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Posts posted by daledoc1

  1. Hello and welcome back, @tishky::)

    Yes, problems with the Windows "Base Filtering Engine" (BFE) service *can* be a sign of malware infection.
    You might want to get some help checking the system.

    Such work is conducted in a special forum area reserved for that purpose, or at the help desk.
    So, for expert assistance, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
    It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the suggested, preliminary steps to expedite the process.
    A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue - the helper will guide you through scanning, cleanup and repair.

    Thank you,

  2. 56 minutes ago, daledoc1 said:


    I see that you are already working with Maurice here:

    To reduce confusion, please stay with him in that other thread in the malware removal section.

    Thank you again,

    I respectfully suggest that you please stay with @Maurice Naggar in your other topic.

    First, the information I provided about offline updating is the most current I have.  If it does not work for you, I do not have any other suggestions.

    More importantly, Maurice is a Malwarebytes staff member and expert in malware removal and computer repair.  He can assist you far better than I can.

    And, as I mentioned, it can be confusing and counter-productive to work on the same problem in multiple venues.

    Thank you again,

  3. 2 minutes ago, gast33 said:

    Yes i mean you can disable the notify option but its still going to update its just not going to notify that there is a new version thats all 

    No, unfortunately, that is not quite right.

    If you are talking about database updates vs. program updates, they are controlled separately.
    If program updates are disabled, then the program will NOT update automatically and it will NOT notify the user of a new program update.
    If program update checks are enabled, then MBAM WILL notify the user that a new program version is available.  The actual program update requires user interaction.

    >>That appears to be the behavior about which the OP inquired.
    >>And, as I mentioned, there is no compelling reason at this time to prevent MBAM from updating to the current, stable release program build.
    >>So, turning off the program update checks is NOT a good idea at this time, unless the user plans to perform a manual, clean upgrade.

    And all of this is separate from database update checks and database updates.

    Thank you again,

  4. Just now, gast33 said:

    Go to malwarebytes settings and disable  notify when there is an  update avaible

    Sorry, @gast33.

    That is not a very good idea.
    New program versions contain important security, stability and program updates.

    It's not unreasonable to postpone a program update for a short while after a new program version is released.

    But version has been the stable release build for a very long time.  There is no compelling reason to postpone or prevent MBAM from updating to that version.

    Thank you,

  5. 17 minutes ago, DarwinsFlinch said:

    And, if the database will always be behind, and the machine has no internet access, it will never scan?

    Not necessarily.

    MBAM (Free, Trial or Premium) will "automatically" check for updates as the first step before any MANUAL scan.

    AFAIK If there is no internet access, the update check is supposed to fail gracefully and the scan should proceed anyway.

    (Though it's not a good idea to scan with very outdated definitions -- it could lead to false positives or false negatives.)

    If that's not what you're seeing, or the computer is otherwise badly infected, then I suggest following the advice in my previous reply.
    The malware helpers will guide you for free through scanning, cleanup and repair.

    Thanks again,

  6. 11 minutes ago, DarwinsFlinch said:

    Hi there. Appreciate the reply but the executables do not change the file structure for MWB. No update happens.

    Nope, that is not a link to the MBAM installer.  That is a link to the current rules file.

    Right-click and "run as administrator" -- if you are running MBAM version 2.x, use the version 2 file.

    Other than that, I'm not sure what you're looking for -- the program cannot update if it has no internet access.
    In that case, the user needs to manually using the files for which I provided the link.
    The manual database is not updated as often as the one delivered via the program auto-updater (which may be updated 10 or more times per day).

    In any event, this is not the ideal procedure for updating databases.
    If you have a badly infected computer without internet access, I suggest getting a bit of free, expert help in the malware removal section of the forum.

    I suggest that you might want to please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
    It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the suggested, preliminary steps to expedite the process.
    A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue - the helper will guide you through scanning, cleanup and repair; the helper can also assist with getting MBAM up and running...

    Thanks again,


  7. http://downloads.malwarebytes.org/file/mbam_rules

    The link is to a download of 1 zip file, where the name is mbam-rules-YYYY-MM-DD.zip
    Something to note - There are 2 files contained within the zip archive:
    o   Mbam-rules.exe
    o   Mbam2-rules.exe
    They are specific to the version, so mbam-rules is for any MBAM 1.x installation whereas mbam2-rules is for any MBAM 2.x installation

    When I checked it just now, it says that it has a database from Aug 11, 2016.

    (It will always be at least a few days behind the current database.)


  8. 5 hours ago, Anne__Burns said:

    BTW, I think I was banned at Sevens Forum for not answering a message thread. I can not access the site. Would you find out why? 

    I seriously doubt you were banned for failing to reply to a thread.  If that were the case, half of their members would be banned...

    If you were banned, it's more likely that you may have violated the Forum Rules.  The forum admins there would have notified you.

    Or, perhaps you were not banned, but it's some sort of misunderstanding or a problem with your forum credentials or some other glitch.

    There is a link to email the sevenforums.com adminstrators here: Contact Us


  9. Hello and welcome:

    Why not just upgrade and be done with it?

    Program updates include security and performance upgrades.  There's no point in running an old, outdated program version.

    What version are you running???
    If it's 1.75, that old version is no longer supported.



  10. Hello and welcome, @ssathue:

    5 hours ago, ssathue said:

    then unchecking (de-selecting) the above setting would also prevent notifications when an exploit is prevented, I'd have to assume.

    Nope, it does not work that way.

    When you uncheck (deselect) that option, only the "non-critical" notifications of "___ application shielded" are disabled.

    Critical notifications, e.g. an actual exploit block, would still provide both a popup notification and an event in the log.

    So, if you do not want to see those "___ application shielded" notifications, just turn off that setting.:)

    As far as the program loading at startup, if the system tray icon is present, then the program has loaded. 

    If you would like to suggest some sort of "splash screen" or other notification upon loading at system startup, you might wish to create a new post in the MBAE suggestion area >>HERE<<.  AFAIK, all suggestions are logged by the dev team for possible consideration in future versions.


  11. Hi:

    >>Just another MBAM home user and unpaid forum volunteer here (NOT staff).<<

    Unfortunately, because of a barrage of spammers and other abuse, certain editing restrictions were necessary when the forum software was upgraded several months ago.
    The restrictions are certainly inconvenient for legit forum newcomers, but they ought not to hinder one's ability to post and to receive notifications, etc.

    The forum moderator/admin team is evaluating modifications to these restrictions.

    I'll defer to the forum staff for additional information....



  12. 3 minutes ago, dave1977nj said:

    I uninstalled with Malwarebytes Clean Uninstall Tool and reinstalled it's working fine now! :D

    Ah, OK.

    I mistakenly assumed when I saw this:

    1 hour ago, dave1977nj said:

    I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Malwarebytes

    ... that you had already done that.

    Otherwise, it would have been my first recommendation. (The clean uninstall would have removed all the existing logs and settings -- that was the other reason I asked for the Diagnostic Logs first.)

    All's well that ends well.

    Thanks for letting us know.

  13. Hi:

    Thanks for the update.

    It's entirely up to you about the registry cleaners and the IObit stuff.  I merely mentioned it as "FYI".
    Reason for asking about SEP is that there is a different MBAM version for work computers vs. home computers, that's all.

    We'll need to wait for our forum staff to review your logs and to make further recommendations. You report a very unusual problem and I need to defer to the expert as to how best to proceed.

    Thanks again for your patience,

  14. Hi:

    Thanks for the logs -- I have asked our forum staff to review them and to advise you further.

    Until then, a couple of things:

    Thanks for your patience,

  15. Hello and welcome:

    Over the years, I recall seeing a tiny handful of such reports.
    AFAIK There's no way MBAM put those exclusions in there on its own, as it's not coded to be able to do so.
    There is no "automatic" IP exclusion feature.

    So it's not clear how they got there.

    Having said that, the first is in Kazakhstan and the other 2 are in the Republic of Molodova.

    That sounds suspicious for some sort of possible malware infection.
    You might want to remove those exclusions, AND perhaps get a bit of help checking the system.

    Such work is conducted in a special forum area reserved for that purpose, or at the help desk.
    So, for expert assistance, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
    It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the suggested, preliminary steps to expedite the process.
    A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue - the helper will guide you through scanning, cleanup and repair.

    Thank you,

  16. 11 minutes ago, CliffS said:

     I know my way very well around Windows(all the tricks) but I am also a believer, one should use, and update a software, the way the developer planned it, for safer computing, and Microsoft planned that Windows Update should do it.
    Some PCs get the update much later, because, there could be some kind of issue(updating the device pool), like unsigned or not properly signed drivers, which is good. How often have people gotten their driver or even modded BIOS from questionable sites and installed them along with malware.

    The manufactures need to get off their digital buns and get WHQL qualified, so people can update/upgrade their PC's the way Microsoft planned.

    True, all true.

    And we all understand that M$ cannot possibly test trillions of hardware/software configurations before shipping a Windows version.

    However, this "WaaS" idea does not seem to be working very well, yet.
    There was something to be said for "Black Tuesday", rather than this "whole new OS every 6 months" concept.
    The testing seems inadequate, at best. 
    This is especially so since M$ continues to revoke the end-user's control over their own system by degrading the user's ability to at least POSTPONE upgrades, driver updates and "bad" patches.
    Given the not so distant history of bricked computers with past updates under earlier OS, users have good reason to be worried -- will the patches be worse than the security/stability problems they are supposed to fix?
    We "expect" bad things from M$ with Win7, as we know they have pretty much abandoned it.
    But this level of problems with Win10 is unconscionable.

    The other issue is that M$ continues to ignore user feedback about basic "desktop" functionality.  For example, just when we thought they had heard us about the doG-awful START menu (1511 is tolerable), they screwed it up AGAIN for 1607. They are forcing us to use 3rd-party programs to fix what they have broken, and they do not seem to care.

    And now make it even harder/impossible for users to disable Cortana, Edge and other cr@p - the force-feeding is just awful.

    There seems to be an ever-larger gap between M$'s possibly lofty "intent" and the operational result in the real world for real users.

    They are driving users to other platforms.

    <rant off>

  17. Interesting.:)

    There are *so many* AU trouble reports at bleeping, at tenforums, and at other venues, I had not noticed the trend.

    So, it looks as if this is one instance where the "clean install" purists are being bitten in the behind?:(

    Normally, the geeks and gurus insist that it's the best way to go (even as doing so can be a technical challenge for us mere mortals).  And they're probably correct.  This may be a big exception?

    I think I will go the " mount the full ISO" route when I finally get around to it.  As far as I can tell, 1607 breaks more things than it fixes, so I am in no rush.

    Thanks for that interesting and important update!


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