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Cat vs. Dog


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I prefer no pets, but if I had to choose then it would be a dog. I've been around dogs my entire life (parents always had them), and compared to cats they are a lot nicer. When a dog ruins something, it's usually an accident or just sheer stupidity, but a cat will do it out of spite.

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i have seen dogs destroy stuff out of spite and "dimness of prowess" .

a part of your personality type has something to do with whether or not you would prefer a cat or dog as a pet .


@ ron :

do you know why the cat jumped up to turn the light off ?

look in the background ...

caption : have you no modesty ?!

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Sheer stupidty? Um no... not unless you raise them right. If a dog destroys stuff inside your house its always the owners that are to blame for not giving them enough exercise or rules and boundaries. Not once did my dog ever "ruin" something.

I don't keep dogs inside. With indoor pets, there are always potential allergen issues (if not for myself then for other people).

As for dogs breaking things out of stupidity, it can depend on the breed. German Shepards tend to be very intelligent. I've seen dogs that are so stupid that they would do something that was causing themselves physical pain (even causing them to bleed all over the place) and they would just keep doing it.

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I love both, but I am a little more partial to cats.  We have a lovely part Norweigian forest cat and he is seriously the most wonderful cat.  He is so calm, sweet, docile, tolerant of hugs and kisses (grunts during sometimes though, lol!) and he's so soffffttttttt I love petting him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had a cat but never again as I found she would destroy every thing in the house from sofas to ornaments and my neighbors felt roof  his flower bed oh need I forget his chickens. I now only have a dog he is loyal and all way's there if you need him and has never broke a thing, though he did leave me a present in my shoe as a puppy the little scallywag. So dogs for me all the way

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I love both however cats are exceptional for me. The cats are very insightful and have very good memory.

It is usually thought that cats are not very intelligent because they only do what they want and when they want and not when we want, but this is part of the native and biological characteristic of felines.

My cat's behavior sometimes has similarities to a dog's behavior. As soon as I get home he always makes me a reception -- he lies on the floor and roll over in front of me.
Then he keeps following me to almost everywhere I go in the house. But sometimes when he does not realize my presence, I begin to admire his posture of independence and predator which is truly amazing.

Dogs are very sweet too but I prefer cats.

I say that each one fulfills his paper in the world of humans, in other words both are necessary.

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