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Chkdsk -- Having problems running this - HELP


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@ deebeee

Just popping in here with some Facebook safety advice. I use it too, although I am seriously considering deleting it perhaps in the future. But yes, just do the following and you'll be safer on FB than the average FB user :) I do all of them and I haven't had any issues, at least not yet... heh.

* Do not ever click on a link (well other than the "Facebook generated" ones, such as "post to so-and-so's wall etc... I think you know what I mean :) )

* Do not click on advertisements (like Exile also said).

* Disable Flash (Adobe Flash) while you use Facebook. (Don't forget to enable it when you are finished using FB. I usually disable it before going to the login page and after logging out and going to my homepage).

* Do not use Facebook applications. If you do, please use extreme caution. Unfortunately, some applications have been hacked in the past, allowing malicious code to be brought into the users system and therefore infecting it. Some others are malicious to begin with. Of course, not all applications will be hacked or are malicious. Also, anyone can make an application, so that's another thing to keep in mind. Facebook says that they keep an eye and watch out for "bad" or "not legit" applications, but I don't think that that is enough, personally :)

* Keep an eye on this site:

http://countermeasures.trendmicro.eu/ blog link given to me by one of our Admins, Miekiemoes. Rik blogs about safety risks including Facebook ones.

Also, take a look at these other links that she gave me:




Happy FB'ing :)

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MBAM, or Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, is an anti-malware tool designed to detect the latest internet threats that the majority of antivirus softwares like AVG tend to miss detecting or fail to remove, it is designed to be able to run in realtime without conflicting with your antivirus software.

I was downloading Spydoc and it did a scan but then wanted to have me pay for the removal function. Is there some totally FREE Spydoc program that scans and removes?

From what you said, I can install Spydoc along with Malwarebytes? Just checking :)

Thanks :)

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@ deebeee

Just popping in here with some Facebook safety advice. I use it too, although I am seriously considering deleting it perhaps in the future. But yes, just do the following and you'll be safer on FB than the average FB user :) I do all of them and I haven't had any issues, at least not yet... heh.

Thanks so much for all the advice re FB - much appreciated. :)

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I was downloading Spydoc and it did a scan but then wanted to have me pay for the removal function. Is there some totally FREE Spydoc program that scans and removes?

From what you said, I can install Spydoc along with Malwarebytes? Just checking :)

Thanks :)

Malwarebytes' will scan and remove threats for free :) . As for Spyware Doctor, i don't personally recommend it because it's not nearly as good as it used to be, but if you want a free version to detect and remove threats they do have one, it's an option when you download the Google Pack. If Spyware Doctor is all you want then you can uncheck the other options which are selected by default :) .

Malwarebytes' (free version) should be fine installed alongside any other software because the free version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware doesn't have any active components that run in the background when you're not using it, thus avoiding any possible conflicts.

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Not a good day with the computer :) -- somehow I have a hard time clicking on the AOL icon and getting it to appear. Then it takes quite awhile to get to the point where I can sign in. I will call my cable company tomorrow (maybe after the reinstall, it needs a boost from them) as I have my internet through them.

Just seemed so sluggish. I ran the Chkdsk again as you advise Exile and now things are better.

I ran the SpyDoc just to see what it came up with -- there were about 29 low grade "infections." Oh boy it never ends does it. I ran Chkdsk after, so hopefully all is OK now.

A friend suggested I run this thing called pcpitstop.com. She said the following:

The site runs all kinds of test on your computer which takes about 5 minutes -- run "full test". It will generate a report with everything it found, whether good or bad, and will suggest what you should do to fix any problems. You can run it as a new user and anonymously so you don't have to sign up for an account. If you do this, just run IE as "administrator" --before you open IE, right click on the icon and highlight "run as administrator".

This scan should tell you just about anything you need to know and what you can do to make your computer run better. I've used this for years and it is helpful in pointing one to "fixes" even if it is just to help speed the computer up.

Also, you should run defragmenter on your system to clean out/organize your hard drive. (Do this before you go to PC pitstop and it's always a good idea to do this periodically).

I'm a bit confused with all these things -- any idea how I should go forward -- I installed Malwarebytes and will do a scan now. Probably good to do the chkdsk a few times a week til I can see things are OK (?). Who said computers make life easier???? :)

I'm going to check out CCcleaner as she also recommended adding that as well as Zone Alarm.

Question: When you start with these systems, is it best to click "run" first not "save" or vise versa?

Have a good evening.

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It's likely that all Spyware Doctor found were cookies, but if it was anything else then you should probably make a new topic in the Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs area of the forum per the instructions here. You want to make sure you're clean before you and I proceed, we can continue where we left off once your system is cleaned up :) .

As for your friend's instructions on PC Pitstop, you can skip the part about running Internet Explorer as Administrator, that only applies to Windows Vista and Windows 7.

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Not quite sure what the topic of my post on Hijackthis Logs should be? Should I have the topic "not sure computer is clean after PC restore - still slow"???

I removed Spydoc as I was afraid it might have been slowing things down. I have no idea why my computer is still sooooo slow -- it takes minutes for me to get AOL up and viable. Yech. I ran a full Malware Scan last night and all was fine. ?? don't know what the problem is, but I will call AOL today as well and have them see if they can improve the speed.

OK I'll wait for any suggestion you might have re "topic" for the forum you mentioned.

Thanks :)

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That topic seems fine... Or a bit more cleaned up: "not sure if computer is clean after Restore - still running slow". Just give a brief synopsis of what's been talked about in this thread and what you've done up to this point, including any logs that are asked for.

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spyware doctor;almost rouge imo,its affiliates certainly are.

http://siri-urz.blogspot.com/2009/10/secur...fake-rogue.html (scroll down the page)

wouldnt let spydoc anywhere near my comp.

aloug. its not rouge its self they deff have dubious ways of practice.

as for the bulldog refferance;

i guess noknojon ment exile will keep on it till your systems running good and proper.

anyways i`m outa hear you need advice not more confusion.

best to your self.

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Thanks guys -

Swagger -- Your post title sounds clearer, will give it a try

Mbyuser -- As soon as I removed Spydoc crud from my computer, it started running much better!! What does rouge mean? You mean maybe (?) rogue -- :)

Any ideas what I should be using for free Anti Viiral along with Malwarebytes? And a good Firewall for free as well? Have to do the "free" route as things are beyond tight here.

My friend recommended CC Cleaner (for cleaning up temp files) and Zone Alarm for firewall. Any reaction/advice/warnings/thumbs up???

Thanks so so much.


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glad to hear your comps running smother,i guess spy doc is bloatware (ram hungry) bit like webroot in that sense,witch i used to use as soon as i ditched that i had a much faster comp.

your friends comp may have more ram/memory that your laptop,hence why it might run smother than it does on yours.or a simple differance in the software you have allready installed,i "guess" it was making a mess because it was useing to much of your comps resorses.

spy doc is not really rouge in its self,it just borders on being so,and its affilates leave a lot to be disired (sp).

read that link if you havent and it will become clear as to what i ment about its affilates.

deff would have no gripes about swagers suggestions for free software.good choice.

and i belive swager knows more than i do.

happy surfing.

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Wow, much has been discussed in my absence :) . I'm glad to see you've been swayed from Spyware Doctor, I told you I don't recommend it :) . I can vouch for Swagger's recommendations as well, they're all good tools.

You asked about CCleaner, I love it and use it myself, I'll just warn you to stay away from the Registry cleaning part of the tool as well as registry cleaners in general, they have the potential to do much more harm than good unless you really know what you're doing, which unfortunately most people don't, if they did they'd be going through the registry manually with something like RegScanner and deleting the redundant or obsolete registry keys. That's one of the reasons I stick with Autoruns because I can remove the active components of removed software, such as leftover services and drivers, knowing exactly what it is without concern for the hundreds, and sometimes thousands of "mystery entries" that normal registry cleaners want to delete.

As for whether or not you're infected, you can tell by what Spyware Doctor found. If it was something like cookies or the like then you don't need to go to the malware removal forum, but if it was any sort of actual infection then you really should, just to be on the safe side. If you could get the actual names of the infections it found that would also help whoever ends up assisting you with getting your system cleaned up in the malware removal forum.

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My head is spinning ;) -- but so glad for all the info. I didn't realize SpyDoc was so disruptive, probably my lack of RAM. How do I check to see how much RAM I have?

How can I check on how much virtual memory I have. I keep getting popups that Windows has to create more virtual memory as it is getting low. I cleaned out a ton of stuff on my computer, but I can't delete a lot of the art/photos from Corel. Since I stored most of this stuff on a flash drive, it must also go into Corel. Oh, I'm a bit exhausted -- don't you love us amateurs?<_< Don't answer that

OH good news! :D I got a total refund credited to my checking account by CyberDefend today. Phew. One less thing to struggle over. Very happy.

Tomorrow I'll install CC Cleaner and make a note of avoiding Registry cleaning area.

I just ran AVG and there were no viruses but 96 errors -- yipes. Over my head all this. I think they sequester the errors in some area where it can't affect the computer.

And the saga continues. Have a good night. :)

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You can find out how much ram your computer has by right clicking on My Computer and selecting Properties. The amount will be shown there <_< .

I'm glad you got your refund, that's excellent news.

You should find out what the errors were with AVG, it's likely that they were just locked or encrypted files that could not be scanned, which is fairly typical and shouldn't be a cause for concern.

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Thanks Exile -- Yeah I was not only happy but shocked <_< to get a refund so quickly

I downloaded Adobe Flash Player (couldn't see videos on YouTube, but it doesn't seem to work even though it was installed). The Flash Player takes up 221 MB!!! Should this be a cause for concern -- seems awfully large.

Thank you so much for all you've done and keep doing to help. ;)

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I checked and there are 108 gigabytes total of space for my computer's C drive - 98 still free.

Why do I keep getting "virtual memory is low" messages. Can you recommend some source on line for basic computer info. I need to get that down -- confused re RAM, virtual memory, etc.

AVG just did a scan and there are 56 errors - all cookies.

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I'm guessing you have somewhere in the neighborhood of 256Mb of ram in your system, that's why you're getting the errors. Windows plus the programs you have running at any given time (such as your antivirus, internet browser etc) will eat up that amount pretty quickly so Windows will use some of the space on your hard drive as virtual ram, which isn't as efficient or fast as actual ram, but it does allow you to keep running all of your programs. You can change the amount of virtual memory that Windows uses so that you no longer receive that error. To do so, please do the following:

  • Right-click on My Computer and select Properties
  • Click on the Advanced tab
  • Under Performance click the Settings... button
  • In the Performance Options window click on the Advanced tab
  • Under Vitual memory click the Change... button
  • Make sure that C: is highlighted and click the circle next to Custom size:
  • In the box next to Initial size (MB): type 1024
  • In the box next to Maximum size type 2048
  • Click the Set button and click on OK to close that window, then click Apply at the Performance Options window and click OK
  • Then click Apply and OK to the System Properties window
  • Reboot your PC if asked to do so

As for AV's, I do feel that both Avira and Avast! are better than AVG, but that's up to personal preference, although I will say that the former two both have consistently better detection rates of infections so I believe either one would provide superior protection for your computer.

As for cookies, CCleaner will get rid of those <_< .

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