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I was amazed that Amy Whitcombs sister actually sings quite well too.  Doesn't appear to be getting the billing Amy does but still good.


As for Pink - well you know it's old when it's SESSIONS @  AOL  (do people still use AOL) ?  That was back in 2003


I really like Pink's voice but I don't understand her demeanor about feminine rights.  Don't recall the site but a while back someone interviewed her and she went on and on how it was degrading to women to pose in stuff like some of these RAP videos or having to look sexy to sell music, but then she turns right around and does those type of videos to make money.  Just seems a bit hypocritical to other women to say it about them and then turn around and do it herself.


I've posted this one before but this girl has "chops" and presence singing Son of a Preacher Man back in 2006




This thread though has some amazing singers and musicians strewn throughout it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Joe B seriously ROCKED IT during a 4-concert gig in London last year.

4 venues, 4 bands, 4 totally different shows.

I didn't make it across the Pond to see him there, but will be seeing him live later this year.

HIGHLY recommend the whole set.



The man can bend a string - acoustic and electric.

As with so many blues players, he is inexplicably very much under-appreciated in the US.



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Another of my favorite blues-rock guitarists (have uploaded his stuff here before).

He always brings it!




Check out the drummer -- I think it's Chuck Norris with a toupee:



Not HD (and the audio isn't great, either), but a great performance nonetheless:


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Nice selections there!


Yeah, that Clapton guy isn't so bad on Blues, either.  But he only got into it as a "2nd career", when he was already rich and famous.


The 'market' for blues players is up and down. There never has been (to my recollection) a sustained, mass appeal. You'll have a great time at the show, I'm sure. :)
This guy was actually criticized back in the day for having the audacity to pretend to be a part-time blues man.  He wasn't so bad. :-)

Sadly, 'tis true, at least in the U.S.
Thankfully these guys (and gals) enjoy huge support abroad.

Joe B shrewdly bypassed the whole "label" thing a while back -- it was rough at first, but it has paid off (literally and figuratively).

And he gets to make the records he wants.

I have enjoyed watching him evolve and mature.

He is one helluva guitar player, singer and songwriter.

Blues and rock and acoustic and electric and....


To say that I am looking forward to seeing him live would be a bit of an understatement. :D





Bonaholic #1


P.S. Yeah, for painfully obvious and stupid reasons, GCJr is often likened to Hendrix. IMHO, he is his own huge talent.

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Not sure if you were referring to my link to "Europa" on the hukulele, which has Santana in the title but no Carlos in the video ? Santana wrote Europa, and Brittni Paiva covered it. Great arrangement and sound, in my humble opinion. Great melody from Santana. Here's another classic (oh yeah...) played by Brittni Paiva, alongside the master... and don't mind the first 80 seconds, it gets better quality wise :

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  • 4 weeks later...

From your neighborhood Bonaholic - 2 versions of a JB classic:


This version is from the 2013 London tour -- wait for the solo at ~7 minutes:


And -- different, but equally awesome -- this is another version from the 2009 London concert (at about 32:43 minutes):



Cannot wait to see him live later this year!!!!




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