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  1. Hi, David, Sorry for the late reply. I had not logged in for the past few days. Your Quote: What do you mean "solution" and I previously stated this is a trojan not a virus. @mbam_mtbr has already indicated that the Android based Malwarebytes software detects the malware. Sorry, I just understand his posts as having detected the trojan, but from your clear post, that malware bytes have given solution by finding and fixing the trojan. If that is what meant by mbam-mtbr above. I once again thank you for your net banking system thro pc
  2. Thanks. So, It is better to use payment through the pc for all transactions and you , in a best way, escapes the sova. Thanks once again. has any antivirus software companyfound the solution for the mobile targeted sova virus.
  3. Hi, David , expecting your reply on, When access point is the same , how access thro pc would not get affected by sova and how access thro mobile would get affected. is it a draw back of android vs windows
  4. Hi, that is wonderful. Would you say, that https bank name would be secure to proceed? This is a very useful tip for crores of people . As technique of manpower is reduced and all the things are taken care of servers, this risk is sure to occur. Please say some thing more on the safety tips. Many people may not be knowing the techy savvy details of the attack. You have given a useful and simple solution. Thanks. How the access of pc for financial transaction is safe And how the access thro the mobile for the same is getting affected . I would like you to say, so that many people will get benefited by the advice
  5. Hi, Thank you David. Will you say, that it is a threat to android mobiles, that if you just use the net banking in computers, you could avoid this ransomeware? I mean that if you do banking transactions with password and user id in net banking using the net banking page of the url, Will not this virus affect pc users
  6. Hi, Recently this Sova virus is the talking topic on the world viewing topics. The virus or trojan, or malware is having stealthy stature by its inlusive ransome ware and uninstallable nature . make matters worse, the update enables the malware to leverage its wide-ranging permissions to deflect uninstallation attempts by redirecting the victim to the home screen and displaying the toast message "This app is secured." The banking trojan, feature-rich as it is, is also expected to incorporate a ransomware component in the next iteration, which is currently under development and aims to encrypt all files stored in the infected device using AES and rename them with the extension ".enc." The enhancement is likely to make SOVA a formidable threat in the mobile threat landscape. Has Malwarebytes dug deep in to it to include in its mobile app
  7. Hi, i am using kitty software, which is open source for some ssh session for autologin to the terminal. But latest version of malware bytes , shows as this software having machine learning anamolous 94 percent. Ofcourse, i restore it to use. But would like to know, why this is shown as having some malware. What is meant by machine learning anamulous? what it denotes. please clarify .
  8. i downloaded a video converter and careful not to select any bundled programs. still , it has injected chromium and another program. i thought of scanning by adware cleaner. it found 19 PuPs and deleted only 18 , leaving one not deleted. it was also shown in the log of the file after reboot. Not Deleted C:\Program Files\ByteFence should i manually delete it. why it is not deleted by adware cleaner. please give me a fix, or update to kill this bytefence also. this is the first application , that is not deleted by adware cleaner
  9. Yes ur correct. How funmood crept in secured preference? When quarantine and rescan the fmood is not repeating but chrome does crash
  10. Please say simply what I have to do.link contains the description of things. I want point bypoint to resolve.
  11. Hi, I know about the funmood potentialities and very glad that mbytes just quarantine in its scan. But i did not install funmood. I just installed chrome search engine and i do not know how funmood crept in. I find in appdata chrome user data folder as secured preferences. So, anybody just installing chrome either online downloader or offline downloader is getting automatically injected with funmoods . The nasty funmoods took away about 6 hours of my work in deleting those hidden entries in registry and in pc. My point, is anybody having chrome as their browser generally , and scan with malwarebytes would face this problem. I explain it little further When i scan the pc with custom scan with malware bytes lataest version, the chrome could not open the web pages and i was totally surprised, how this could be, when i could browse freely a few minutes ago an now no access to web pages. After scan, i was given this PUP alert, which i quarantine immediately. Experts please say, how chrome install is infected with funmood. I have just ignored cnet for this purpose.
  12. Hi, I think the command line help stopped in version 2, but with the promise of resuming later. Is it available for the new version 3.
  13. Hi, Previous version has it in the user interface, the date and no of updates , as MB updates the program on a hourly basis. i sometimes find it 3 and sometimes it exceeded 9 times in one date. This information is very useful to know the quickness , at which MB is updating. So, please include a line in the update screen, the date and no of updates as in the previous version i hope you understand what i mean
  14. Hi, I am a long user of malware bytes and it is a wonderful product and glad to hear that it also now changed from mere malware remover, some more aspects are added in the new version. I would suggest, that when you include so much , like web protection, etc, there is a need to look in the gateway of internet access, where the attackers could steal your data without you ever knowing anything , as the attack is inside the gateway , ie, modem/router. Router is not a electronic gadget like any other gadget and it is being exploited by so much persons to trigger DDos, Dos attack , denial of service attacks, spamming with the users identity etc, dns hijack, dns spoofing only name a few. Malware bytes could also turn their attention to the router security, which is essential for secured browsing. Hope that some staff member would see this and escalate the matter to the technical team to start looking in routers. Possible clue of the attacks on ports could be seen from shields up, router security F secure, and so many articles. Even ransomware attack atleast says that your computer is compromized but those router attack will not show anything , but stealing and compromizing computers. Indications are redirection to suspicious websites, asking you to update adobe flashplayer when it is already updated, popup of clicks that are not related to genuine sites, and most of all, watching the internet activity of the computer in remote areas . if anything is done on that , or already done in this regard , please let me know. thanks
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