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John A

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Everything posted by John A

  1. Very interesting story #StaticGuy Her computer now won't boot! So it looks like she has a similar problem. Harvey Norman here told her to bring it in and they would reset it and make sure the correct version of Windows is on it, or replace it. Cheers
  2. This is easy to repro in Windows 10 15062.11 Deactivate Malwarebytes Uninstall Malwarebytes Restart Install Malwarebytes and activate. Defender is turned off after activation. Note that Defender icon shows tick, but when Defender Security Centre is opened, Defender has been turned by Malwarebytes. This should be fixed and quickly as people will be installing the Creators Update from 5th April (when Microsoft release the Upgrade Assistant Tool).
  3. I would like to chime in here. The retailer in question is Harvey Norman, one of the major chain retailers in Australia, and reputable. I had a friend buy an Acer laptop a couple of weeks ago from them and one of the options the salesperson was pushing was to change the HDD to an SSD (just like the OP was offered). This process involved the user phoning a third party tech firm who would "sort out" the SSD. I am sure that the original Acer computer would have had a genuine copy of Windows 10 Home or Pro. It looks to me like the 3rd party tech company supplying the pre-loaded SSDs might be the culprits. I will get my friend to check to see if her Windows is Enterprise.
  4. Hi PeaceRiver There is one issue with Creators Update - if you use Windows Defender, it will be disabled with the MB default settings but that won't be obvious unless you actually open Defender or Action Centre. See this discussion
  5. Quitting it will stop it until the next restart. But the best thing to do is deactivate Malwarebytes then Uninstall it. Then run the Windows 10 upgrade and after successful installation, re-install Malwarebytes. As a general rule, it is a good idea to uninstall any third party security app prior to a Windows upgrade, or at the very least, disable all its real time protection.
  6. Could be associated with this bug in Windows Update "If your PC fails to install this build [15063] on reboot with the error 8024a112, reboot manually again. If your PC appears to hang during the reboot, power your PC off and back on and the install will proceed."
  7. Attached. Of note is a few instances of: "Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\mbae.dll that did not meet the Store signing level requirements." FRST.txt Addition.txt
  8. Windows 10 Pro, Version 1703, Build 15063 Clean install of CU4 After about 20 successful restarts, MB started with Malware protection layer turned off. Manually started OK. MBAMSERVICE.zip
  9. Hi EremiticWolf On the Creators version of Windows 10, Malwarebytes will, by default, register itself as the primary antivirus and Defender will turn off. But, you get no indication of this, because the Defender icon still sits there with a tick on it. It is only when you open Defender that it shows that it has been turned off and replaced by Malwarebytes. You can override this behaviour - in Malwarebytes > Settings > Application - set Windows Action Centre to "Never register Malwarebytes in the Windows Action Centre" Since Malwarebytes is not an antivirus, my opinion is that it should not turn off Defender by default, or at least ask permission to do this.
  10. Clean install Windows 10 x 32. Worked fine for a few restarts, then on one restart, Exploit layer failed to start and when I tried to start bit manually it got stuck on "Starting". Restarted, all OK again. Using Defender AV only. Still some work to be done! mbae-default.zip
  11. I am personally not concerned because I can easily fix it. But I am thinking of the many people out there who wouldn't even know this has happened.
  12. Hi Corrine In 15061, the (now called) "Defender Security Centre "icon still appears even if Defender has been turned off by another AV. Only when it is open do I see that Defender was disabled and that MB had taken its place.
  13. I had seen that thread, but it relates to an earlier version of Windows.
  14. MB doesn't work like a traditional signature based AV, as stated in the link below - it doesn't have a protection layer called Virus protection. Although it is boldly claimed that it can replace the traditional AV, it is still designed to run alongside traditional AVs. So in that case it shouldn't register itself with Action Centre such that Defender shuts down without permission. Yes, I understand that Kaspersky etc AVs shut off Defender - to me, that would be expected, since you are installing a new AV and shouldn't have more than one operational https://blog.malwarebytes.com/malwarebytes-news/2016/12/announcing-malwarebytes-3-0-a-next-generation-antivirus-replacement/
  15. See sections 6, 7 and 8 at the link below. The files you are seeing are the logs mentioned in 6 required to be zipped. Section 7 describes how to obtain the frst and addition files - you have to download a tool to obtain them Section 8 describes how to obtain the mb-checkresult file
  16. Hi John I haven't tried earlier W10 Insider versions and I don't really care when this started. 15061 is close to what is going to be soon released by Microsoft. I did install Malwarebytes on a clean system running 15061 and it did not ask permission to disable Defender. I didn't even realise that Defender had been disabled until I was checking a few settings. Since Defender is my primary defence on Windows 10, I call that hijacking. Malwarebytes has to mould itself to continuing changes to Windows10. If Defender has changed the way it interacts with other software, then Malwarebytes install should be fixed so that it asks permission to disable Defender, particularly as Malwarebytes is not an AV.
  17. Yes, but there is no indication that Defender has been turned off unless you actually open it up and have a look. In my case I want Defender on so I have changed the setting in MB and turned Defender back on again. MB should ask permission to do this, not just hijack the AV.
  18. I just installed MB on 15061 and it causes Defender to turn off with the default settings. Should not happen without permission.
  19. Thanks, first time I have seen it though.
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