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If it's emails not from Malwarebytes, they're spoofed. Report them to SpamCop.

I haven't seen a single one of those emails.

Also, it's not as simple as you would think. There's spam prevention software that can be added on top of IPS' anti-spam. Though I don't see these topics appearing on the forums. If I ever do, I use the Report feature.

Edited by Tarun
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You can never stop it all, but I must say that I have never seen it so bad on any forum than on this one and I join a lot of forums. 

And I also cannot understand why it is possible to create such  usernames with just random letters and numbers and it can pass  

than it must be at forehand not be possible to create imho . 



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Our own popularity is the main issue. There are both bots and humans writing these spam posts.

Researching shows that no one is immune to them. How do you stop a human from signing up. Authenticating your email request for approval, and then posting SPAM. I'm not aware of any software, tools, or methods that can stop it. On some other forums I belong to and so support with they're not even close to the visitor stats we have and they too get spammed (not as bad but it happens).

If you're aware of a method that will stop them I'm sure there are a few thousand sites that are looking for the answer.

You can actually watch live in the admin console as the IPS software blocks users from signing up as they are known spammers. So it's doing its job but it's child's play to get a new IP and email address and do it all over again.



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Unfortunately this version of Forum 'ware is spammer friendly.

Prior to the Forum software downgrade there were Forum Policies ( if I can call them that ) that would frustrate spammers such as plain text posting creating non-clickable URLs.

There are things that can be done but I am not going to discuss them in a Public Facing forum.

I lay the blame squarely on Invision.

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Sadly Dave, that is completely incorrect. I'm sorry you feel that way about this forum software. I'd appreciate it if you could stop with the negative tone towards the forum software, it seems to be in a majority of your posts that I see anymore. :(

What Ron has said is true by a majority - it's due to the popularity. My website is nowhere near as popular as Malwarebytes, and it is rarely hit by spam on the forums. Another that I moderate on is rather popular, though I believe they have their anti-spam configured in a much better fashion and they too are rarely hit by spam.

@AdvancedSetup I'm curious how and what all is configured here for the IPS Spam Service. I may also contact @msherwood about it too, as I'd love to help out if possible.

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I'm a member of many other popular forums, and the only forum I get spam is this one. In the beginning, every forum has problems with spammers, but that's easily solved.

I know what Ron said that there are human spammers, but that is very rare, couple of times per month or so. 

Since forum upgrade, there are many bad things like emails I used to get into primary box, now to to promotions box.

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47 minutes ago, Tarun said:

Looking at the signup process now, I see something that would be a quality change that would help stop the spam.

Thanks for this and your PM. We'll take a look and get back to everyone here.


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I guess it would already help a lot of Chinese characters were simply banned from thread titles.

Edit: Even ban them in the threads. It would reduce spam by a lot in my opinion. BleepingComputer does it too (some characters are banned and therefore they cannot be posted).

Edited by Aura
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