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Introducing Malwarebytes Techbench

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  • Root Admin

Over the last several years, we’ve had techies asking for their own version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. Allow me to introduce Malwarebytes Techbench.

If you service computers for a living, this tool will make your day a little easier. Simply plug in the Malwarebytes Techbench USB stick, check a few boxes, and it detects and removes malware automatically. It will even install a copy of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware if you so choose.

And this is just the beginning. Malwarebytes Techbench is a work in progress, and we’ll be adding more tools and features, at no extra cost, based on your feedback. This is a different format for us—it’s the only product we offer that can be used to fix PCs without buying individual licenses—so, please, do tell us what does and doesn’t work for you. You’ll see enhancements in every rev.

Basically, this is the tool that I wanted but didn’t exist when I was a tech. Best of all, it costs only roughly $1 per day at the special introductory price. If you do multiple malware removals per day, you know just how inexpensive that is.

Did I mention it also comes with an awesome lanyard?

Visit the product page here to learn more or to buy Malwarebytes Techbench. Read more about it in our press release here.


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This tool looks like a one-stop solution for a lot of PC users out there. 


I think you just gave someone an idea for a delivery in a couple months.... 330d0ud.jpg

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This does sound like an excellent tool!  I don't service computers for a living but I help friends and friends of friends and their friends out on many occasions.  :)


What I find I really need is a bootable CD or USB drive I can use for systems that won't boot properly or that won't allow an Internet connection, if I can get them to boot.  Most importantly, having a version MBAM on a bootable CD that is able to read and process the registry on the infected hard drive would be truly awesome.


In any event, this Techbench sounds like a tool everyone tasked with malware and virus removal needs in their toolbox.  :)



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  • Administrators

Hi all!


As part of the announcement of our brand, spankin' new product, we're doing a few giveaways.


Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/1njk0x/giving_out_5_free_copies_of_malwarebytes_techbench/?sort=confidence (ends today at noon PST)


Facebook: http://bit.ly/15J7VlW (you can have multiple entries. This giveaway ends tomorrow)

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Some questions:

1) Is the USB key bootable? Or, is it only used when the infected PC is still up?

2) Is the USB key read/write protected using a hardware switch? I am concerned it will be wiped out by whatever has infected the PC undergoing repair.

3) I realize there is an introductory price, but, as a tech who has been paying the $100 USD fee for the technician license for some years, does that fee count, in any way, towards the price of the USB key?


Thank you.


Randy C.

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Some questions:

1) Is the USB key bootable? Or, is it only used when the infected PC is still up?

2) Is the USB key read/write protected using a hardware switch? I am concerned it will be wiped out by whatever has infected the PC undergoing repair.

3) I realize there is an introductory price, but, as a tech who has been paying the $100 USD fee for the technician license for some years, does that fee count, in any way, towards the price of the USB key?


Thank you.


Randy C.


1. Not yet, but it's in the roadmap for this product line (bootable will be made available to all existing Techbench USB customers first).


2. We could consider but according to the PM for the tool (exile360) once it's bootable, it won't be needed; at least not when running outside Windows because infections can't infect the drive outside Windows.


3. Yes! We have an upgrade path since you are existing tech customer. Contact your sales rep direct. Or PM me and I can have someone reach out to you.

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  • 3 months later...
  • Administrators

Hi Caxap,

Malwarebytes Techbench was made specifically for technicians and tech shops. As a home user, you won't need this product, perhaps the To the Rescue CD would interested you: https://store.malwarebytes.org/342/purl-consumer?x-source=website&x-action=mbam_pro_page_details. More info on Techbench can be found here.


Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks.

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I'm a PC tech myself, and using a couple of different tools, mainly SARDU as well as RMprepUSB, I'e managed to roll my own super-huge AIO multi-rescue-disk on a 32 GB UFD.  I was hoping that there would be an easy way to have MBAM, MBAR and fileasassin / regassassin, and maybe a couple of other tools onto a bootable disc image that I could add to my repertoire.  My goal is to have MBAM run in some sort of portable manner through either a mini-XP and / or WinPE environment for fixing truly hosed computers where the clients do not have access to a secondary computer and who need their systems up and running ASAP, with me providing services on site and not taking the machine back home for extensive cleaning.


I've seen the Techbench before as well, but as it is not bootable either (last I checked) It's not feasible for me either.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I just read about this on my Google+ page and think that this is a fantastic idea!!  Really well done and look forward to getting one someday!!



Hello. Sorry for the extreme long delay in a response. I noticed your TNCodeAcademy link and checked it out. Based on what I've seen so far, it's cool. Glad to see people taking an interest in learning to code!

Sorry for my totally off topic reply. Thanks!

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