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Posts posted by daledoc1

  1. The MBAR-BETA developers update the tool when an update is needed for this highly specialized tool designed to look for very specific types of rootkits.

    Kaspersky can update their tools when their developers determine that an update is needed.

    One cannot compare MBAR-Beta to Kaspersky or to any other tool.  Each is uniquie.

    That is all I can say.

    Perhaps a staff member will be able to provide you with a more satisfactory answer.

    Thank you,

  2. Hi:

    8 minutes ago, mrdodrop said:

    anti-rootkit tool it should be updated regularly ?

    I'm not sure I understand your question -- updated by WHOM?

    Yes, the developers do periodically update the MBAR-BETA application when there is a need to do so.
    As I mentioned, most of the core technology is already part of MBAM.

    The user does not need to update MBAR-BETA, since the home user would not normally be running this tool on a regular basis.
    If the user had a badly infected system and were getting expert malware removal help, the helper would instruct the user to download a fresh copy of the most current version of the tool.

    Thank you,

  3. Hi:

    MBAR-BETA (Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit BETA) is a powerful beta tool designed for use only with expert guidance.

    It's not really designed for routine or casual use by home computer users on an uninfected system.
    Most of the technology has been incorporated into the rootkit scanning features of MBAM.

    We'll need to wait for a staff member to reply about possible GUI updates. 
    But, as the product really is not intended as a standalone application, I expect that the GUI is not a high priority.

    I hope this helps.


  4. Also:

    5 hours ago, mrdodrop said:

    and why there isn’t any downloaded link for the malwarebytes program ?

    Where are you looking for the download link?


    See screen shot.

    Also, here are the direct links:




    The installer is the same for Free, Trial and Premium versions.
    A 14-day Trial will be offered during the setup wizard, by default, unless the user opts out.
    The Trial will revert to the Free version after 14 days, if it has not been activated during that time with a valid license.
    Premium users ACTIVATE the program with a valid, paid, license Key (or ID and Key, if an older, legacy, lifetime license).

    Thanks again,


  5. Hi:

    5 hours ago, kurt2121 said:

    I'm not super concerned about removing it, since its an old computer and I don't use it anymore. I'm just trying to learn more about it.

    I would not use the computer for anything online unless/until it has been thoroughly checked and cleaned of remaining malware remnants, as previously suggested.

    A routine internet search engine search should turn up plenty of resources on reputable computer security sites about this particular malware, as it has been around for a long time.  Here is one example.
    I also mentioned some general computer security sites to learn more about it.

    5 hours ago, kurt2121 said:

    Is it safe to assume that what Mcaffe calls ZeroAccess is the same as backdoor.0access? Or could they be entirely different? All the different naming is what gets me confused.

    As mentioned, there are many, many, many types of malware, each with its own variants.  Based on the limited information you have provided (IOW no scan logs or samples), one may surmise that the two infections you mention may be different variants of the same type of malware.  But that's all we can say.

    Thanks again,

  6. Hi:

    A Malwarebytes staff member will correct me if I am wrong, but:

    This is the link to the official Malwarebytes online store:
    Malwarebytes Online Store
    I'm not aware of different sites, at least for US customers. 
    Perhaps there may be different landing sites for foreign customers.

    The regular price for 1 PC is $24.95 per year for Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (MBAM).
    However, if one purchases multiple licenses at the same transaction, there is a small discount (with the discounted price calculated at the time of checkout) (#1).
    There is also an option to select a 2-year subscription, to lock in the price against any possible future increase (#2).

    There are similar options for Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit (MBAE) - discounts for multiple licenses and a 2-year price option.

    Unless there is a sales/marketing promotion, I'm not sure of why you would see a different price on different visits to the purchase page.

    So, if you are seeing something different and/or if you are being directed to different web sites, then perhaps you could please provide a screen shot and/or a link (either munged, such as hxxp://www.weirdsite.com, or in code tags, such as the following:)





  7. Hello and welcome back, @kurt2121:

    As far as I know, Malwarebytes does not currently maintain a threat encyclopedia -- doing so would consume vast resources that are probably better devoted to other purposes.
    That's because malware changes day to day, sometimes hour to hour.

    There are many general computer security fora, such as Wilderssecurity, bleepingcomputer, and others, that maintain vigorous discussions about different types of malware.
    And there is a Malwarebytes blog HERE.

    As far as your own recent infections, it's really hard to say precisely what was going on with your system based on the limited information we have.
    Malware name alone is not typically enough information upon which to be able to provide definitive advice.
    But, yes, that particular zeroaccess malware can be quite dangerous and damaging.
    That particular infection has been around a long time -- a routine internet search should turn up quite a few resources about it.

    As @AdvancedSetup mentioned in your other thread:


    Where, why, what it may have gotten or transmitted is pretty much impossible to say without an extensive forensic analysis at the time it happened.

    If you think you might now be infected, then I suggest perhaps taking advantage of the free, expert help we offer.
    To do that, I suggest starting with the advice here: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers
    It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the preliminary steps to expedite the process.
    The trained malware expert will guide you through scanning, cleanup and repair.



  8. Hi:

    That's excellent news. I'm glad you were able to resolve your issue with the clean reinstall.
    Yes, security program tend to be a bit twitchy about major OS changes (either upgrades or rollbacks).
    Those can break the program's metadata or cause other subtle issues.
    When in doubt, a quick, clean reinstall will often fix the problem.

    Thanks for taking the time to report your results.


  9. 25 minutes ago, David H. Lipman said:

    Thanx for resolving it so quicky.    S_THUM~11.GIF

    Now, if we could just get the title "Banned" added to spammer accounts.  Hmmmmmm.gif

    You mean like this?

    OK, so, that's perhaps a bit over-the-top.

    But I know of no other forum (except this one, currently) that does not have a BANNED category.

    Is there a compelling reason to coddle spammers and trolls?

    <just curious>


  10. Hello and :welcome:, @spyfox:

    Sorry you are having updating issues.  There are actually quite a few, widely different reasons for such problems.  They range from incorrect system date/time, to software conflicts, to networking issues, even to malware.  Rarely, there can be server problems.

    1 minute ago, spyfox said:

    I have tried doing a clean uninstall but your site that provides the download is down and I can't use it. This has been going on for 2 weeks now,

    That's definitely peculiar.

    I have no problem with this link to the clean-removal tool - I am able to download it just fine:


    Please download mbam-clean.exe from here to your desktop and save it.

    And I have no trouble with either of these links to the MBAM installer HERE or HERE.

    It sounds as if something may be blocking the downloads.

    We will need a bit more information in order to better assist you.

    For ONE computer at a time, please follow the advice here: Diagnostic Logs

    Then, please ATTACH all 3 logs to your next reply in this thread.


  11. Thanks for the update.

    First, please tell us:

    • Is Windows fully patched and properly activated?  (To tell us your Windows version, please refer to this tutorial HERE and post a screen shot)
    • Is MS Office fully patched and properly activated? (See HERE and post a screen shot)
    • How did you install MS Office -- from a DVD or from a download?
    • How many times have you activated MS Office with this same Key, including this particular installation?

    Next, please follow the advice here and attach all 3 logs to your next reply: Diagnostic Logs

    While you are waiting for someone to review the logs, you might want to see if anything here helps:


    Sometimes, these associations need to be created at multiple different levels in Windows 10 (control panel/settings, by file type, by protocol, etc.).



  12. Hi:

    I understand your frustration.

    I am just a home user, so I do not speak for the company or the developers.

    But I am more interested in the program's capabilities under the hood to detect and disinfect malware than I am about a cosmetic issue, such as the system tray icon context menu.
    The easy workaround for the context menu issue -- pending a fix with MBAM 3.0 due in the near future -- would be to access the GUI from the desktop shortcut icon.

    But, it's up to you, of course.

    I'm sorry there was not a satisfactory resolution to your problem.

    Thanks for taking the time to report your findings,

  13. Hi:

    First suggestion, especially if you paid for this service: take the computer back and have the "IT man" fix what is not working.
    If you paid for the new hard drive installation, Windows install and program install, then everything should be working properly, including your internal hardware (optical drive -- sounds as if he forgot to install drivers?).

    If he is unwilling or unable to bring the computer to working order, I would ask for a refund and go somewhere else.



  14. Confirmed here, too (see screen caps).

    This has been an ongoing issue for the past 2 or 3 days, and was also reported HERE.

    And other members are re-reporting spam posts in the HM Spam thread that supposedly were already removed, but that are still visible.

    So it seems that we are "all" experiencing this glitch.

    ALSO: This may be unrelated, but the forum has been intermittently unavailable several times over the past few days, suggesting some sort of networking problem (perhaps DDoS attack?).






  15. Hello and :welcome:, @Vicd:

    It sounds as if perhaps you may have upgraded to Win10 AU with MBAM installed?
    If so, then the OS upgrade may have caused some minor problems with MBAM.
    If not, there may still be something amiss with MBAM.

    Let's try this first....

    1. Please carefully follow ALL the steps in this pinned topic to uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest build - MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x
    2. If that does not correct the issue, then please read the following and attach to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)

    Thank you,

    P.S. The current PROGRAM version of MBAM Consumer is;)  Individual components may have different version numbers or dates.  But, to minimize confusion, we generally refer to the program by the build version -- in this case, it's No worries, though.

  16. Hi, and welcome, @adblockerorelse2::)

    This thread is actually more than 2 years old.  It's unlikely that the OP is still following it.  Moreover, fixes that may have worked for one computer 2 years ago may or may not apply to a different computer now (each computer is unique and the malware and removal tools may well have changed since then).  Conduit, in particular, can be tough to fully remove.

    We're certainly glad that you found a solution to your issue.
    If you would like a bit of free, expert help checking the system to be sure you are clean, then you may want to start here: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers
    It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the preliminary steps to expedite the process.
    A trained malware helper will guide you through scanning, cleanup and repair.

    Thank you.

  17. Hi:

    In addition to @pondus's advice...

    ... there ought to be no reason to have to add legitimate system files, MS hotfixes or drivers to malware exclusions.
    In fact, doing so can be dangerous.
    Malware exclusions are rarely needed for the average computer user, except perhaps one's AV.

    So I strongly suggest following the previous advice to post the requested info in the False Positives forum.
    The Research Team will evaluate the data and advise you.


  18. Hello and :welcome:, @Garther:

    MBAM is not an anti-virus and does not report to the Windows Action Center as an AV.
    So, it's not MBAM that has disabled WD.

    Perhaps your new laptop came with a trial version of a 3rd-party AV installed?
    That program more than likely would have at least partially disabled WD (realtime protection, if not the new "idle", background scanning feature under Win 10 v. 1607).
    Sometimes, when the AV is uninstalled, WD does not properly re-enable (often due to remnants of the AV).

    And, yes, MBAM runs just fine alongside WD on Win10.
    So, the issue may be related to an incomplete removal of an AV program and/or to a failure of WD to turn back on after removing that AV?

    >>What AV came with the HP laptop?
    >>What AV are you running now on the system?

    In order to better diagnose and resolve your issue, it would help to have a bit more system information.
    To provide that info, please follow the advice here: Diagnostic Logs
    Then, please ATTACH all 3 logs to your next reply (FRST.txt, Addition.txt, CheckResults.txt).



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