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Needing help in verifying whether my MBAM premium licenses are lifetime or not

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I've tried Malwarebytes customer support to resolve my issue, and it's a disaster to get anything done quickly. Waiting 2 to 4 days on customer support to answer, and then getting a generic answer to a question I did not even remotely ask, is quite testing one's patience. I figured to try here instead in hope that I can get the assistance I seek.


My issue is as the topic title states. I've recently bought some MBAM lifetime licenses from a reseller. The reseller sells them as lifetime, but it's impossible for me to verify the lifetime status on my own. MBAM only states that they're premium, but does not state whether that premium status is lifetime or subscription based (it would be very convenient if the MBAM dev team would build such a feature in the program that does state this more clearly).


My question is then: does anyone from the staff on this forum have got access to the MBAM license database, and could check whether my recently acquired licenses are truly lifetime or not?

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Okay, thank you very much! I'll contact Cleverbridge then. :)


I'm curious though. Does Cleverbridge maintain the enter MBAM license database, or is the database under Malwarebytes' contro, but Cleverbridge just has got access to it? Reason I'm asking, is that I thought Cleverbridge was just an official distributor, and not necessarily a maintainer of said database.

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I will jump in with some clarification here.  As has been noted already, version 2.0 initiated a change from the old "1 computer for life" license to a 3-computer annual subscription.  There were a limited number of lifetime licenses available for users of version 2.0 early on, and those are all gone.  Because you purchased the product from a reseller and not directly from Malwarebytes, we cannot look up your customer records because you are the reseller's customer, not our customer.  Resellers typically buy a lot of licenses, and the one you purchased from may have bought in bulk when they had the opportunity of the switchover to subscriptions.


We hope that the license you have truly is a lifetime license, and based on what you have said, there is no reason to think that it is not.  You should keep your documentation from when you purchased the product.  If you do not have that anymore, contact the reseller and ask for duplicate purchase documentation.  Should you get a renewal notice at any point in the future, the reseller is your first point of contact.  If issues remain, contact us and we will jump in.


Also, because you purchased from a reseller, Cleverbridge has no involvement with the licenses.  They deal only with retail sales.

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Cleverbridge has no involvement with the licenses.  They deal only with retail sales.


Not entirely true. My reseller portal is thru Cleverbridge. I assume if you have the Reference # ,Cleverbridge has the info. I have always printed a receipt with the key and the reference # since you need it even on the help desk for assistance.


Heck when it was lifetime I even made a label and stuck it on the computer. :)

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I've just received a message back from Cleverbridge, and they stated that they couldn't find any purchases with my email address, which is obvious from my side. I then sent them a mail back and asked if they could check the database if I were to just send them the ID & Key. I'm awaiting a response from Cleverbridge (though as stated by the late Hunter S. Thompson :), my chances of getting any further with Cleverbridge are limited). But in the meantime, I'll post the same last question here of which I asked Cleverbridge:


If I just provide the ID & Key of the license, wouldn't that be sufficient to find it in 'the database' (wherever that may be)? I mean, if MBAM phones home to a database (I assume this is the case, because how else would an MBAM installation know if you're using a pirated license, or are using a legal license, but have exceeded the limit of machines activated with it?), what would it stop a human with access doing the same?


The situation is a bit of a pickle as you can see. My hands are tied in terms of verifying my rather expensive purchases. Currently the only way to know the state of things is to wait an entire year to find out the quality of the purchase, which would be absurd. Within a year a lot of stuff could happen. For example if the reseller were to go bankrupt or just plainly disappeared. Then a refund would definitely be out of the question. If a feature was built into MBAM itself that the program would tell what type of license is active, it would help out a lot. Though according to Marcin/RubbeR DuckY this last feature should be in the upcoming 2.1 build that will hopefully (again, according to him) be released in march.


By the way, if any of the staff members want to know the reseller's name, I'll gladly PM it.

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Correction: Shrugged pointed out one obvious thing I had overlooked; the license should only work on 1 PC at a time. Before I test, I need to ask. If I would have the 1-PC/user license on 2 PCs active at the same time, what would exactly happen? I assume the license would become invalid, and become valid again after deactivating it from one machine. Is that correct?

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Last question for now. I coincidentally just received a mail from the reseller of which I had bought these licenses from. Now this hasn't got anything to do with the issue at hand, but I still want to ask here instead of starting another thread for such a small question.


Has Malwarebytes ever sold a lifetime license that is valid for up to 3-PCs at a time? The reseller says that they offer such a product. It smells kind of funky to me. Again, if any of the staff members want to know the reseller's store, I'll be happy to share the link.

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I would definitely like you to send me a PM.  I cannot use your ID and Key to find out anything about the type of license (lifetime vs. subscription), but you have said two things here that warrant further attention.

  • The product -- whether it be a lifetime license or a one-year subscription -- is not expensive,  Please let me know how much you paid, and for exactly what.
  • There has never been a lifetime license for more than one computer.  Multiple computers are licensed on one-year subscriptions only.

In a PM, please send me your contact information, what you bought and how much you paid, and the name and address of your reseller.


As far as the license terms, if you just purchased it, there is no urgency.  As I said earlier, we will get involved if there are any issues.  Your answer my request (in the previous paragraph) determines if we need to get involved now.  Answering another question, plugging a 1-computer license into a second computer could cause the license to be blacklisted if the license is not legitimate.  Whether it does or not is another story.  Its best to find out more about your individual case.


Just so you know, everyone here except for the crazy one (me) has already gone home for the day.  No official answers of any kind should be expected until tomorrow at the earliest, providing that we have information from you to go on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just asking for the state of the matter. Any news about the investigation?


Also an update from myself: I think I've found an easy solution to my problem for now. I've found a vendor whom I am 100% sure I can trust that also still sells the lifetime licenses. I'm considering buying from that vendor, and just keeping my current 'unsure of what type of license this is' purchased product and wait for a year to see if they expire or not. If they expire I've obviously been scammed, but at least I've got replacing lifetime licenses, so that it won't be the end of the world. If I haven't been scammed and the licenses are indeed lifetime, I can always resell them at the end of the year I guess. :)

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  • Root Admin

I would recommend reading the following posts - one being that you cannot resell used licenses especially if you know they're fake as that is fraud which is illegal.







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Well I haven't used the licenses. Currently all my devices are satured with paid MBAM licenses, but bought these for future expansion. And I don't know if they're fake or not. I've bought licenses from this vendor of where this issue is about, so I know they sell licenses that work. As I said, the issue is that I can't find out what type of license it exactly is. I'm not out to pass my misery onto someone else. :)

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daman1, you should do a little reading and checking out other sections of the forum, this has already been discussed/mentioned by Ron in the News section HERE

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