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  I had a Premium package on old laptop and trying to migrate to new laptop. Did a download per tech support and got free version. Tried using previous Premium key and ID on the free version as instructed by tech support and they are not recognized. Got auto renewal notice due Jul 20 and wonder what will happen then since I am still on free subscription? Have had several e-mail exchanges with tech support but not much progress.

  Any suggestions?

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Let me ask a few questions (Firefox...please excuse me).

  1. What version of Malwarebytes were you running on the old laptop?
  2. Did you uninstall Malwarebytes on the old laptop?
  3. How and when (to the day, if you can tell me) did you do that?
  4. What is the exact error message you received on the new computer?

I am asking these questions because I think that your license MAY be tied to your old computer, BUT at the same time, an annual subscription should be good for three computers.  Either something is broken, all available installations are in use, it was not uninstalled correctly (previous version), or not unregistered (new version).  These are all new variations on licensing, which I'm not sure Firefox is aware of.  That's why I'm poking my nose in here.

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Hello PeaceRiver,



As I understand and assume, the program installation itself is fine.  I presume you are able to run the program.   But the one issue is just the license activation - the input of the keys.


Allow me to ask:  Did you COPY and PASTE the license Keys ?   or, did you do that all by hand typing ?

Hand typing the keys is prone too often to inadvertent typos which then lead to some message about "invalid key".


So the question is:  Just exactly what "message" did you get ?   That is same one as #4 posed by Gonzo.


If it is "invalid key" then please see How to Activate  - at this link


Generic How to  Instructions to copy and paste:    this link


If the isssue is none of the above, we just ask for more detail info about it.  And if you do have a case with our support group, send me a PM with that information.

Thank you.

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Michael - Thanks for jumping in but I might be of minimal help. Questions:


1.  Version: Premium but not sure what version because of the next question.

2.  Uninstalled? - Yes

3.  Uninstalled about 2-3 weeks ago during my several discussions with tech support. Afraid I do not know exact date. I might still have the tech support e-mail but not sure.

4.  Not really an error message but computer keeps saying I have the free version rather than premium. I am naively hoping when my renewal comes up that all will be well.


I have communicated the thoughts on this forum with tech support, but received somewhat vague answers.


This is NOT a crisis since I at least have some Malwarebytes (free version). Just very confused because what I thought was a simple download for my Premium seems so hard. Perhaps we just wait until July 20 for my automatic renewal and see what happens...


Hank Whitney

Custer SD

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Earlier in this thread, Firefox recommended that you run the diagnostics and get logs.  Two of them are to look for malware and settings which may be jumbled, and the third is to get detailed information about your installed copy of Malwarebytes.  Whether this gets worked on in the forums or with Tech Support, those logs will be of value.  The newest versions of Malwarebytes (2.1.7 and 2.1.8) tie the license to the computer unless you deactivate the license on the computer, so uninstalling would not change anything.  THAT IS ONLY TRUE FOR THE TWO VERSIONS I MENTIONED IN THE PREVIOUS SENTENCE.  Chances are that you will not be happy on July 20.

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