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  1. Antec


    Hi Porthos, Miekiemoes, David H. Lipman, (See if turning off rootkit scanning corrects the issue.) Sorry, I'm not going to do that. You know, I've been using RadioSure for over 10 years. And it hasn't been reinstalled in a very long time. It works very well, and overnight, lately, Mbam detects it? Take it out of your virus database... you didn't do it!!! @Miekiemoes, Thanks, I figured out a few things. On my OS where Radiosure is detected, there is no HubbleCache. So there is nothing to delete. Stopping Mbam changes nothing, it does not re-create a file. I created a new empty one...it doesn't work, it's empty... I copy that of another OS (lol) from my machine, ha ha, it works! (I just did it again and it works.) So conclusion. You create a HubbleCache file, or you say, don't detect this, don't detect this... is that the case? If so, should I put Radiosure in the Non-Detection Exceptions? (I found an exclusions.txt file which is 1km long lol) So it wasn't taken out of the viral database??? Malwarebytes Compte-rendu d'analyse 2024-07-17 002256.txt
  2. Antec


    Hi, No,on the same machine, but another OS (W10 Enterprise LTSc). A scan this morning 13. before Mbam Update. A scan at 9. Salut La Belgique Malwarebytes Compte-rendu d'analyse 2024-07-13 082139.txt Malwarebytes Compte-rendu d'analyse 2024-07-13 082517.txt Malwarebytes Compte-rendu d'analyse 2024-07-09 050501.txt
  3. Antec


    Hello, For W11 Enterprise Ltsc 24H2 it was ok for RadioSure before the Updates After Windows Update and Mbam RadioSure also blocked Added as an exception Sincerely Malwarebytes Rapport sur les malwares bloqués 2024-07-12 030356.txt
  4. Antec


    Small subsidiary question. Is there a Malwarebytes for Linux Mint? . I saw on the site that there is for Mac
  5. Antec


    Hello, Note that this is on W10 Pro 22H2. On W10 Enterprise LTSc 1809, it says nothing On W11 Pro 23H2 it doesn't say anything either I still have to switch to W11 Enterprise LTSC 24H2 I'm doing my updates... Malwarebytes Rapport sur les malwares bloqués 2024-07-11 234806.txt
  6. Good morning, I haven't been here for years. Everything works fine Thanks Today, after years of good operation, mbam me detects RadioSure as malicious. Malware Heuristic.2120 https://www.radiosure.fr/ C:\Users\JFG\AppData\Local\RadioSure\RadioSure.exe Latest official version is 2.2.1046 (January 29, 2016).https://www.radiosure.fr/download.html RadioSure-2.2.1046-setup.exe I had to make it an exception to continue listening to my radio Can you please delete this from the viral database Thank you Best regards F.J.
  7. Hello, @Shelle3 ^^^^ C'est Tuto pour toi, essaye de faire pareil avec ton PC
  8. Hello, Yes but that's it, even on consumer PCs / home PCs ... the problem sometimes occurs. It happened to me on a Dell Latitude E5500 It is true that it is a PC with possibility of doc station, which could be actually in business environment. The OS used is W10 Enterprise LTSC ... (It's an OS that I use more and more, seeing the worries with other W10 editions that change every six months) Resolved Mbarw problem by doing a ghost with the OS of another PC (Dell Vostro 3550) with identical W10. Just the drivers to update. Functional Mbarw
  9. Hello, yes, it has become more rare, but unfortunately it still does ... Best regards
  10. Hello, Well the scan remains on the memory analysis ... as in the photo ... I stopped the scan (at 17s) just for shooting. The attached logs are with the scan for 9mn (on the memory scan) ... so I stopped it and restarted and it happened normally. the cpu is an i7 5820K on X99-Deluxe with 32GB of memory ... It's with the automatic threat scan when the PC starts ... Normally the scan lasts 1mn30 on this machine. It's very fast... The phenomenon is however very occasional ... but occurs on any of my PCs ... (under W10) ... That's already, at least three versions of Mbam3 that I found that ... and as in other topics you have already dealt with problems related to the use of memory ... I had already reported this problem, but you have deleted my posts ... I reported a 45-minute scan loop when I saw it ... and the Kingston PC SSD burned some time later. (HP 2540P-i7 L640 Ram 8GB) But I do not think I'm the only one where this happens ... Greetings
  11. Hello, That's what I had already explained on a PC or the scan had looped ... for three quarters of an hour, before I noticed it ... The phenomenon was reproduced on another PC ... under W10 Pro, last version of Mbam ... I stopped the scan which looped at 9mn Here are the logs Thank you mbst-grab-results.zip
  12. Hell to drop for the SSD ... it's a consequence, and not a repetition. At the limit of my fault ... you must always have your eyes everywhere But the blocking problem on the memory scan is repetitive. But not systematic. And whatever the PC. Latest version also - 1.0.374 - 1.0.5366 at the moment ... Analysis on Ram still running at 6.30mn. Stop and restart, the complete scan (Threats) lasted 6mn ... analysis on Ram, 2mn ... On other PCs, it's only a few seconds (except when it blocks lol) I do not think I'm alone with this problem, especially since it's been around since well before version 2522 Sorry, hardly any time to make logs right now ... and you know what's going on Good luck
  13. Hello, Where we are ? I do not know exactly with which versions 3.5.1. xxxx, but about the date of your posts ... I burned the SSD Kingston of a PC (the personal one that I take to work) ... during the personalized scan, he got stuck on the analysis of memory ... Hard Disk Sentinel alerted me, the temperature went up to 62 ° ... I stopped the scan ... but too late the SSD had suffered too much, it melted some time later .. (Arf, I was at work, and not watching the PC ... but the job) And it still happens from time to time, that the scan block on the analysis of the memory ... (now I pay attention during the scans ...!) Also, where are you? FJ
  14. Hello, Since W8 and W10 it is necessary to go through a menu (Windows being functional) to access the restoration points and the restoration menu. When Windows is broken. Nothing works anymore. Thank you Microsoft The F8 safe mode access menu at boot is no longer functional You are in standard menu: bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy standard You can restore access by F8 by: bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy Command by cmd.exe in administrator mode Because of this, it is always better to have a Usb key or repair CD or better a usb key or Windows installation dvd used ... to repair or reinstall As for the image backup menu, that of Windows works pretty well ... as long as we have again the CD or DVD of Windows. just report to the repair menu to be able to do the restoration. But Macrium, Acronis, Aomei or others ... why not (I use Acronis and Aomei a lot for physical images on other drives ... commonly called a Ghost ... of Norton's legendary Ghost software) Otherwise to proceed with the tear, with the DVD a reinstallation of Windows over the partition C: also works rather well. And keep personal files and applications ... (IN NO CASE, DO NOT FORMAT PARTITION C: WARNING we select partition C: and have it installed The choices in the Windows restore menu are very important ... and the way to do it too ... to keep personal files (this is easy) and functional applications (this is more difficult) good luck and work your Windows PS: I have a big doubt ... that Mbam is broken anything ... I worked a day on one of my PCs ... while Mbam Web Protection was joking (I disabled it) and it was not until late that I saw Marcin's personal email (why Mbam would have broken Windows?) PS 2 : I'm sure Porthos will understand me
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