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Let's be realistic about MBAM IP protection

Guest paula

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Dear swagger,

"81% is the point. That's no where near close to 100% and MBAM's IP protection brings you closer to that number. The database of malicious IPs is updated daily to include new threats and remove threats that no longer exist. "

IP protection is solely based on a huge database of malicious IP; there is no heuristic ore other "smart" algoritm involved. In other words is proportional with company size and resources allocated to collect this database.

What makes you think that MBAM ( a very small company , under 10, with no office - no offence in that , but this is the truth) can perform better in collecting malitious IP address , than Microsoft???

So far, MBAM IP protection is a fiasco, people are complaining about hundreds of false positive allerts, and the sollution to dissable this is to edit registry.....

So, let's be realistic about MBAM IP protection.....



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Ah, discussion :P I love discussion...

As far as I'm concerned, when it comes to security, I believe in a layered approach. I don't have the paid version on every computer that I use but I do have it on my desktop which is what I use primarily to surf when I'm at home. If IE or Firefox do what they are supposed to do and it amounts to roughly 81% accuracy as far as prevention goes, why not run another program that can offer another 5, 10, or 15% on top of that 81% (if that was truly accurate -- Advanced mentioned Microsoft ran the test)?

I don't mind having the IP protection feature enabled although I can see everyone's argument for an exceptions/white list. Several MalwareBytes' staff members have already chimed in and said that an exceptions list does not in fit in their protection strategy so we'll just have to live with what they do provide. They have provided a method to disable the feature temporarily or permanently (albeit, through the registry -- for now) so it's not like they haven't listened to everyone's concerns completely.

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Agreed Cal. Besides that, Steven Burn aka MysteryFCM has been tracking, documenting and reporting on malicious IP's for years through his work with the HPHosts file. Perhaps it's a small staff, but you'd be surprised what one person can do with the motivation to do it.

Steven does do a lot of great work but there is more than one person involved. There are a number of people that help. :)

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Large doesn't always mean better. In big companies there is always a competition for resources and often a lack of focus. In addition, bureaucracy within large companies slows action and stifles innovation. A small focused group of the right people can accomplish remarkable things.


from my own experience in 99% of situations LARGER MEANS BETTER!!!! :)

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This ISN'T the truth. Malwarebytes has 20+ employees and has an office in San Jose, CA.

Hi Rubber DucKy,

Glad to hear that, however from MBAM website;

"We are currently looking to open a centralized office location in the San Jose, California area"

So,.... :)

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from my own experience in 99% of situations LARGER MEANS BETTER!!!! :)

If big is best, then go buy Norton (NIS or 360). Here's a sample of the advice you'll get on the Norton boards when you have a problem; Look at the 8th post in the thread by delphinium (one of the forum Guru's). Even Quads, the main problem solver on the Norton Community forums, advises people to download and run Malwarebytes all the time.

Size is no guarantee of of quality or success. Not too long ago General Motors was by far the largest and richest auto company in the world. GM routinely made huge profits. Size and success bring arrogance and complacency. customers are ignored, technology changes are missed. Companies that see a need and meet it are successful. Those that don't are history. It's called capitalism.

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@ paula -

I need to get my 2 cents in here - You will note that the user never followed the advice fully and just gave up when there were more options -

I believe that M/soft options were offered but also not followed as they were "too confusing" -

In this forum you will notice that the Malwarebytes team is willing to also use resorces from other software companies that offer specialised services -

Many company sites avoid other products where they can, but you will note that MBAM is more than willing to offer help from many areas - :)

These include (but not limited to) Trend Micro / Kaspersky / Combofix / and so many more that I do not even know the developers names -

I have personally been refered to Speed Fan / Avira (which I had already used) and other resourses whose names I do not recall - :)

Some of these you download, then delete once the problem is repaired and some you keep for future use -

The crew have access to these from years of experience, not just a quick thrown together program - (Which has always been FREE )- :)

Just my point of view from watching the forum working - And they are still developing it further on a daily basis -

Thank You Team -

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However, I don't think an office location should be a determinant if a product has manpower (or womanpower!) behind it or not.

As someone who is not employed by and does not work for Mb in any capacity, I have nothing to gain by telling you this... In my honest opinion, I feel that Malwarebytes' could quite possibly be a top 5 company in the anti-malware (all inclusive) realm. I'll be upfront and honest in saying that I don't have experience with every product out there, whether it be an anti-virus, anti-malware, or anti-spyware, but I do have experience with a few. I'll tell you what I do know though. Malwarebytes' forum is always monitored and managed by their staff, they have a corporate and helpdesk team to handle paying customers, they update the program frequently as well as provide multiple daily database updates. What else are you looking for? Add to that, the program is one of the most effective anti-malware programs on the market (free and paid) and they are always looking to improve the product.

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@ swagger

Sorry if I over did my reply to paula but basically agreed with you and bigger is not always better -

As I refered to the link of calintexas, Nortons advisors even gave links to a M/soft fix that was found to be too involved to follow -

This follows the statement about 'bigger being better', since it was most likely written by a 'group' rather than a simple 'one person solution' -

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I have nothing but good things to say about MBAM and the people that run this forum, They are always willing to help and are very patient with those of use that are noobs (me!) and help all those whether they have the free version or the paid for version.

This is one of the most helpful tools and forums out there.

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Hi everybody,

So far I got a lot of opinions from HONORARY MEMBERS, EXPERTS and ROOT ADMIN who are emotionally involved with MBAM development, but NONE from an ordinary member.

Remember please that the issue here is IP protection and not the MBAM as a whole, which I have to say, is a product with great potential but still a diamond in the rough

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@ paula

Honorary members are ordinary members, just an FYI.

Not sure exactly what you mean by ordinary members though, could you elaborate?

You are an honorary member after 50 posts or more :)

As I am sure you are aware, you can disable IP protection while you are using Malwarebytes. I don't currently know of a way to permanently disable it though. This might be possible in an upcoming version, but I am not quite sure about that.

I know IP protection will enable again when you restart your system though, but you can disable it again. It only takes a few seconds :)

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Hi everybody,

So far I got a lot of opinions from HONORARY MEMBERS, EXPERTS and ROOT ADMIN who are emotionally involved with MBAM development, but NONE from an ordinary member.

Remember please that the issue here is IP protection and not the MBAM as a whole, which I have to say, is a product with great potential but still a diamond in the rough

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Hi paula -

I wrote a few things above - I am a member but not a computer expert or whatever - I am an ex builder/carpenter that has joined this and another forum for the specific reason of being helped, and then, hopefully, to help some others - I never claim to be expert in the items you talk about, but I am willing to - watch / ask questions / and learn - I am sorry that you have a preset idea of what this program (MBAM) and forum is about -

I have been helped by these people and another forum to get my computer to a fairly good stage of operation for its age and use -

As a builder I did not lay bricks or install pipes, but I used people that could while under my direction - I do the same here so I can learn and grow -

P.S. As a builder I worked out of my back shed and garage for 10 years - You do not need a big office/ even though I built a few -

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What makes you think that MBAM ( a very small company , under 10, with no office - no offence in that , but this is the truth) can perform better in collecting malitious IP address , than Microsoft???

How about the fact that one man has been doing it for many years? Have you ever heard of hpHosts? It's run by one guy, and while he gets a lot of help from people reporting IP addresses, it contains a lot of stuff that you may not see in Microsoft databases.

Don't reply on big companies. They can't do anything without it getting bogged down in red tape. There's so much policy and procedure that things just take forever, and they rarely get done right. This sad truth, coupled with the fact that Marcin took every opportunity he could to hire the best people in the industry, means that our small company is more capable. If it were not, then we would not have such a great anti-malware utility.

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@ Nosirrah re the ask toolbar,

Do you mean to say that ask.com wants to add their toolbar onto the Malwarebytes program or add it into the installation?

Edit: Nosirrah, please disregard, this has been answered. :)

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