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pfff my first video also wrong, what there is a ghost on the forum  :ph34r:




I was sure that one was good, and the last now seems good  in the earlier post.


It would be nice when I clique on more options I could preview my post but that gives me "no permission"  :blush:


now it's a mash sorry 1000 times  sorrry  :(

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Oh I see the links on your post also the same, and I'm sure I saw you posted differant songs now I see the last 2 are the same,


I think I'm going to change, and ( sorry mods and admins ) post only one youtube in one post because we have no possibility 

to edit ( what in my opinion in a general chat must be possible ) At least I saw it is possible now for me to hit the "more reply options" without

the message I have no permissions so now I can preview my post.


for this morning to start of a bit easy I put on this album 


crossing borders again ;)  for me too I don't understand most of it ( some phrases )


but it's nice to listen and it makes me think of Maroc, the country I fell in love with.  :wub:





And for the next hours I don't have to change another song  :D



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  • Root Admin

@Khadijah and @Sman


I don't mean to be a fuddy dud but multiple postings daily day after day was not what this forum was really intended for. As I have to review all forums daily it also adds an extra burden on my part to keep viewing for possible spam or fighting, etc. If you two wish to post at this level then please do so in private message with each other. A couple posts a week is one thing but several or more a day every day is a bit too much.


Thank you for your understanding.



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