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Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0.3 Released

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  • Root Admin

If you are receiving a message in MBAM that Malicious Website Protection is disabled please do the following to correct the issue.

  • On the Dashboard click "Update now" to get the latest database version
  • Right click the Malwarebytes tray icon and click "Exit"
  • Restart the Malwarebytes application from the programs menu or desktop shortcut.
  • In most cases this resolves the issue, however if the issue still persists, reboot the computer and the issue should be resolved.
  • If the above procedures still do not correct the issue for you then please download the MBAM installer and reinstall the program which will fix the issue for you.
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Updated to the latest version after the notification window of a new release. Thanks guys - it updated without hassles and is working well. :) However, I had a couple of glitches earlier which I'll bring to your attention - the first with the malicious website being disabled all by itself after an update, but this was resolved by manually updating the database version. I noticed all the posts on the forum about this - thanks for the extra prompt fix!


I'm not sure if it is related to the bad update, but my scheduled scan failed. The bad update came through at 5.15pm (NZT) and my scheduled scan was set for 5.30pm. The manual update I did at 5.40pm re-enabled the malicious website scanning, but it did not stop the scanning progress bar on the Dashboard from showing the scan was working and "initialising", even though the scan had stopped itself and was reported to have failed. I tried a few things, and in the end this I solved the problem by manually starting a threat scan, which completed fine (though took twice as long as usual to do so?), and now the Dashboard now looks as it should.


I will see what happens with my scheduled threat scan tomorrow. If works as it should then I guess I can assume the earlier failed scan and stuck scanning progress bar on the Dashboard was down to the bad update that came through just prior to it. I'll create a topic in the appropriate forum if it fails again.

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  • Root Admin

Yes, if you're installation is still not working properly after the update you did then you might need to do a clean removal and reinstall (will need to reschedule items) but that should fix any of those issues as well. Sometimes older files fail to update and the clean removal ensures they do and you get all new files.


Only if needed @catscomputer

MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x




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Glad this bomb happened late at night and most users never noticed.
I do appreciate the fast fix.
It might be a good idea to have a stable safety version to fall back to without a lot of rigmarole. Even browsers have previous versions available for fall-back, if the newest version has some quirks, that users find unacceptable. 
Quite possible that is already available, just not explained how to do it safely without wiping out old downloads and licenses.

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Hi, @jaggardjw:
You wrote:

Have tried to update but unable to access update server.  Fix now not working.  Realtime protection is off and scheduled scan failed.

That is a different issue, unrelated to the problems others have reported. ;)
We cannot provide support here in this NEWS thread (for example, we cannot upload attachments).
So, please start a NEW, SEPARATE topic in the MBAM Help section, using this clickable cjfj.png button.
The staff and experts will be able to more easily provide you with individual help to get you back up and running.

Thanks for your patience and understanding,

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I usually download offline databases for archival purposes. I also had the website protection disabled problem. This is how I fixed it.

1) Exited MBAM via tray menu

2) Installed latest mbam2-rules from 2014.10.06

3) Started MBAM via start menu shortcut

4) Ran database update via application (now running 2014.10.14.09)

This thread has a link to the latest rules:


Jorge Silva

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Appears to possibly be a bad update at MajorGeeks.  It is under their Oct 13, 2013 updates.   It says it is version Final.  However there are a few things with it that have made me suspicious about its validity


1.  The file size is different than the one that downloads from here.

2.  It has the word "MajorGeeks" in the installer file name.  I had never seen a downloaded installer file from MajorGeeks with their name in the instller file.

3.  It requres a restart after an update.

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