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  1. I believe its working, I don't see the dot your talking about, but I do get lines and options to correct the misspelling, (in the example I misspelled on purpose) unless this is just the build in checking?.
  2. Hello and Welcome Yes custom scan can take many hours depending on how many files are on your system. It is recommended that you only run threat scans, it will find all it needs to during a threat scan and give you the options to remove what it finds.
  3. Perhaps clearing you cache and flushing your DNS. Rebooting your router/modem will allow you go gain access. Its not that your locked out of your account, its just that your having issues getting to the page. Maybe try a different browser.
  4. I just tried going to the site and was able to get to it. Not sure where your located but there have been some issues with AT&T servers being down, so if they are down it will affect many people.
  5. I agree with this statement, since Malwarebytes detected it, and no action was taken, any other security product would have picked up on the file in question being accessed so it would have either quarantined it or removed it. Check your other security software to see if its there. My AV works in this manner. Any file that gets touched by any software gets scanned by the AV.
  6. Your welcome!, I would love to test Grammarly, but I don't have or use that software... perhaps I should
  7. Be careful when seeking Microsoft Support as there are scammers out there claiming to be Microsoft as well.
  8. On a laptop that has an internal memory card reader I was not able to update (its listed as one of the issues) Error attempting to update with external USB device or memory card attached @AdvancedSetup I have a VM running under VMware Workstation Pro v15.10 build-13591040 and it seems to be running fine.
  9. Until it isn't... note the screenshot below, I am on v1903 as well and the issue comes back from time to time...
  10. I have been using this trick for some time now, I use the Window 7 key on the side of the computer to activate Windows 10 installs.
  11. The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) has released an alert on Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) phishing—a scheme which lures email recipients into visiting malicious websites that look legitimate and secure. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) encourages users and administrators to review the IC3 Alert and the CISA Tip on Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks. If you believe you are a victim of cybercrime, file a complaint with IC3 at www.ic3.gov. Source: https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/current-activity/2019/06/10/IC3-Issues-Alert-HTTPS-Phishing Alert Number I-061019-PSA Cyber Actors Exploit 'Secure' Websites In Phishing Campaigns Websites with addresses that start with “https” are supposed to provide privacy and security to visitors. After all, the “s” stands for “secure” in HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. In fact, cyber security training has focused on encouraging people to look for the lock icon that appears in the web browser address bar on these secure sites. The presence of “https” and the lock icon are supposed to indicate the web traffic is encrypted and that visitors can share data safely. Unfortunately, cyber criminals are banking on the public’s trust of “https” and the lock icon. They are more frequently incorporating website certificates—third-party verification that a site is secure—when they send potential victims emails that imitate trustworthy companies or email contacts. These phishing schemes are used to acquire sensitive logins or other information by luring them to a malicious website that looks secure. Recommendations: The following steps can help reduce the likelihood of falling victim to HTTPS phishing: Do not simply trust the name on an email: question the intent of the email content. If you receive a suspicious email with a link from a known contact, confirm the email is legitimate by calling or emailing the contact; do not reply directly to a suspicious email. Check for misspellings or wrong domains within a link (e.g., if an address that should end in “.gov” ends in “.com” instead). Do not trust a website just because it has a lock icon or “https” in the browser address bar. Victim Reporting The FBI encourages victims to report information concerning suspicious or criminal activity to their local FBI field office, and file a complaint with the IC3 at www.ic3.gov. If your complaint pertains to this particular scheme, please note “HTTPS phishing” in the body of the complaint.
  12. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued a reminder urging consumers to look out for two new variations of tax-related phone and email scams. The phone scam involves pre-recorded messages threatening to suspend or cancel a victim’s Social Security number, and the email phishing scam involves a fake agency—the “Bureau of Tax Enforcement”—claiming that the victim owes past due taxes. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) encourages taxpayers to review the IRS Alert and CISA’s Tip on Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks for more information on avoiding tax scams year round. If you believe you have been a victim of a tax-related scam, visit the IRS webpage on Tax Scams - How to Report Them. Source: https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/current-activity/2019/06/07/IRS-Warns-New-Tax-Scams
  13. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has released an article on the Protected Voices initiative designed to mitigate the risk of cyber influence operations targeting U.S. elections. As part of the initiative, FBI offices are coordinating with political campaigns at the local, state, and federal levels across the country to make them aware of potential cybersecurity vulnerabilities. In partnership with the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, FBI has also released a series of short videos to help political campaigns defend their computer networks. The videos include tips and best practices on topics such as setting strong passwords and defending against social engineering. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) encourages users to review the FBI Article and the CISA Tip Best Practices for Securing Elections Systems for more information. CISA encourages election officials or campaign staff to report suspicious activity to their local FBI field office and to FBI CyWatch at cywatch@fbi.gov. Source: https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/current-activity/2019/06/06/FBI-Releases-Article-Protected-Voices-Campaign
  14. As summer nears, many people will soon be taking vacations. When planning vacations, users should be aware of potential rental scams and “free” vacation ploys. Travelers should also keep in mind risks related to travelling with mobile devices. The Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency (CISA) encourages travelers to review the following suggested tips and security practices to keep their vacation cyber safe: Building a Digital Defense Against Vacation Rental Scams Make It a Scam-Free Vacation Travel Tips Holiday Traveling with Personal Internet-Enabled Devices Cybersecurity While Travelling Source: https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/current-activity/2019/05/24/Tips-Cyber-Safe-Vacation
  15. That's Great, one down and many more to go..
  16. Those apps that we have gotten so used to in the past are part of the Windows Store now. Sure I can install 3rd party apps to use but that's not the point, these apps should run in Windows as default apps. Here are most of them that won't run if you run into the issue of Windows Apps not working (as many people are having)
  17. not so good if they can't run calculator in the accounting department, and can't listen to voice mails because media player does not run.
  18. We disable IPv6 on our network and have had no issues. I will say this, we have a few computers where the Windows Store Apps have stopped working, perhaps I will try to enable IPv6 to see if it makes a difference. Symptom: Open any Windows Store App (calculator for example) it opens and closes immediately. Only fix it to restore to a point when it was working before, or re-install windows. Found this article that may be worth reading.
  19. Not saying this is the case... but I have always turned off IPv6 on all my Windows 7/10 computers with no ill effects....
  20. Feel free to contact support with your proof of purchase and they can iron it out for you. https://support.malwarebytes.com/community/windows
  21. With the May 2019 feature update to Windows 10 (version 1903) almost ready to hit the fan, here are the best ways to ensure you install it when you’re ready — even in the face of recent forced updates from Microsoft. Surely you remember how the first release of Windows 10 version 1809 turned out — deleted files, panicked users, yanked upgrades that were unyanked and yanked again. Heaven knows that the release of Windows 10 version 1903 couldn’t be any worse, but there’s every reason to wait and see. For almost everyone, the new features in version 1903, known to some as the May 2019 Update — Cortana banished, a few anemic phone extensions, newly spry response to a failed update — just aren’t worth the bother of installing and setting up an entirely new copy of Windows. (Unless you really want Candy Crush Soda Saga installed for the umpteenth time.) If you’re convinced that Cortana should sit in a corner by itself, your opinion may vary, of course. And there are undeniable benefits under the covers. But for 90% of us, I would guess, 1903 isn’t high on the priority list. It certainly isn’t worth thrusting yourself into the unpaid beta-tester pool at the earliest opportunity, while waiting for Microsoft to iron out its problems. Thus, for most Windows 10 users, it makes a whole lot of sense to wait and update to 1903 when you’re good and ready for it — not when Microsoft decides to push it on you. (Whatever you do, don't manually check for updates.) For the Full Story See: Computer World Article
  22. Hello and Welcome Can you tell us what type of license you had, was it a lifetime license by chance? As for response's to your ticket, make sure you check your spam/junk folders for any possible replies.
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