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John A

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Everything posted by John A

  1. That would be the first thing to try. But before doing that, follow the instructions here, it may help staff identify the problem Then deactivate your licence, uninstall/restart/reinstall, activate.
  2. Can you provide more detail on what happened - error messages etc? Are you using Defender or a 3rd party antivirus?
  3. Yes Windows Update will automatically update your system but it could be days or weeks after 17th, as they roll it out. But you can get the update manually. It's a good idea to uninstall Malwarebytes prior to Windows Fall Creators Update 1709, then reinstall Malwarebytes after the update. If there are any compatibility issues between the two Exploit protections, you can either: 1. Turn off exploit protection in Malwarebytes; or 2. Change the Exploit protection settings in Windows: Start > Settings > Update & Security > Windows Defender > Open Windows Defender Security Centre. Then click on App & browser control and scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Exploit Protection settings. There are 5 System settings and some Program settings that you can change. I would recommend saving the default System and Program settings before changing them (there is a "Save settings" option at the bottom of both tabs). Hopefully we will hear from Malwarebytes staff regarding their recommendations.
  4. This has been raised in the Anti-Exploit Beta forum a couple of months ago, so they are aware of the issue, but have not commented so far. But Oct 17 is not that far off.
  5. I appreciate the fully identifiable file name on MB setup files. One application I use has the opposite issue - the file name is "setup.exe" - each time a new release occurs I have to rename it to include the version
  6. OK I understand. But I would rather not add exceptions. Also it is not only eM Client - KeyPass also has been reported. So there may be other apps that also cause this.
  7. All computers are running Windows 10 1703 15063.413. I have only seen this issue occur in the last couple of months, so it is possible that a recent Windows 10 quality update may have contributed.
  8. If that was the case, I would expect the issue to occur on the much slower old laptops. I would rather not compromise security by excluding the folder containing the install file. I can live with the issue, but the fact remains that it shouldn't happen - is this conflict something that needs to be fixed in Malwarebytes?
  9. I had installed the new version of Malwarebytes over the previous one a couple of days ago. The issue occurs during the installation of eM Client. But another user also had this issue installing KeePass So far it has only occurred on my Desktop computer. I have the same setup on two laptops, and have yet to see the issue on them. As I said before, this is a difficult issue to reproduce.
  10. I just got the same issue again installing eM client 7.1.30638.0 with MB- Again the MB tray icon disappeared until the eM Client install finished, then the MB icon magically reappeared again! This is an intermittent issue and occurs maybe 1 in 5 installs of eM client
  11. Yes it is a known problem and about time it was fixed so that it matched the Windows language setting. My Windows Language setting is English (Australia) which isn't recognised by MB. Every time I reinstall MB I have to set the MB language to English (UK), which at least sets the date format correctly. You can change your setting in MB settings > Application > Display language where you will find a limited list of options
  12. Also see " Introducing exploit protection" here https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2017/06/28/announcing-windows-10-insider-preview-build-16232-pc-build-15228-mobile/#mqgucYkIikiMVRmG.97
  13. I suspect that this is an intermittent issue. Could you try installing KeePass a couple of times to see it happens every time?
  14. This appears to be the same issue I get installing eM Client In my case, the MB icon was shut down by the em Client installer. MB self protection was on and eM Client was not being monitored by exploit protection layer. It seems there is a problem? Surely we should not have to shut down MB to install another program?
  15. Hi Nikhil Where would I find setup logs? BTW I installed it on two other Win10 PCs and 1 Win 7 PC with no issue. Only happens on my main desktop and even then is intermittent. Not easy to repro.
  16. Well this is getting serious! I just installed eM Client 7.1.30453.0 from http://www.emclient.com/dist/v7.1.30453/setup.msi The issue occurred again (see image 1) This time I chose "Close the applications and attempt to restart them" >OK MB Tray icon then disappeared! and I received image 2. I clicked OK and the eM Client installation completed successfully Then the MB tray icon suddenly appeared again! And yes, MB Self protection is on.
  17. Hi Nikhil I also installed this without issue on two other Windows 10. The Windows 10 computers are all set up the same, all using only Defender and MB. The computer the issue occurred on is my main desktop PC. I have been using eM Client for years and installed new versions many times without issue. I installed the same version (7.1.30435) on all 3 computers The new 7.1 release of eM Client that I incurred this issue on yesterday was 7.1.30435.0. Today I downloaded the eM Client install file again from the same link and installed it again, this time it didn't complain about MB. But the version is now 7.1.30440.0, so they clearly made some quick changes to the installer. You probably installed that later version. Unfortunately, you can't tell the version of a eM Client install file until you install it and open the application. Anyway, I guess all we can do is put this issue on the watch list. John
  18. File is 50MB. It can be downloaded here: http://www.emclient.com/dist/latest/setup.msi
  19. New computer, Windows 10 1703 x 64, Windows Defender, latest MB Premium Malwarebytes set NOT to start with Windows. Windows 10 Fast Start-up turned ON Manually start Malwarebytes then shut down Windows Start Windows then manually start Malwarebytes - Malwarebytes UI opens all green ticks but NO MB tray icon Restart computer (ie no Fast startup) then manually start Malwarebytes - all good Turn Fast Start-up OFF - issue does not occur. Easily reproduced. Logs can be PM'd if required.
  20. Any idea why would this occur when installing eM Client? I quit Malwarebytes and the install continued OK. I have since clean installed MB so logs aren't available.
  21. I had two issues: On one Windows 10 computer. Following the install over the top it got the "can't connect to server" issue, same on restart. Ran clean then reinstall, all good. Forgot to save logs before clean On Windows 7 computer, after install, exploit had not started. Started it manually, OK. All good on restart Three other computers updated OK.
  22. I agree that it shouldn't be needed, yet I have seen a few cases on factory 10s that have startup issues that have been resolved by disabling Fast Startup, including an ASUS netbook of mine. Certainly worth trying.
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