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John A

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Everything posted by John A

  1. What probably happened is that Malwarebytes caused a Windows Profile corruption, so it opened a "Temporary profile" so you had some access to the computer but appeared to have lost your documents. This is a known issue but for some reason is not listed as such. If you got it once you will get it again. The only way around this problem at present is to set Malwarebytes NOT to start with Windows. Start it manually after you log in. Also see this thread for a way to start Malwarebytes at Login.
  2. Either reinstall Malwarebytes, or: Open File Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware Right click on mbam.exe and choose "create shortcut" Assuming that you haven't turned off Malwarebytes self protection, you should see a message "Windows can't create a shortcut here, do you want the shortcut placed on the Desktop instead". Click Yes The shortcut called "mbam.exe - Shortcut" should then be on your Desktop. You can rename the shortcut to "Malwarebytes"
  3. Yes it should be listed in the Known Issues post, I don't know why it isn't. I recall seeing a comment, I think from Aura, on this saying that the devs were having trouble tracking down this problem.
  4. Should "More information" link to the relevant Help entry? It doesn't contain a link at present.
  5. Same here. If this is intended behaviour, then if the Malwarebytes windows is closed with a scan active, a warning message should be issued. But this behaviour is inconsistent with Defender and other AVs, so I think that MB UI should be fixed so an active scan should continue behind the scenes if the GUI is closed.
  6. I have a suspicion this can happen sometimes after Malwarebytes does an update
  7. Today on the same computer, After applying updates, Web protection turned off and would not start automatically on restart. Had to manually start it! MBAMSERVICE.zip
  8. Latest version of MB doesn't display the date correctly Windows 10 current version Enabled Windows Display Language: English (Australia) Date format: d/mm/yy
  9. It worked OK after restarting MB output attached output.txt
  10. Clean installed on Windows 10 with Defender. Tried restarting, tried manually starting, Stays stuck on "Starting". MBAMSERVICE.zip
  11. Great. Hopefully this bug will be tracked down soon! A temporary workaround is to place a copy of the Malwarebytes shortcut in your user startup folder so it then starts up at Login Usually in c:\users\<you username>AppData>Roaming>Microsoft>Windows>Start menu>Programs>Start-up
  12. Word 2016 16.0.4456.1003, Windows 10 current version, Defender Word freezes when doing the following sequence, and has to be ended with Task Manager when Exploit protection is on Start Word Type "Anyway" (no quotes) Right click on Anyway, choose Smart Lookup Freeze occurs Easy to reporoduce MBAMSERVICE.zip
  13. I agree there is a gap in the protection during Startup but there is no other workaround that I know of. Changing the MB delayed startup setting did not help.
  14. Well, not OK - it was running well while I was starting MB at login rather than Windows Startup. Since turning on Start Malwarebytes with Windows Startup, I have had frequent problems with different protection layers not starting. I have reverted to starting MB at Login and it is working OK again so far.
  15. This has been running well, but I just had an instance on computer startup where MB Exploit protection failed to start and when I tried to switch it on, it got stuck on Starting. Changed startup to delay fro 15 seconds, restarted, all OK Windows 10 current release Defender MBAMSERVICE.zip
  16. Yes you should update, and your licence will be good, but deactivate it from 3.0.5 before you uninstall it
  17. Deactivate your licence on the current version, then uninstall it and restart. Then install 3.0.6 from here:
  18. Hi Sandra16 Windows may have logged you in to a Temporary user profile, a known issue with Malwarebytes 3. Open Malwarebytes > Settings > Protection and turn off "Start Malwarebytes at Windows Startup" Restart the computer Hopefully you can now see your usual desktop. Start Malwarebytes manually. Let us know if that fixed the issue.
  19. Try the latest version and see if the issues still occur (uninstall your current version first)
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