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Production halted at a cost of $85,000!!!!

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5 minutes ago, Asia_Off_Grid said:

Mouth? Try keyboard, Einstein.

clutching at straws once again. figurative language exists y'know.

3 minutes ago, Asia_Off_Grid said:

Yeah. A bunch of people, all who chose to bitch, gripe and moan, rather than to work to sort the issue. Snowflake.

clearly you have no job or you would realize what does it mean to see your work fked up by your own -supposed- antivirus that you pay for help you instead. griping and moaning is understandable and even tho you say that is unecessary, it IS  necessary, not because it will make them move faster on the fix, not at all of course, but because they must learn that, as a company, they are not allowed to expose their customers to events like that, yesterday, or they'll lose all. it's a moan for ''stay at your place''. wouldn't you be upset as well if someday you're cut off of electricity? ''ops, we messed up xdd lol, but you're gonna suffer without saying a word right?", here, that should not happen.

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1 minute ago, Asia_Off_Grid said:

That was someone else. Although both need to check the EULA before making claims.
Bruce does claim to use the enterprise version of MBAM so I hope the mods will move this thread to the right forum. (Or just close it.)


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10 minutes ago, ParanoiaBoy said:

clutching at straws once again. figurative language exists y'know.

As do capital letters - ABCDEFG...

10 minutes ago, ParanoiaBoy said:

clearly you have no job...

Nope. You are correct. I'm 51 years old. I've been retired and living in SEA (that's Southeast Asia) since I was 34. 

9 minutes ago, ParanoiaBoy said:

are you dumb dude?

Nope. Just suffering from a bit of sleep deprivation. Been awake since midnight. It's almost 6pm here, currently.

But, you aren't exactly a rocket scientist. One can easily see that, by your sentence structure, you obviously failed English class.

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4 minutes ago, ParanoiaBoy said:

not allowed to expose their customers to events like that

But don't company owner also know that every piece of software they run on their PC may contain faults and that if machines are that critical they need to take measures to mitigate the effect. I'm thinking of delayed updates, backup-systems, being able to revert any system-changes quickly (via disk-imaging for example). I understand that MB messed up in making the mistake (these are bound to happen whomever you buy software from) but I when I read of these 'I lost tons of money' stories all I read I never hear about how their fall-back plan failed. In addition must topics in the malwarebytes for business section are quite calm, to the point where it seems that they did have policies to cover this foreseeable eventuality. Now I do not own a business and as such I hope you (@ParaoiaBoy) could explain to me why such critical machines did not have proper emergency protocols to mitigate the damage?

tl;dr: IMHO knowing av-software of any company may screw over your computer one day is reasonable as no flawless software exists. Thus not taking mitigating policies when it comes to such critical machines is negligence. Why do business owners take the risk?


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1 minute ago, Asia_Off_Grid said:


No one can ever "cut off" my electricity. When the sun shines, my solar arrays produce all the power I require, and then some. I am not dependent on mains power. 

clearly you're some bored trollerino half-age grandpa that seeks for attention and chit-chatting.

no point discussing seriously with you anymore.

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17 minutes ago, ParanoiaBoy said:

wouldn't you be upset as well if someday you're cut off of electricity?

Yes, a bit. I have enough stuff in house (flashlights, candles, camping cooking gear) to mitigate the damage to a day without power would be very annoying than anything else. This is why hospitals have emergency generators.

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4 minutes ago, ParanoiaBoy said:

clearly you're some bored trollerino half-age grandpa that seeks for attention and chit-chatting.

no point discussing seriously with you anymore.

Finally! Thanks!


Oh, I haven't been Blessed with grandchildren yet. Thanks though, for your concern.

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You are not looking at the big picture Bruce. So you had a problem and had a setback. Time to see what lessons can be learned and see how you might approach similar problems in the future. What you are doing is just a hysterical knee-jerk reaction. Be in no doubt the team at Malwarebytes will be doing some serious soul searching at present and you can be sure the product will be much improved as a result. Instead of running away why not ask them what they are doing about this.

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2 minutes ago, TempLost said:

About time the moderators closed this thread - sounding more presidential with every post?

Though my interest in the motivation behind the actions of other is genuine, I feel like closing this thread may be for the best before it gets too ugly. No mods are currently online so I can only ask everyone to keep their emotions in check.

@AdvancedSetup@daledoc1 This topic may need some modding

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6 minutes ago, TempLost said:

sounding more presidential with every post

One could only hope.


8 minutes ago, Durew said:

But don't company owner also know that every piece of software they run on their PC may contain faults and that if machines are that critical they need to take measures to mitigate the effect. I'm thinking of delayed updates, backup-systems, being able to revert any system-changes quickly (via disk-imaging for example). I understand that MB messed up in making the mistake (these are bound to happen whomever you buy software from) but I when I read of these 'I lost tons of money' stories all I read I never hear about how their fall-back plan failed. In addition must topics in the malwarebytes for business section are quite calm, to the point where it seems that they did have policies to cover this foreseeable eventuality. Now I do not own a business and as such I hope you (@ParaoiaBoy) could explain to me why such critical machines did not have proper emergency protocols to mitigate the damage?

tl;dr: IMHO knowing av-software of any company may screw over your computer one day is reasonable as no flawless software exists. Thus not taking mitigating policies when it comes to such critical machines is negligence. Why do business owners take the risk?


Because they are:

  1. Too thick to figure out they need a back up plan.
  2. Too cheap to pay for proper systems and software.

These customers think that companies should be infallible. Therefore, their products should be as well. 

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2 minutes ago, Durew said:

Though my interest in the motivation behind the actions of other is genuine, I feel like closing this thread may be for the best before it gets too ugly. No mods are currently online so I can only ask everyone to keep their emotions in check.

I hear ya, Durew. I'm done with this thread. Have a good morning, afternoon, or evening, wherever you are. 

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45 minutes ago, Durew said:

Though my interest in the motivation behind the actions of other is genuine, I feel like closing this thread may be for the best before it gets too ugly. No mods are currently online so I can only ask everyone to keep their emotions in check.

@AdvancedSetup@daledoc1 This topic may need some modding

No argument with your input, Durew, just amazed at some of the cretinous comments in this thread

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It didn't cost me $85000, but I lost about 6 hours of working time on an urgent contract for a preferred client.

I thought my laptop was being hacked, so I dumped a portable drive of family photos to save the client's project. ( I will keep a blank emergency one from now on for future "Malwarebytes Updates")

"Possible crash"? I lost count as was trying to save my livelihood.

This is the second time my biggest security risk has been a Malwarebytes "update."

I can't believe I am paying money for this POS. 

Will there be a class action lawsuit? How do we get going on that?

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We had the issue here as well.

1. random sites not working--which started to expand to more users (more noticed it..)

2. had network guys look at it with wireshark-- they noticed that requests were not even going out of the PC-- pointing to something on the PC's

3. scans showed no viruses, do we suspected a program on there PC's---I suspected MWB

4. went to this site, found the "fix" and applied it.

Did some people lose productivity? yep.  Total time to fix-- prob two-three hrs.---- once we found it was MWB.  (2k computers)

Edited by Cleatus
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