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3.2.2 and Firefox like oil and water

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I have been back & forth on an open ticket.  3.2.2 automatically downloaded and installed on my XP machine.  (I have since turned off automatic and opted for notify me).

I had the problem that others have reported where Malwarebytes would cause Firefox to not run.  It was also causing me other problems with Norton's Antivirus.  I uninstalled both Malwarebytes and Nortons.  Re-installed both and the same problrm occurred.  Uninstalled both again.  Reinstalled and then  followed the suggestion to turn off Self Protection Module.  That seemed to work for a short while.  However, Firefox would repeatedly hang and then crash, requiring a system reboot.  I was also then advised to place a list of files in the Exclusions of Norton.  Note that I have been running both these programs for several years without exclusions and never had any problems.  After putting these exclusions into Norton's, I had numerous other problems  Downloaded cvs or pdf files would not launch and open from Firefox.  Shortcuts to Excel and Word files would not work.

Went back and removed all of those exclusions.  Firefox works but still hangs and crashes after using it for a while - particularly when scrolling.  Again - necessitating a system reboot.  At this point, until there is a real fix for 3.2.2 I would like to uninstall it and reinstall 3.1, which was working perfectly fine.

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I'm sorry that you've experienced so much trouble with our product.  You may download version 3.1 from FileHippo here.

Please let us know if there's anything else we can help with, and again, I sincerely apologize for what you've been through in attempting to get our product to work properly on your system and I hope that our next release is able to resolve all of these issues for you.

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18 hours ago, RBF said:

I have been back & forth on an open ticket.  3.2.2 automatically downloaded and installed on my XP machine.  (I have since turned off automatic and opted for notify me).

I had the problem that others have reported where Malwarebytes would cause Firefox to not run.  It was also causing me other problems with Norton's Antivirus.  I uninstalled both Malwarebytes and Nortons.  Re-installed both and the same problrm occurred...


Since you have Win XP I'll assume you are using the Firefox ESR (extended support release) browser.

I have Norton Security v22 and MB Premium v3 installed and had several performances issues/crashes with Firefox ESR v52 on a 32-bit Vista SP2 machine. My Firefox crashes stopped after I disabled MB v3 Exploit Protection (i.e., not Self-Protection).  See MB / Norton Exploit Protection Conflict with 32-bit Firefox Browser? - that thread includes comments about other problems I've had running Norton and MB together on my old Vista SP2 machine.

I don't know if our issues are related since my Firefox ESR problems started before I updated to MB v3.2.2.
32-bit Vista Home Premium SP2 * Firefox ESR v52.3.0 * NS Premium v22.10.1.10 * MB Premium v3.2.2.2018 (CU 1.0.188)
HP Pavilion dv6835ca, Intel Core2Duo T5550 @ 1.83 GHz, 3 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GS

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Nikhils - I did have it installed and had self protection turned off.  Still had problems,

Imacri - Yes..Norton Security with backup, version 22.1  and Yes, Firefox ESR.

At this point, I'll uninstall and reinstall MB 3.1 and wait for word that the fix is good.  Then I'll install newer version.  I did not have any problems running the 2 together before the 3.2 release but I will check out the thread you reference.  Thanks.

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That file is for the right-click context menu scan feature.  I'd suggest running our clean uninstall tool which may be found here and then do not allow it to reinstall the program automatically (because it will try to install the latest 3.2.2 build), reboot when prompted, then reinstall version 3.1 and see if that eliminates the error.

Please let me know if it does not.

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The fix for Firefox and Self-Protection was released yesterday. If you download Malwarebytes from https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb3 and then go to Settings -> About, you should be on version 1.0.207. If you aren't, you can go to Settings -> Application and choose "Install Application Updates". This should download the update and install it. This update should fix the issue you're experiencing.


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dcollins - I did that install, rebooted and ran a scan.  So far both Malwarebytes and Firefox are running ok.  One minor detail - my version is different - as in attached.  I am also somewhat cautiously optimistic as I received notice that there is an updated release for Firefox ESR which I have not installed yet.  Hoping it doesn't cause problems when I do.

9-29-17 install.jpg

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My Norton's detected the FRST as questionable.  I downloaded anyway.  Then on execution Norton's Firewall blocked the program.  Looks like I will once again need to delete Malwarebytes if I am to have normal processing in Firefox.  Some other symptoms are that links do not open Firefox when clicked.  They do nothing.

Wasn't this latest release of Malwarebytes supposed to contain the fix for the freezing problem?

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I think I have zeroed in on the problem - at least the area.  It is Facebook.  As long as I do not go to Facebook, I can have multiple tabs open for different sites and not have any problem.  Once I go to Facebook is when the problems begin and I will then need to reboot for things to work again.  Hope this helps you.

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