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How many Windows updates are enough


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Just updated less than a month ago and look how many updates I need again today. 1.6GB of updates. At this rate I'll need to replace the hard drive next year to keep up with the Windows Updates.





It's an odd paradigm. On one hand I'm glad that they are active, on another...yeah. The nature of Windows however lead to this kind of obscenity as an inevitability.  in 2014, a "Be all" type of OS that it has always strived to be is going to be a little nuts.

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i just checked for updates ...

a little over 22 megs for MSO .

removing the "malicious software removal tool" and the "windows defender update" leaves 213 megs of windows updates .

there is an option for a 251 meg update for my nvidia card (no thanks , i go back to nvidia for my updates) .


i know that a fresh install of MSO results in about a gig of updates .

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Isn't this that part where someone inserts some random thing about Linux or MacOS being superior? :lol:

That reminds me, I don't remember the last time I installed updates on my Fedora 20 laptop. That probably means I have about 500MB worth of updates waiting for me, if I ever get around to it.

I do remember the last time I installed updates for Windows 7, and it was when that "Platform Update for Windows 7" came out that was required for Internet Explorer 11, and which caused a bunch of problems for people... Needless to say, I uninstalled that thing as soon as I discovered it was the cause of my issues, and haven't installed an update since. I think everything that had issues with it has been patched though, so perhaps it's time to stop being afraid of Windows Updates? :P

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Has anyone tried this (for Win7): https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2852386/en-us


I'm told it can take a long while to work, but that it can recover substantial space.

I've never had the guts to try it.

Might do so before I nuke/pave my older DT, just for fun.

Hmmm, Interesting, especially for folks like me with a near-full SSD. I must have the update installed because I can see the options in Disk Cleanup ; I could retrieve close to 5 Gigs right now, with unneeded updates and Service Pack backups...

If I'm reading them correctly, the risk is more for folks who would want to roll back far behind and would no longer have those updates present.

I'm tempted to do an image right now and just clean out those 5Gs... but Santa may bring a bigger/faster SSD soon, so why rush into it... lol

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Has anyone tried this (for Win7): https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2852386/en-us


I'm told it can take a long while to work, but that it can recover substantial space.

I've never had the guts to try it.

Might do so before I nuke/pave my older DT, just for fun.

If my opinion matters, I use it almost daily on Windows systems I work on/repair. It's a very neat utility and one of my favorite (when talking about Windows built-in features). Yes, it stays stuck for a long time on "Cleaning Windows Updates", but it's worth it. On a poorly managed system, it can easily detect the 5-10Gbs of accumulated Windows Updates and delete them without any errors. It also works on Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 10. I use this utility when doing a standard clean-up on a system, I recommend it to everyone. Actually, I'm going to run it on my system right now and let you know what it finds.

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Looks like I can't edit my posts here, I even wrote a tutorial on that utility, if you ever want to read it, let me know.

The ability to edit posts used to be automatically granted once your post count reached a certain number (possibly 50, but don't quote me on that). I'm not sure if it's the same these days, as I'm a little out of the loop. ;)

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"Isn't this that part where someone inserts some random thing about Linux or MacOS being superior?"

if someone did , i would counter it with the fact that when you download and burn the latest flavor of most 'nix OSes there are doing to be a bunch of updates .

the number depends on how old the .iso is that is installed ... just as it is with windows .

as for programs ... these too can have a continuous string of updates ... look how many versions and updates there have been to FF and libre office .


"I'm not sure if it's the same these days, as I'm a little out of the loop."

i have been out of it for years .


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The ability to edit posts used to be automatically granted once your post count reached a certain number (possibly 50, but don't quote me on that). I'm not sure if it's the same these days, as I'm a little out of the loop. ;)

100 now...

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  • 2 weeks later...

They just keep coming. Another Gigabyte and most of it's for MS Office 2013 again. So at this rate we get what ? 20+ GB a year in fixes.

Remember the good 'ol dial-up days ? I sure do. Can't have that anymore, unless you give up Windows updates and updating security programs.


Wish I understood why/how .Net Framework requires soooooo much updating. Unreal. Sloppy coding ? I know for me with a slower than average connection, reinstalling a system and waiting on all those .Net updates is almost killing the Windows experience for me...

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heh ... most *popular* 'nix distributions have the same deal .

i have downloaded the latest and greatest .iso of several distributions and wound up installing a bunch of updates .

i will say this about the 'nix stuff ... at least the updates are frequent and close together and do not break the/other programs .


also ... when one updates most all 'nix distributions , all of the programs that are currently "installed" in the machine are updated ...

this is a big difference from windows and does account for the sometimes large size of some updates .

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