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  1. Hello and Welcome. This KB article shows you how to Download and install on your Mac. Step #12 shows a pic with the Activate Button visible, you would click that and enter your license info. https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-2634 Activate Malwarebytes on your Mac device In the Malwarebytes Dashboard, click Activate License. Enter your license key into the Activate Product window > click Activate License. When Real-time Protection features are activated, the upper-left corner of the Dashboard states Malwarebytes | Premium.
  2. Hello and Welcome @Ianp For future reference you can get that info from My Account @ Malwarebytes -> ->>LOGIN HERE<<- Login with the email address you used to purchase your copy of Malwarebytes.
  3. Support is the only ones that can help you with your activation code. As for the download link, you can always get the latest version from the link below. Download the Latest MB3 v3.7.1.2839 CU 1.0.538 from ->>RIGHT HERE<<-
  4. Yes I did defrag it (windows 7) and also ran disk cleanup to gain a little more free space. Also cleaned out 8GB of space out of this folder: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution
  5. Not everyone is having this issue, I say go ahead and try to install the latest version, if you have issues come back and start your own topic for one on one help. Thanks
  6. So I get a call from a user, tells me computer is slow and there is no hard drive space available. Hard drive is a 250GB and the user should be using less than 100GB. (work computer, so no pictures, music, videos) I connect to computer and sure enough the hard drive is full. I update CCleaner and configure to clean up the computer and temp file locations. Long story short, this computer had 171GB of temp files... my new record now... (Total cleaned was 191GB)
  7. Apparently this is going around... Director added you to a Project Team! – A new phishing attempt targeted on Office 365 users. https://o365reports.com/2019/02/26/director-added-you-to-a-project-team-a-new-hacking-attempt-targeted-on-office-365-users/
  8. Hello and Welcome! According to the log, it was blocked to protect your computer, as the link you clicked on lead to a possible trojan site. I would probably stay away from that site. If you think its a false positive you can always report it here: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/forum/123-website-blocking/ -Website Data- Category: Trojan Domain: mat1.gtimg.com IP Address: Port: [50382] Type: Outbound File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
  9. Hello and Welcome @kupper22 Please provide the requested logs in post number 2 above so that the team can help you better.
  10. For anyone following this topic Direct link to the Knowledge Base article for the Play Mode feature: https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-2955
  11. You are correct, it does not mention anything about play mode in that document, I have already notified staff about needing to update that documentation. This like however has the information you are looking for. https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-2955 You can make all your suggestions here: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/forum/12-malwarebytes-3/
  12. So in the new version of Malwarebytes v3.7.1, you have added the feature Play Mode. In the GUI you have a ? you can click on to get more info on Play Mode. This takes you to this site: https://www.malwarebytes.com/support/guides/mb/Settings.html?lang=en#playmode There is nothing in that link that even mentions Play Mode????
  13. Hello and Welcome! If you are on the latest version 3.7.1, there is now a new Play Mode (Settings -> Application -> Play Mode -> Manage Applications)... There you can add your game to avoid getting notifications while you play your game, you can read all about it here: https://www.malwarebytes.com/support/guides/mb/Settings.html?lang=en#playmode
  14. Rather than reverting back to an older version, it would be better for you to provide the requested logs so someone on the team can help you resolve the issue your having with the latest version. See post #2 above for info on getting the requested logs.
  15. If that is the case then the only folks that can help you resolve it is the help desk, follow the instructions provided exile360 in post #8 above to resolve your issue. Thanks
  16. Hello and Welcome! Login to the My Account @ Malwarebytes -> ->>LOGIN HERE<<- (with the email address you used to purchase MB3) portal and you can see what devices are active, there you can deactivate all the ones using up your KEY. Then you can activate it again on your computer. Let us know if that solves your issues
  17. This is a bug that has been reported, updating from 3.6.1 to 3.7.1 the setting does not seem to stay. You have to enable and disable it a couple times and reboot for it to stick. (that's what I had to do to get mine to show).
  18. OK thanks for the new set of logs, lets have @LiquidTension review them to see what may be going on... I still see this proxy setting in the logs... ProxyServer: [S-1-5-21-2706503756-2889747525-4114291632-1001] =>
  19. Make sure to reboot after, or at least flush your DNS. Can you try going to the following URL in your browser and let me know what the page says? (You should simply get an OK message) https://sirius.mwbsys.com https://keystone.mwbsys.com Now that you have that disabled/removed, lets get a fresh set of logs please.. Thanks
  20. Hello and Welcome! Seems you are running a proxy server on this computer, is that correct? That may be what is blocking the connection to the activation servers. Remove the proxy setting and see if that corrects your issue. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: [ProxySettingsPerUser] 1 <==== ATTENTION (Restriction - ProxySettings) ProxyServer: [S-1-5-21-2706503756-2889747525-4114291632-1001] =>
  21. Reboot your computer and then try to install it one more time.
  22. Were you able to download the latest version from the link I provided and install it?
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