$ "forgot" to ship the patched/updated version of MSRT on Patch Tuesday?


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No huge update here yet for my XP? :/  MSE update and a stupid .net framework update that won't install that I was told was fine to hide months ago, that is trying to install again.  I've manually checked as well.

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Avast has a updater that some people seem to think could be a problem called Avast_ash , I think I will try to remove that from Avast and see because I have a problem downloading Adobe Flashplayer in IE8 also

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