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Posts posted by daledoc1

  1. Hi:

    Thanks for the additional information.

    MBAM Premium runs just fine with Kaspersky under Win7 (I am posting on such a setup now).:)
    I do see that you have Windows 7 Enterprise.
    Is this a work computer, by any chance?

    As for CheckResults.txt, that log would be generated by running mbam-check, a diagnostic utility created specifically to help troubleshoot MBAM.
    This pinned topic provides instructions for downloading and running it:  Assistance obtaining computer system information

    Having said that, the logs show that the computer would benefit from deeper diagnostic & cleanup work. 
    That sort of work is performed in separate forum area reserved for that purpose.
    So, I suggest following the previous advice to start a new topic in the malware removal section, attaching your same logs to that post.
    One of the trained expert helpers will assist you.

    Thanks again,

  2. Hello and :welcome:, @dnlcarvalho:

    I understand that you are reporting slow system startup with MBAM.
    Each computer is unique (in fact, you and the OP are on entirely different versions of Windows (8.1 vs. 7 Enterprise).
    We are missing the CheckResults.txt log from "log set 2" that would provide more detail about your MBAM installation.
    It would also help to know: does the slow startup problem resolve when you uninstall MBAM?

    However, the logs do show evidence of possible malware damage.  They also show that you have perhaps been trying some "self-medication" with other malware removal tools and scanners?  And they show that you have Iolo System Mechanic (programs like this can sometimes cause more damage than they fix)?

    All told, at this point, I suggest getting a bit of expert help for a deeper look at the system.
    Such work is conducted in a special forum area reserved for that purpose, or at the help desk.
    So, for expert assistance, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
    It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the suggested, preliminary steps to expedite the process.

    >>As you have already run FRST, after reading the pinned topic mentioned, all that's needed is to start a new post in the malware removal section, attaching the same logs to that new post.
    >>A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue - the helper will guide you through scanning, cleanup and repair.

    Thank you,

  3. Hello and :welcome:, @Melinda3694:

    It sounds as if you may have fallen victim to a tech support scam, allowing the scammers remote access to your computer.

    If so, you'll need a bit of expert help to check and clean the system of any malware, keyloggers, etc.
    Such work is conducted in a special forum area reserved for that purpose, or at the help desk.
    So, for expert assistance, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
    It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the suggested, preliminary steps to expedite the process.
    A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue - the helper will guide you through scanning, cleanup and repair.

    >>While you wait for one of the helpers to assist you there, I suggest that you refrain from conducting ANY financial transactions from this computer.  It would also be a good idea to notify your credit card and banking institutions of possible fraud on your accounts.  And I suggest using a known, clean computer (NOT this one and NOT your mobile phone) to change all your online passwords.  The malware helper who assists you will be able to suggest additional security countermeasures and prevention tips.

    Thank you,

  4. Hi, @mrdodrop:

    To add a wee bit to what @Firefox already expertly explained:

    • With the release of MBAM v.2.x in March 2014, the "Flash" scan was renamed to "Hyper" scan.
    • There is little/no practical need for the Hyper scan -- if anything is detected, a Threat (or possibly a full, Custom) scan will be needed for complete removal
    • As I understand it, the Hyper scan was a bit of a "leftover", as a customer request, from a long, long time ago.
    • But, as mentioned, it's really not needed anyway.
    • Your computer's security would be more greatly enhanced by the investment in an MBAM Premium license than by offering the Hyper scan to MBAM Free.
      • MBAM Premium helps to PREVENT infection, while MBAM Free can only remove malware that already made it past your AV onto the system.

    Thank you,

  5. Hello and :welcome:, @crons79:

    I understand that you are reporting a possible conflict between Lastpass plug-in for Chrome and Malwarebytes Premium.

    We have not seen any similar reports here in the forum.
    So it's not clear what might be going on.

    ALSO: your post seems to suggest that this is a work/business computer.  Is that the case?

    In order for us to better assist you, I suggest that you please provide a bit of system information.
    To do that, please follow the steps here: Assistance obtaining computer system information

    Then, please ATTACH all 3 logs to your next reply in this thread (FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt).

    Thank you,

  6. Hello and :welcome:, @redhalls:

    3 hours ago, redhalls said:

    Any idea what to do?

    It sounds as if you are infected or at least plagued by PUPs.  Without seeing the scan logs, we cannot know if MBAM took care of everything or not.

    EDIT: Yes, MBAM cleaned a bunch of stuff. (Sorry, I did not see your attached scan log.)

    You might want to get a bit of free, expert help checking the system to be sure you are fully clean (complete removal of certain types of malware may require the use of multiple removal tools).
    Such work is conducted in a special forum area reserved for that purpose, or at the help desk.
    So, for expert assistance, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
    It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the suggested, preliminary steps to expedite the process.
    A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue - the helper will guide you through scanning, cleanup and repair.

    Thank you,

  7. Hi, @problems:

    We could better assist you if we could see a bit more detail about the system.

    If you still need help with this, please follow the steps here: Assistance obtaining computer system information

    Then, please ATTACH all 3 logs to your next reply in this thread.

    We'll go from there.


    @fredvries: Thanks very much for the timely and important update about JavaRa and the new removal tool. Much appreciated.

  8. :welcome:, @problems:

    There are some specialized Java Removal tools, such as JavaRa, that might help to remove the Java leftovers.

    But perhaps it might help to see a bit of basic system diagnostic information.
    I suggest that you please follow the steps here: Assistance obtaining computer system information
    Then, please ATTACH all 3 diagnostic logs to your next reply.  The logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt


  9. Hi:

    14 minutes ago, kc27 said:

    It is true, the computer operator being the first and last line of defense. But when the computer is available to users who are minimally computer/www savvy, or young people who have not learned their way around the web yet, I am all for a program to help minimize or in the best case prevent any "damage"

    I agree 110%.:)

    If there were not a bonafide need for high-quality security software, Malwarebytes and every other similar company would have long gone belly-up.

    I merely mentioned the "caveat" to manage expectations, especially for those who might stumble upon this thread.  There are folks out there who think that an anti-virus or anti-malware program will protect them 100% from themselves, when they engage in unsafe hex.:lol:

    Thanks for your support.


  10. Hi, @kc27:

    Adding the layer of at least MBAE Free to the elderly relative's computer would be a good idea.
    It is free and, once installed, requires essentially no interaction from the user.  It runs silently in the background to help protect against the "how" of malware infection.
    (Your AV and MBAM protect against the "what" of malware infection.)
    Windows Defender on Win10 is probably as good as any other free AV; it has its fans and detractors.  It's probably the least hands-on of the popular AVs, which may be good for your elderly relative.
    But supplementing it with anti-malware and anti-exploit protection would be a good idea.

    Here are some resources to help you make up your mind:

    Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit in action

    Exploits: How they work and how to crush them


    While we respect @SloppyMcFloppy's personal opinion about MBAE's not being needed, IMHO this layer of protection would be a good idea for your elderly relative.
    (I do not work for Malwarebytes -- I am just a home user with paid licenses.)

    Having said all of that, no one program or collection of programs can protect 100% of computers from 100% of malware 100% of the time.  The first and last line of computer defense is the part between the chair and the keyboard.  An MS-MVP and Malwarebytes Forum expert, @quietman7, has published several exhaustive articles about "best practices" HERE. You may find some of that information handy to plan your strategy.

    I hope this helps,

  11. Hi, @BBK:

    There's definitely something going on with your system, given that you cannot update MBAM, cannot update MBAR, and cannot download the MBAM installer from the product page (I just tested the link HERE in THIS PINNED TOPIC and it works just fine.)

    The last CheckResults log you posted shows that MBAM is uninstalled.  So, alas, it doesn't add much to the troubleshooting at this time.  That's OK.

    There may be something like a hidden software conflict, OS corruption, networking problems, or even malware.
    Please sit tight until @AdvancedSetup can return to further assist you. Please do not make any further changes to the system at this time.
    He may move this thread into the malware removal section for deeper, one-on-one assistance, using additional tools.
    I'm confident he'll get you straightened out.

    >>While we wait for him, it may help to grab a fresh set of FRST logs.
    >>Please delete the copy of the FRST tool that you have and grab a fresh copy.
    >>Before you run it again, please be sure there is a checkmark in the "Addition.txt" option.
    >>Please attach the new logs (FRST.txt and Addition.txt) to your next reply.

    Sorry I could not help you -- this one has me stumped.  It's gonna take a bit of Terrier Tenacity to get this sorted.

    Thanks for your patience.

  12. Hi, @dalveer:

    I suggest that you please follow @AdvancedSetup's expert advice. :)

    One other thing caught my eye from your logs: it looks as if you are running a very old, outdated version of Win10:


    mbam-check result log version:

    User Account type:                 Administrator
    DomainComputer:                    No
    OS:                                Windows 10  64 bit Operating System
    Current Version and Build:         10.0.10240 OS Product Info: Professional

    That was the build released in July 2015. 

    If your OS is updating properly, you ought to be on at least 10.0.10586 or 10.0.14393 (AU).

    Are you still running that old version?
    If you're not sure, THIS TUTORIAL explains how to check your current Windows version in Win10.

    <Just wondering if this could be contributing to some of your problems.>

    Please let us know how things go with @AdvancedSetup's advice.



  13. Hi, @AdvancedSetup:

    I could well be wrong (quite a few posts in at least 2 different threads), but I think the primary issue was/is with MBAM updates.

    Then, having problems with MBAM, the OP tried MBAR-Beta (Anti-Rootkit Beta) and could not update that, either?

    @BBK, is that correct?

    Thanks for clarifying for us.
    And, unless @AdvancedSetup disagrees, it does look as if a clean reinstall of MBAM might be a good starting point.


  14. Hi:

    Thanks for the logs.  They show that you may have just yesterday upgraded to Win10 or to the Win10 Anniversary Update?
    The OS upgrade may have carried over some problems from the previous version of Windows.

    In any event, the logs do show evidence of malware infection and some other issues. 
    The deeper work needed to get this cleaned up is performed in a special forum area reserved for that purpose.

    I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
    It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the suggested, preliminary steps to expedite the process.

    >>As you have already run FRST, you just need to start a new, separate post in the malware removal section of the forum, attaching the same logs to that new post.
    >>If you wish, you may also include a link back to this forum thread, to help the malware experts get up to speed:


    A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue - the helper will guide you through scanning, cleanup and repair.
    The helper can also assist you with getting both MBAM and MBAE up and running.

    Thank you again,

  15. Hi, @Francois_Blais

    5 hours ago, Francois_Blais said:

    A simple "Check for program updates" button could be added.

    That's a great suggestion.  Bear in mind that MBAE does not use databases.  So "updates" are only PROGRAM updates and they only occur a few times a year.

    But I'm sure that the developers log all suggestions and RFFs for future consideration and inclusion in new program versions.


  16. Hi:

    Sorry that didn't resolve it.  There may be corrupt files, bad disk sectors, software conflict, even malware, to name a few possible reasons.

    Next step is to collect a bit of basic system information to help determine the next steps.

    I suggest that you please read the following and attach to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt).

    Thanks again,

  17. Hi:

    I do not have any idea how many users are actually affected.  I must defer to the staff on that.  I'm sorry if I misspoke to suggest that it is "isolated", as I really do not know.  The Malwarebytes staff would be the only ones to know about other cases reported via the Help Desk or other venues.
    I merely mentioned that there have not many reports here in the forum.  I apologize for not being more clear.

    But, again, I understand your frustration.

    I hope it is resolved soon for you and the other users.

    Thank you,

  18. Hello to both of you:

    >>>I do not work for Malwarebytes. I am just a home user and forum volunteer.  Admittedly, the problem does not affect me, but I certainly understand how frustrating it must be.<<<

    @DavidPhillips, I understand from your own recent topic that the forum staff and dev team are aware of your specific case.

    I also know that MBAM 3.0 is under development.  I cannot speak for the developers, but I expect that they are working to diagnose and fix this issue for the upcoming release.  That may well be cold comfort for you.  I understand that.

    I have escalated @Nicole_C's case to the forum staff, as well.  On this Labor Day holiday, that's the best I can do.

    Please try to be patient as today is a holiday in the U.S., where most staff members are based.
    I'm sure someone will respond to both of you as soon as possible. 

    Until then, one small clarification:

    14 minutes ago, DavidPhillips said:

     My only other option is to go get Norton or similar which I prefer not to do..... Oy!

    Please be aware that MBAM is a specialized anti-malware tool.  MBAM (Free or Premium) is not an anti-virus, like Norton.
    Even with MBAM Premium up and running, one still needs a robust, real-time anti-virus (free or paid).
    In other words, we would hope that you already have Norton or another high-quality AV on the system in question, as MBAM Premium alone does not provide sufficient protection.

    Thanks to you both for your patience,


  19. Thanks for that.

    To reduce confusion, let's stay in your other thread in the MBAM forum for now.

    The updating issues may all be related.  MBAM ought to be the 1st priority, as MBAR-BETA really isn't designed as a DIY tool.

    (For the record, though, I just downloaded and updated it without a problem on one of my Win7 boxes.)

    We can revisit this topic and refer it to Malwarebytes staff AFTER working out the issues in the other thread.


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