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Computer won't boot normally - multiple BSOD errors

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Before July 18th the computer was working fine, besides one or two minor issues; after July 18 the computer issues began.  Each and every time I attempted to boot into my computer normally, it simply wouldn't boot; the login screen would appear with the background image and the time, but it would not go past that.  Rather it would restart, sometimes the windows login screen wouldn't even appear it would remain black then restart, other times I had to manually restart the computer.  

I did no hardware change, I didn't do any hardware change not a week before, not three weeks before. The only thing I attempted was to update Windows10 to build 2004 which would fail, and cause the computer to restart each time I attempted to update Windows to build 2004; although the computer would boot into normal mode.  

For the past two weeks I've struggling to get this resolved.  The only thing that works, is booting into Safe Mode with Networking or Safe Mode, otherwise booting in normal mode doesn't work.  I've done chkdsk /f, sfc /scandisk among many other things, all come out successful; no problems.  I've attempted to find help online, the help I've received is an endless testing, this testing has gone on for nearly two weeks and yet I never am informed on what it might be, rather; running a list of testing programs which all come out successful. 

I've also run Malwarebytes, CCleaner etc, all come out with no malware, or virus.  What exactly is going on and more importantly how can I fix it ?

When attempting to boot normally in Windows these are the BSOD errors:


And the frequent 0xC0000001 BSOD error.

As I mentioned I want to resolve this as soon as possible because the current help is an endless cycle of testing and posting results but nothing that tells me, this or that is the problem and this is what needs to be done to fix it. At this point I feel like I've downloaded every testing program and debugging program that exists yet the problem remains.

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6 minutes ago, PowerPenguin said:

As I mentioned I want to resolve this as soon as possible because the current help is an endless cycle of testing and posting results but nothing that tells me, this or that is the problem and this is what needs to be done to fix it. At this point I feel like I've downloaded every testing program and debugging program that exists yet the problem remains.

Are you referring to this topic? You never responded to requests for logs and it was closed.


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Many of the things I`ve done, a few I've not done; either way, all the results are successful. I don't foresee it being a failed drive, RAM; maybe, then again, I'm leaning towards no. 

Another odd thing that I noticed is that I have a menu to select what version of Windows10 I want to boot into, before the date mentioned I had only one version, after the date mentioned I have numerous versions and I never installed any of those versions before, what is going on ?

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It sounds like the boot files may have been corrupted somehow.  I suspect a repair install of Windows would fix it, though I don't know if you have tried that already or not.  There are other options such as EasyBCD which could likely remove the extra entries, however you'd need to know exactly which one is the one to keep and there may be other issues with the system that editing the boot menu would not fix.

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@AdvancedSetup I can't create a new administrator account as Windows automatically logs into a standard user; although I will try again but no guarantee. 

@exile360 I tried a repair install, from what I remember; that didn't solve the problem. I know exactly which Windows entity to keep upon booting into Windows, what I want to know is why the other were added ? Booting into Safe mode and Safe Mode with Networking both work; although not in normal mode, this is what I really want to know what is going wrong, two weeks on this and no result.  I don't believe it's hardware related at all, I do believe something with the boot became corrupt and it's finding out exactly what file or files is the cause ?

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@AdvancedSetup I want to access my normal account, I already have another account with a different name but that just logs me into another account in safe mode.  

Another odd problem I see is I can't open any files or images when in safe mode without this error;


File system error (-2147416359)


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Sounds like a corrupt user profile along with corrupted boot files.  I'm guessing it happened when you tried to install the latest Windows update.  A repair install of Windows would be basically performing an in-place upgrade of Windows 10 over your existing version.  It should repair all system files and components, however you would likely need to reinstall most of your third party applications.  AdvancedSetup may be able to guide you in fixing the system without needing to do that though, so I concede to his knowledge.

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3 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

At what point does the Normal Mode login fail? Does it get to the Login Screen at all?

The normal mode fails just when Windows loads, either the login screen with the background image & clock are visible then the computer restarts; or, the screen it just black and it restarts, or I have to manually restart the computer. 


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6 hours ago, exile360 said:

Sounds like a corrupt user profile along with corrupted boot files.  I'm guessing it happened when you tried to install the latest Windows update.  A repair install of Windows would be basically performing an in-place upgrade of Windows 10 over your existing version.  It should repair all system files and components, however you would likely need to reinstall most of your third party applications.  AdvancedSetup may be able to guide you in fixing the system without needing to do that though, so I concede to his knowledge.

@exile360 This sounds reasonable as to the problem.  Why it happened around that date is odd, cause I did the same thing before and it didn't corrupt the the user profile and boot files. I could be wrong but I think the user profile is corrupt.

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It can be quite random for corruption to occur.  It could be something as simple as some part of the update getting hung up and timing out, leaving the install incomplete or any number of other potential issues.  Whatever it was, it is likely a rare and somewhat random occurrence, as corruption issues often are.

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Once the computer has gotten to the normal login screen then it has nothing to do with the boot process.

Please see if you can enable a Clean Boot from Safe Mode and see if it will go into Windows Normal or not



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19 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

Once the computer has gotten to the normal login screen then it has nothing to do with the boot process.

Please see if you can enable a Clean Boot from Safe Mode and see if it will go into Windows Normal or not



The computer boots into the normal login screen but as it's loading it stops and locks up; or instead of the normal login screen it just goes black, that isn't often but it has happened. 

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30 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

Once the computer has gotten to the normal login screen then it has nothing to do with the boot process.

Please see if you can enable a Clean Boot from Safe Mode and see if it will go into Windows Normal or not



I did a clean boot, instead of the login screen; the screen is black and I have to manually restart ?

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