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How long does your pc take to boot up?

steve jones

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60 seconds for a system that is not brand new and has probably many types of programs installed is good. Mine starts up in about 36 seconds from a power off, not a sleep or hibernate mode but it has very little software on it and used for testing mainly so I keep it lean and clean.

Don't have the link but I hear that Microsoft has a custom build of Windows 7 on a laptop, I believe, in a lab that starts from cold off to desktop in 18 seconds.

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after some great help from Exile :lol:, about two minutes at most. I haven't actually timed it, though, maybe I should. I will and I'll post back tonight! :lol:

If my AV is updating as its starting up though, it will take longer, which is really annoying sometimes :/ lol

It was like 5 minutes or so before he helped me... ech.

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Roughly 37 seconds for my Windows 7 laptop to boot. And that's with me having to manually select Windows 7 at the boot loader screen. My desktop is probably not far behind. I would say 45-50 secs. I'm interested to see how fast exile's is because he keeps everything disabled at boot, including his network adapters.

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So it seems like a bit of housework can get you a PC that starts in around a minute or less - compared with my wife's (which takes minutes cos the children are forever downloading smileys etc :lol: ). It's amazing what we accept though - if you had to turn your car's ignition key then wait a couple of minutes before moving off, it wouldn't feel like a good car! Good ol' Bill Gates eh? :lol:

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So it seems like a bit of housework can get you a PC that starts in around a minute or less - compared with my wife's (which takes minutes cos the children are forever downloading smileys etc :lol: ). It's amazing what we accept though - if you had to turn your car's ignition key then wait a couple of minutes before moving off, it wouldn't feel like a good car! Good ol' Bill Gates eh? :lol:

You haven't driven a car on a February winter's day in Winnipeg have you? Good ol' Mother Nature eh! :lol:

My Windows 7 system boots up much faster than my XP Pro system and I haven't bothered to time it as by the time I go to boot the XP Pro system and come back its ready and waiting.

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I thought my computer was fast, until I read this thread! I guess I'm comparing it with the old dunger I used to have that took flippping ages, and our work machines which are out of the ark and aren't any better. Paint dries faster than they boot up.

Mine takes 55 secs from pressing "on" to the login/password page, and then another 15 secs for the desktop to appear after that, and a further 60 secs before all the taskbar icons and the vista side bar have fully loaded.... 2mins & 10 secs in total.

I'm also of the "as long as the thing DOES boot up" mindset.

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Well, if you're on Vista be sure not to disable the ReadyBoost service, even if you never use ReadyBoost, because part of its function, aside from allowing flash memory to be used as a swap file for ram (similar to the paging file on your hard drive, but faster), it also optimizes your boot speed over time in much the same way that SuperFetch optimizes ram usage by preloading your most commonly used applications into memory, while still allowing the cached memory to be reallocated should you execute a ram intensive program that needs the memory being cached.

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Is this reply for me exile? Yep I have vista, but I haven't touched anything called ReadyBoost. This is the first time I've heard the term and I wouldn't know where to find it... is it enabled by default? If it is then I should be all good. Never heard of SuperFetch either.

I do do disk cleans rather obsessively (just the one found in system tools), but I'm not sure if that would have any effect.

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@ exile

Ah OK. Mine will be on then I should think. These are the specs of my machine: HP dv700 Notebook, 160GB HD with 77GB free space, 2GB RAM, AMD Turion 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-62 2.10GHz. Not sure if that would cast any light on it? Or maybe it's my A/S or A/V holding up the works.

I'm not too worried. :) As I said, it's Grease Lightning compared to the insufferable relics I use at work (five to ten minutes is normal for those!)

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Your CPU is the biggest bottleneck, Turions aren't the best for speed, but they are generally less expensive than Core 2 Duos. I don't know how long you've had it, but it will speed up over time compared to when you bought it due to Vista's nature. It usually takes a few weeks or so. You can also perform a boot defrag as it is sometimes helpful, but if you leave the PC running idle long enough Vista will do it automatically anyway.

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