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  1. okay thank you very much for your help, porthos.
  2. so i'll just ignore the potential virus or malware warning that displayed, right? thanks 🙂
  3. is the file malicious prothos or am I ok to use? thanks
  4. Hello, without actually running the tool it says this file contains a virus or malware
  5. Hi, I just downloaded the "mbae test tool" to establish whether the malwarebytes anti exploit module is working correctly. so straight after I downloaded it I got a message saying that the file contains a virus or malware, do I wish to open it? I'm guessing this normal, right? Thanks 🙂
  6. Really appreciate the support! small update: my monitor wire socket didn't match the computer port and therefore i'm going to need to buy a new monitor
  7. Thank you!! getting my windows 7 machine tomorrow
  8. Hi Guys, I'm thinking of getting a Computer on Windows 7, and I was wondering what's the best way to carry out all of the Windows updates? Like is there a special way you can do this? Thanks as always ?
  9. Ohh, many thanks for the clarification. I'll have to do a proper test ?
  10. Hey exile360, is 425mbps a decent speed for an Ethernet connection?
  11. Big thanks to the pair of you! you have put my mind much more at rest ?
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