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Posts posted by daledoc1

  1. Hi:

    Thanks for the logs and photo. Sweet little dude. Did he have the 1-gallon-beard or the 2-gallon-beard? (Only people owned by Airedales will understand that question.)

    Let's put the MBAR issue aside for now, to focus on MBAM.  As I mentioned in your other thread, MBAR really is not designed for DIY use.  For what it's worth, however, I just downloaded the program and updated it without issue.  So, the problem does seem to be on your end.  However, it's likely related to the MBAM issue....

    OK, while we wait for more expert help and a detailed review of your logs, one giant factoid leaps out from your CheckResults.txt log:  the daily protection logs date all the way back to September 22, 2014.  That's nearly 2 years.  So, any MBAM reinstalls or upgrades you may have performed in the past 2 years were not "clean" installs/upgrades.
    You also have some malware remnants in quarantine.  Both of these could be interfering with updating.

    I cannot promise this will fix the problem, but a proper, "best practices" CLEAN reinstall ***might*** fix the immediate issue with updating.

    To do that, please carefully follow all the steps in this pinned topic: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x

    • Please be sure you have your license info handy before you start
    • Please deactivate your license before you start (dashboard > my account > deactivate)
    • Please be sure to reboot when prompted by the removal tool (very important!) and again after the reinstall.

    Please let us know how it goes.  We may advise you how to set mutual exclusions between MBAM and McAfee when you have reinstalled....

    In the interim, please wait for a Malwarebytes staff member to review all of your logs in greater detail.  Someone will respond as soon as possible.


  2. Hello and :welcome:, @Nicole_C

    I understand you are reporting a connectivity problem with Outlook 2016 and MBAM Premium's real-time protection.  That must be a frustrating problem for you.

    There have been a handful (literally a small handful) of similar reports over the past several months.  And AFAIK the development team and QA are aware.  The problem has been hard to track down and resolve for those users. 

    Having said all that, each computer is unique.  So it would greatly assist the forum staff to be able to see a bit of detail about the MBAM installation and the system.
    To provide that info, I suggest that you please read this tutorial: Assistance obtaining computer system information

    Then, please ATTACH all 3 logs to your next reply here in this thread.
    The 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt

    The forum staff will review them and advise you further.

    Thanks very much,

  3. Hi:

    That's great news!

    I'm glad you were able to resolve your issue.

    Is MBAE Free installed and running now?

    If you need more help with MBAE, please let us know.

    If you would like a bit of help troubleshooting your Firefox browser issues, since that is your primary browser, I suggest starting with the steps outlined here:

    Troubleshoot and diagnose Firefox problems

    It may be as simple as clearing the history/cache/cookies, or it might be more complicated.  But that tutorial is a good starting point.

    If you do end up needing more help with Firefox, the forum mod team might split off this portion of the thread to a new separate topic in the PC Help sub-forum. No worries, though.

    Thanks again,

  4. Hi:

    OK, that's good. I didn't want you to be out on the 'net, flying naked, so to speak.;)

    Please post back with the requested information when you are ready.

    FWIW, I have been running MBAM Premium and Kaspersky for many years without issue, including on a new, OEM Win10 box. Each computer is unique, but there is no inherent problem with this combination on this platform.  The requested data will help to determine the possible cause of your issue and, I hope, the solution.

    Thanks again,

  5. Hi, again:

    Just a wee bit of clarification...

    33 minutes ago, dalveer said:

    I tried running it without any other virus scanner software running simultaneously. But that didn't work too. 

    MBAM is not an anti-virus.  Even with MBAM Premium, one needs a robust, real-time AV.

    I understand your rationale for temporarily removing your AV to troubleshoot.

    But just checking: I assume you have reinstalled your AV?

    Thanks again,

  6. Hello and :welcome:, @dalveer:

    If I understand your issue, you had problems enabling MBAM real-time protection after reinstalling Windows10 on a new hard drive?
    Moreover, you were unable to resolve the issue with the support team members at the Help Desk?

    In order to troubleshoot more effectively here in the forum, it would help to have the following information, please:

    • Your Help Desk ticket number (this will permit the forum staff to look up what has already been tried); AND
    • A fresh set of diagnostic logs (as we are not in front of your computer, the logs will provide a bit of basic system information):
      • In order to troubleshoot MBAM performance and issues on this system, we would need you to reinstall the program
        • You may download a fresh copy of the installer HERE
        • Please be sure to reboot after installing
        • Please be sure to activate the program with your license Key +/- ID (depending on the type of Premium license you have)
      • Then, please carefully follow the steps here: Diagnostic Logs
      • Please ATTACH all 3 logs to you next reply (FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)
    • Finally, once you have installed & activated MBAM Premium, it would help to see an MBAM PROTECTION log, as well

    Thank you,

  7. Hello, @BBK::)

    A couple of things...

    • Is this the same computer for which you reported problems updating MBAM HERE? (If so, the updating problems may be related)
    • MBAR-Beta (Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit BETA) is just that -- a powerful BETA tool that is not intended for unguided use by home computer users
      • Much of the technology is already incorporated into MBAM's anti-rootkit technology
      • As a BETA tool, its use could potentially cause damage or system instability
      • It is recommended that it not be routinely used in a production environment by home users without expert guidance
    • If you think you may be infected with a rootkit that is not detected by MBAM, then it might be advisable to seek a bit of free, expert help checking the system
      • Such work is conducted in a special area of the forum or at the help desk
      • To start, I suggest reading this pinned topic: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers
      • It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the preliminary steps to expedite the process
      • A trained malware expert will guide you through scanning, cleanup and repair

    A Malwarebytes staff member may have additional/different advice.


  8. Hi:

    Thanks for the logs and the additional background info.

    We'll need to wait for @AdvancedSetup to review them.

    The one thing that jumps out for me is that it looks as if you have both hourly update checks AND daily scheduled scans configured with a "recover if missed by" setting (23 hours, I think?).

    With that setting enabled (even if it is properly configured), MBAM will attempt to make up missed tasks (update checks and/or scans) as soon as the system starts.
    The system may be "busy" with other tasks at that moment, and/or networking may not yet be fully operational.

    For that reason, I do not use the "recover if missed by" setting for either update checks or scans.
    If I am going online shortly after a cold system start and it's not yet time for MBAM (or my AV) to perform an automatic update check, I just do so manually first.

    So, you may want to disable the "recover if missed by" settings for update checks and/or scans, to see if that fixes the issue.

    But let's see what @AdvancedSetup says, after he has a chance to review your logs.

    Please be patient -- it is a 3-day holiday weekend in the U.S..


    P.S. Edit: Just mentioning this - the logs also show issues with Avast crashing, as well.

  9. Hi:

    Thank you for the detailed update.

    Yes, Airedales are TFAOTP***, a unique combination of style, brains and clownish wit. That is for sure.:D

    I have escalated your case to the forum staff. Until someone has a chance to respond, I suggest the following:

    • Please tell us your Help Desk Ticket number (and whether or not the ticket is still open); AND
    • Please re-attach the 3 native logs as *.txt files, rather than in a zip archive (the 3 logs will be FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt) (this is for safety).
      • I assume we are working on only 1 computer at a time (to reduce confusion)?
      • The underlying cause (and solution) may well apply to both computers, but it will be helpful to work on one at a time.;)

    While we wait for staff assistance, one minor point of clarification.  Database updates are published 8 to 10 (sometimes more often) times a day.  So, even if your MBAM Premium is configured to check for updates every hour, there may or may not be an available update each time the program checks for one.  Update checks performed under the scheduler when there are no new databases available are not logged.  Only update checks with available new databases are logged.   IOW, it's not necessarily abnormal to get "no updates available" from time to time.

    Thanks for your patience.



    The Finest Animals On The Planet.


  10. Hi, @fivealive:

    Have the MBAM crashes started since you last installed the program, back in July?
    Or were did they start BEFORE the last reinstall?
    Can you please tell us when the crashes occur, e.g. during a scan (if so, what type scan)? during a database update? when starting the system?

    Normally, we would suggest a clean reinstall.  But that process will remove all MBAM program logs.  So it might be best to gather a bit more information first.

    It would help if you could please provide additional system information to help with troubleshooting.
    To do that, please attach BOTH FRST logs (FRST.txt and Addition.txt) from the FRST diagnostic tool, as explained here: Diagnostic Logs


  11. Hi:

    9 minutes ago, kylesgranma said:

    Thank you so much for the links, however the link for the exploit does not work.The download shows 0 bytes and just sits there and runs. Never downloads anything,never changes. The instructional video works great.

    Hmm, that's odd. I have tested the download link under both Firefox and IE and it works just fine.

    It sounds as if something on your computer is blocking the download -- perhaps a security setting/add-on in your browser, or  perhaps your antivirus/firewall.

    Please tell us:

    • What browser are you using (e.g. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Edge, Opera, etc.)?
    • What version of that browser (e.g. Firefox 48.0.2, IE 11, etc.)?

    Thank you,

  12. 4 minutes ago, jraju said:

    Hi, Where is more options button to click browse to enclose my 3 logs. I have run the two tools and has 3logs

    The "More Options" button is no longer present in IPS v4.

    Either drag/drop the files to the area below, or use the "choose files" link to navigate to their location and attach them (just like you did for the screen shot).:)



  13. Hi, @kylesgranma:

    Until the others return....

    That explains the mystery!  It looks as if @Firefox had the right idea back in reply #3.:D Yes, MBAM and MBAE are separate programs and must be installed separately.

    The MBAE installer (a.k.a. "setup" file) is the same for all 3 versions of MBAE (Free, Trial and Premium).

    It may be downloaded HERE.  Just download it and save it somewhere, e.g. on your desktop.
    Then, this KB article shows how to install MBAE: How do I install Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit?

    During the setup wizard, you will be offered a 14-day Trial version by default.  If you do not want the Trial and you only want the Free version, please just un-tick (de-select) that option when you see it.  Then you will have MBAE Free. (Alas, I cannot find my screen shot showing the Trial option, but it's pretty clear in the wizard.)

    Please let us know if you need more help.

    Thank you,


  14. Hello and :welcome:, @jrock1960:

    It sounds as if the scanner is hanging/crashing during a scan. There are several possible reasons for this.

    If I understand your post correctly, you were having this problem BEFORE you upgraded from Win 7 to Win 10?
    And, if I understand correctly, you have not yet tried a clean reinstall of MBAM since you upgraded to Win 10?

    If that's the case, then I suggest starting here -- a proper clean reinstall often resolves minor issues:

    Please carefully follow ALL the steps in this pinned topic to uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest build - MBAM Clean Removal Process 2

    • If you have MBAM Premium, please be sure to deactivate your account first (dashboard > my account > deactivate) before you uninstall.
    • Please be sure to have your license info handy before you uninstall.
    • Please be sure to reboot when prompted by the removal tool; it's a good idea to reboot again after the reinstall.

    Please let us know if that resolves your issue.

    Thank you,

  15. Hi:

    Thank you for the additional information.

    Next, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Diagnostic Logs
    Then, please ATTACH all 3 logs to your next reply.
    The 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt, and CheckResults.txt

    IF you have previously run FRST on this computer, please either delete the previous logs or move them to another folder before running the tool.
    Also: please download a FRESH copy of FRST from the download site.
    Please be sure there is a check-mark in the "Addition.txt" option before running the tool.

    I have escalated your case to the forum staff.
    Please be patient waiting for them to respond, as it is a 3-day holiday weekend in the U.S., where most of them are based.

    Thank you again,


  16. Hi:

    I will defer to @1PW and @shadowwar...

    ...if they will indulge me one suggestion, however.

    6 minutes ago, SYL said:

    Kaspersky Internet Security program was upgraded automatically to newest version.

    I see that you have KIS 2016 MR1 ( (e)?). 

    If your KIS recently upgraded in-place to that build from another, previous version (e.g. KIS 2016 MR0 or even KIS 2015) with MBAM installed on the computer, then it's *possible* that the KIS upgrade *might* have caused some minor corruption to MBAM.

    You might want to try a proper clean reinstall of MBAM, using the best practices and the removal tool.

    Just a suggestion.

    Let us know if that resolves your issue.

    Thank you,

  17. For the record: bug persists.

    I ran into it when I tried to paste the link for this sticky, with its title, (which contains >><< characters) into a reply:


    (I do not expect a fix over this long holiday weekend. I merely mention it as a reminder.)

    Thank you,

  18. Hi, @KenW:


    I've heard of 403 and 404, but not 405.:unsure:

    In any event, @1PW is correct -- unless/until someone from the Help Desk pops in over this long holiday weekend, your best bet is a Help Desk ticket for email support.
    Even if someone does respond here, they may not be able to research or resolve this until Tuesday.

    >>If you have not already used the Trial on this system for this program version, you can perform a CLEAN reinstall.  You ought be offered the 14-Trial by default during the setup wizard.  If you do not see it, then it means it has already been used for this program version on this system and is no longer available.

    Sorry about that,

  19. Hello:

    Thanks for the update and for the screen caps.

    I do not know why you have not received the latest version, as it has been available for quite a while.

    I suspect something on your system may be blocking the program from contacting the update servers.
    Normally, the first step would be a reinstall of MBAE, either on top of your existing build or by following the steps outlined HERE (they work for other versions, not just Win10).

    However, since you are having the same issue with MBAM, too, it might be more helpful for starters to collect some basic diagnostic information.
    I suggest following the advice HERE, including step #5.

    Please post back NOT ONLY with the requested MBAE logs (as zip file(s)), BUT ALSO with both logs from FRST (FRST.txt and Addition.txt).
    (Additional information may be needed -- especially to troubleshoot MBAM updating issues -- but these MBAE logs and FRST logs will be enough to start.

    >>PLEASE attach the logs to your next reply, rather than posting them inline, if you can.

    Thank you,

  20. Correction:

    I see that you are only running MBAM Free.  That version does not offer a scheduler.  So, you will not be able to configure automated, scheduled scans. I apologize for the error.

    However, it's still best practice to install and configure MBAM Free from an Admin account.
    We will need to wait for a Malwarebytes staff member to provide further guidance on this topic/ error code.
    But I think that manual scans run under a limited user account from either Free or Premium will generate errors unless/until the previously mentioned "fix" is implemented with a future program version.
    The error derives from the fact that the limited user does not have rights to access certain system areas.

    Thank you again,

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