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+ 1 like button Suggestion !

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This would enable the reputation system and I can tell you from experience that this is a double-edged blade, and I don't think it's needed on a support forum for a company. Maybe on other kind of forums, but not this one. I'm pretty sure it's been discussed before (recently too) and we've been told that it won't happen.

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36 minutes ago, mrdodrop said:

hey all

I have a great idea Suggestion ! a + 1 like button (for a topic and post) need to be Enable it if it is available in admin cp ! :P:rolleyes:

Thanks for sharing your suggestion! We talked a bit about this but decided to move it way down our list of priorities (we wanting to further discuss) as we working through a few other things first. Our discussion was around how the feature could work for us, what are some high-level pros and cons, etc. That's about as far as we got on it. Certainly open to discussing it in the future after we get past some other items (which we alluded to here - more on this soon).

17 minutes ago, Aura said:

This would enable the reputation system and I can tell you from experience that this is a double-edged blade, and I don't think it's needed on a support forum for a company. Maybe on other kind of forums, but not this one. I'm pretty sure it's been discussed before (recently too) and we've been told that it won't happen.

We're open to discussing just about anything for the forums. As I shared above, we haven't made a final decision on this yet. Well, rather we haven't discussed it in detail with the community and made a recent call to enabled it or keep it disabled.

Since we're talking about it now... what do the rest of you think about enabling the reputation system?

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Personally I don't think it's a good idea. The reputation system isn't really fit for tech support forums in my opinion. And here, I'm talking about the system where when you +1 (like) a post, it gives the user +1 reputation as well and  the system where a post gets chosen as the answer for a thread. It's flawed in many ways.

We all know that it's rare for a problem to be solved in one post, depending on what the issue is. Let's say someone have a problem A, and an helper post a chain of instructions (B, C and D). Even though D was the final step and helped solve the issue, should D be marked as the "answer" post for this thread? If it is, people will just ignore steps B and C even though they are necessary to complete the instructions in the D post. Basically, when a solution (under the form of a chain of instructions/processes) is divided in multiple posts, marking the post containing the last set of instructions as the answer doesn't make much sense. The best example I can give is the Malware Removal Help section. Malware Removal can be a long and hard process, and the helper can make a user run multiple tools, scans, etc. to get rid of the infection. Which post is going to be flagged as the "answer" one? The one where the helper declares the user clean? It won't help any of the users looking at that thread for the same issue in that situation. And for the rare cases where the issue is solved by an answer in one post, I see the user flagging another post as the reply for that thread (even one of it's own). So these should be managed by the Staff, to make sure that all the "answer" posts are actually answers to issues.

Let's not forget that some posts can get +1'd even though they do not contribute to the thread at all, like a user posting "I have the same problem, help" and someone "likes" it, increasing that user's reputation by 1 for... nothing? Or related to the concept above, a user will just like all the posts made by the users trying to assist him in his thread, and some users might end up with 10 or 20 reputation in one shot if it's a thread that had a lot of replies.

Let's say I end up having 100 reputation, and David have 10 (not realistic of course :P ). Well, on forums where the reputation system is enabled, some users will give more importance to the reputation of a user than the usergroup. So if me and David were to assist someone in a thread, there's chances that the user might only consider my replies as good since I have more reputation than David, even though he's an Expert and way, way more knowledgeable than me and his replies could be as valid, if not more, than mine. It's stupid, but that's what some users do, they only consider the reputation when it comes to reading/trusting/acknowledging/etc. answers.

Phew, that was long.

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I have never been a fan of the + or -1 (reputation) type system. Whilst the idea (in theory) is good, I have seen how it can be abused or gamed to fit an agenda whether for good or bad.

We provide help and support which gets gratitude from the majority of people (we can't please everyone). This is (imo) the best form of recognition for the hard work that is put in.

My own personal views.

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15 hours ago, David H. Lipman said:

Negative  thumbsdown.gif

Just think, if we would have had negative reputation enabled, you could have simply clicked a button to share your feelings on it!

9 hours ago, MikeW said:

Not a good idea

Can you share more on this?

6 hours ago, Aura said:


5 hours ago, Spud said:


^ good stuff guys. Thanks for this!


Edited by msherwood
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7 minutes ago, David H. Lipman said:

That's what Poll Posts are for.

These work well for binary answers. Some could say reputation also gives a binary response. Sometimes what you're saying combined with a positive or negative reaction (reputation in our case) is helpful. Not always, but certainly sometimes.

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3 hours ago, Tarun said:

For what it's worth, you can make it so that reputation is only allowed in the positive manner.

But that would be defeating the whole purpose, being selective on positive results only! At least that's how I read what you have said even if it's not what you wanted to put across.

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Another thing springs to mind. Most of our help given is on a one-to-one basis in the malware removal help forum. A like button would not really be appropriate under these circumstances due to the help being specific to a particular machine/person. In this instance, a feedback button would be more suitable where comments (praise or otherwise) can be submitted via a new window (if needed) offering say a 0-5 (poor to superb) tick box with a comment box area that is passed up the chain to a limited reader area to help us better determine the strengths and weaknesses in our support.



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I thought you could pick and choose what forums to enable this on but I may be mistaken. If you cannot, I'm surprised that's not an integrated feature yet.

You can set it to be strictly an upvote, up/downvote, or Like. For example, on my forums you can see the Like setup on my forum post here on Lunarsoft.


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7 hours ago, Spud said:

Another thing springs to mind. Most of our help given is on a one-to-one basis in the malware removal help forum. A like button would not really be appropriate under these circumstances due to the help being specific to a particular machine/person. In this instance, a feedback button would be more suitable where comments (praise or otherwise) can be submitted via a new window (if needed) offering say a 0-5 (poor to superb) tick box with a comment box area that is passed up the chain to a limited reader area to help us better determine the strengths and weaknesses in our support.



^ good thoughts here.

7 hours ago, Tarun said:

I thought you could pick and choose what forums to enable this on but I may be mistaken. If you cannot, I'm surprised that's not an integrated feature yet.

You can set it to be strictly an upvote, up/downvote, or Like. For example, on my forums you can see the Like setup on my forum post here on Lunarsoft.


Yep, we can do any of these.

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15 minutes ago, Firefox said:

Not something to be implemented on a support forum...

But why... as can you can probably tell by now, I like to understand why people want things they way they do. From you, I understand you don't want it but I don't understand why (yet). :)

Can you elaborate a bit?

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The Reputation System will be abused like it is in many other forums, such as in repping each other to get a higher level, handing it out as a welcoming gift to newcomers, or begging members to give you rep.

We are a support forum, I for one don't need credit or look for credit.  If I can help you I will, if I can't I don't need to be replying to the topic just to get my post counts up or in this matter my reputation..

Then there is the opposite... you dislike someone on the forum, what's to stop you from giving negative points...  Oh wait, you want to only allow positive feedback????

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Just now, Firefox said:

The Reputation System will be abused like it is in many other forums, such as in repping each other to get a higher level, handing it out as a welcoming gift to newcomers, or begging members to give you rep.

We are a support forum, I for one don't need credit or look for credit.  If I can help you I will, if I can't I don't need to be replying to the topic just to get my post counts up or in this matter my reputation..

Then there is the opposite... you dislike someone on the forum, what's to stop you from giving negative points...  Oh wait, you want to only allow positive feedback????

Thank you for this.

And to all since this has come up a few times... this thread (which I consider to be an initial conversation on the topic) is focused on the reputation feature as a concept. Not which reputation feature (like, positive only, negative only or positive and negative) may or may not be implemented. While those aspects are certainly part of the conversation, we're certainly not at a point in this dialog to decide on the exact implementation yet (and that's if we decide as a community that we want enable the reputation feature). Make sense?

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