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Four weeks now since I installed Malwarebytes 3, and still I have no problems using it. It always opens with no question mark, everything is activated. It is always up to date, all protections are on. Could my good fortune be down to the fact that I am running no other antivirus software apart from Windows Defender. My windows firewall is on, and that is all I use to keep my computer safe. I may be misguided but most of the problems that users are experiencing seem to be connected with other well known virus and malware solutions. I trust Malwarebytes.

Just my humble observations.

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This is day 4 of no problems.

I have 4 Win 7 computers that have the latest  version of MWB installed.

Yes, I am happy.


Problems are back.


No I get the task bar message that Protection is disabled and the program shows "Awesome! You're protected".

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Running MB on Win 10 1607 (Build 14393.693) Pro x64 without problems (except the imaging issue with Macrium Reflect but a fix is on its way).

IMHO : Windows Firewall + Windows Defender + Router + "smart" surfing and you're safe. Malwarebytes 3 brings a good additional security layer on top ...

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Running MB Premium on Windows 7 x64 Home Premium, alongside the new free version of Avast (with the unnecessary crud removed), CryptoPrevent 8.0 Premium and Casper 10 Backup as my security solutions. After some teething troubles it's been pretty stable although I had to do a clean reinstall a couple of days ago after the RTPs decided not to engage reliably on startup. That seems to have cured the problem for the moment. The issue of bloating of the System Volume Information Folder remains but I'm sure we'll see a solution eventually.

As things stand, I'm happy with the product but look forward to a stable release. 

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Running fine here as well on a Windows 7 Professional x64 PC, along with MSE.

Latest version of MBAM, 3.06.1469.

I noticed a clear general slowdown when I activated the license though.

It was running in free mode beforehand, since a few weeks.

(I was merely updating to the latest build when they were available, but always in free mode after the bad experience with the first rev 3 launch.)

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I am still seeing issues with Windows7 Pro systems. Within the last 4 days I have seen systems whose protection refuses to enable on boot up properly 2 of the 3 required a reboot the third  one I was able to close MBam down and restart the app to get the protection running which was web protection. In the other 2 systems I believe it was malware protection. These issues are always occurring when the system is either waking up from sleep or booting up from a complete power off. All of these were using 3.0.6

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After some initial problems with 3.0.5 and 3.0.6 which I received help correcting from MBAM staff, I have experienced no further problems and 3.06 is running fine.  I did experiment with Settings>Protection>Startup Options which seemed to work for me.  I have confidence that the next release will address these problems.  Thank you MBAM.

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I'm very satisfied with 3.06 and have had no issues at all. I'm running it on 25 computers.


2 computers are running Windows XP Pro that are 10 years old.

4 computers are running Windows 7 Pro that are 6 years old.

19 computers are running Windows 10 Pro that are 1 year or less.

I'm also running AVG for anti virus protection on all computers.


I trust Malwarebytes completely and would like to thank you MBAM for a job well done.

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