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What kind of pets do you have??

Guest garybear

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Guest garybear


I have one cat. Her name is Boots. She is a stray. She has been declawed and neutered. I don't know why she became a stray. She thinks my wife and I are her servants. She is very smart and knows lots of words. She is the smartest cat I have ever seen. She is about my age, but in a lot better shape and I think she will out live me. I have seen her whip a big old dog, but she is getting to old to fight; just like me :wacko:


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I wwan a pet :wacko:

As I live in Canada I live alone with no animals though once I finish school I want a pet so bad!

At home, 23 have 3 dogs, and 2 cats. I used to have a parrot and some terapins too, but the parrot went with my sis when she got married and the terapins I donated to a psych hospital when I was moving out over here.

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Guest garybear

Hello friends!!

I really enjoyed every one's reply's . I really love animals , but I'm to old to take on a new pet that would probably out live me.

I have to admit I also had another reason to start this topic.

I had theory and I'm sad to say it proved to be right, and that makes me very sad.

I still love MBAM and will always think it saved me from malicious attacks, but I'm very sad tonight.

Those that have ears need to listen and wake up before the best software ever designed is dragged down and more good and very smart people leave our forum. I make this reply because I love MBAM. I'm the best friend you ever had MBAM. If you know what I have just posted, you know that I love MBAM. I don't have a ego problem. I'm not smart enough to have a ego. I have lived a long life and I know a lot of things about it and I love people. I'm very sorry if my posts are selected by Google instead of some who think theirs should have been selected. I have always had but one goal when I joined this forum and that was to help MBAM be no1. That will always be my goal. I was born to lead and not to follow :) :) :)

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I've had a few cats, who I adored and was a willing slave :)

Also had a 1/2 Border Collie 1/2 Australian Cattle dog, sad to day she is went on the dog heaven. We live in the country and she was the best protector of the property we ever had. Nothing got on our land that she didn't know about and she thought it her duty to keep those critters off of her land. Fine job she did. I really miss her.:)

Now we only have one

Hubby has a chocolate lab. Who I've had in house since Jan. with all the cold weather that has hit. He always closes the pull out drawer (roll top desk made for computer) that I have my keyboard on with his nose. Makes it difficult to type :) When my time is up, he lets me know!!

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Guest garybear
Just took the pic last weekend at the San Diego zoo. Beautiful cat


I was just ready to give you first prize for the best pet until I read this post (San Diego zoo). Beautiful animal. I think Siegfried & Roy are the luckiest guys to have all those big cats even though they can really hurt you!!

Do you have any pets Ron??

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Guest garybear

Nice screen shots!!

Thank you for your reply friend!!

Welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy your stay. Nice fish tank. My cat Boots would love watching the fish. My daughter bought her a fish bowl and a fish and she would watch that fish for hours. If you asked her "Where's your fish";she would jump up on the table and watch that fish.

The fish died and boots would look for that fish every day. That was sad. You could see she really missed her fish.

People don't realize animals have feelings just like we do. I have a pond in front of my house. My neighbor feeds the fish.

He will stomp his foot next to the water and those fish come swimming from every direction to be fed.

There's another sad story about that, but I won't tell it today!

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My avatar features one of our cats. He sometimes gets onto the desk and likes to chase the cursor on the monitor, so one day when he was doing this, I put on the aquarium screensaver and took some pictures. He enjoyed watching our real-life aquarium, too, when we had one.

We also have another cat who lives in our shop, the sweetest German shepherd dog in the world, and a very opinionated dwarf rabbit doe who thinks she needs to eat a steady diet of raisins and dried papaya. (Of course, she isn't fed that, but she gets her treats twice a day.) :)

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I'm an animal-person and while I grew up with dogs (a boy and his dog; YOU BET!), and even had several during the first half of marriage, the wife and daughter started to sabotage me, and the dog, with cats.. first one.. then two.. finally three max. When our last dog succumbed to cancer, the three cats ran the house. One cat finally went psycho and had to be put down, then a second cat became so old and blind she kept hurting herself walking into things, etc, that she finally had to go peacefully and third died in sleep at age 13. Daughter got me a new cat, a little guy named Timmy (it was around Christmas '93 - hence Timmy from Tiny Tim) who became the first cat I ever bonded with. His little kitten picture I used for my Christmas avatar.


A year or so before he died while under care of Vet. for intestinal blockage..



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