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Will the digital world be destroyed in 2012?


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I suspect the historical/geological correlation between increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere and an increase in temperature is actually the opposite of what most think it is. Think about it, a great amount of carbon dioxide is stored in plants, living plants, such as trees, grass, bushes etc etc. When these plants die, they release that carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, thus increasing the CO2 level by a small amount.

One of the first things that happens when there is an increase in temperature in the climate is that many plants, not suited to the hotter/dryer conditions begin to dry up and die. Such climate conditions also create fertile grounds for wild fires, which can be started by something as natural as a lightning strike. All that burning plant matter releases great amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. Fire isn't even a requirement though, as dead plants release their CO2 into the atmosphere whether they burn or rot.

Because of this, it's actually my hypothesis that increased CO2 levels aren't the cause of global increases in temperature, merely the result of it.

I'm no climatologist so I could be wrong, but I've seen several climate scientists (the kinds with degrees, not just Wiki readers like me :P) who have said the same thing.

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People keep forgetting about all the volcanoes that go BOOM!! and throw millions of tons of dust, ash, CO2, SO2 and rocks into the atmosphere. And as long as the Teutonic plates keep shifting there'll be more and more disruption to the natural order of things.

That solar flare, that may, or may not, happen worries me more than everything else combines as it will be like a gigantic, world-wide EMP that will destroy EVERY electronic device turned on at the time that is not militarily-grade EMP hardened - computers, satellites, car-electronics, plane electronics, control systems, etc, et al... Back to the stone age in seven days or less. *sigh*


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People keep forgetting about all the volcanoes that go BOOM!! and throw millions of tons of dust, ash, CO2, SO2 and rocks into the atmosphere. And as long as the Teutonic plates keep shifting there'll be more and more disruption to the natural order of things.

No, I didn't forget, and you're absolutely correct, all that particulate matter in the atmosphere blocks a lot of sunlight, which itself can trigger an ice age, similar to the effects of a nuclear winter.

2012 here we come. If a major cataclysm does come, I hope it at least waits until after I've had a chance to see the new Godzilla remake that's planned to be released in theaters that year as it promises to be much better than the 1998 version that had Matthew Broderik. I'm a Gojira fan from way back so seeing somebody (Legendary Pictures) trying to do it right with the special effects of today would be a welcome event for me ;).

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2012 here we come. If a major cataclysm does come, I hope it at least waits until after I've had a chance to see the new Godzilla remake that's planned to be released in theaters that year as it promises to be much better than the 1998 version that had Matthew Broderik. I'm a Gojira fan from way back so seeing somebody (Legendary Pictures) trying to do it right with the special effects of today would be a welcome event for me ;).

That's one of the things I like about you best Sam; you have your priorities straight. *grinning, ducking, running*

Just teasing - nothing much we can do about December 21st, 2012 anyway. Since it's near the end of the year, I guess I'll have my 69th birthday out of the way by 4 days.. and your movie should have been released during the summer of 2012..

And just think - NO MORE SPAM ;)


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Topic will be CLOSED when were near 2012 ;)

Yeah buttttt .. I was just getting into it - I figured we could keep it running for a little bit longer :P If we get to 2013 can we reopen the subject ;)

I also want to hear about the party that exile360 is attending (my late fathers birthday was also around that time) -

This has been one of the better off topic (General Chat) items that we have had for a while -

It seems that we agree and can also agree to differ on the subject matter that we both find interesting -

P.S.- Don't blame me , Shy started the topic (we just modified it) ;)

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Yeah buttttt .. I was just getting into it - I figured we could keep it running for a little bit longer :P If we get to 2013 can we reopen the subject ;)

This has been one of the better off topic (General Chat) items that we have had for a while -

It seems that we agree and can also agree to differ on the subject matter that we both find interesting -

P.S.- Don't blame me , Shy started the topic (we just modified it) ;)


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Topic will be CLOSED when were near 2012 :P

I have one phrase for you; FOUR DAYS OF THE BUZZARDS ; Opening at a theater near you December 22, 2012. ;)


This is one of our better chat subjects for some time - I like it -

Thanks Shy for the topic B)

Somehow I missed this when it was posted John... You're quite welcome. :)


P.S.- Don't blame me , Shy started the topic (we just modified it) ;)

;) ;) ;) ;)

*wry grin*


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  • 2 weeks later...


LOL , u cant plug up a black hole with a meteor (i know that u were just joking) and did u know that light is the fastest thing in the universe and always will be? it goes (about) 300,000 km per SECOND! and surprisingly, a black hole can still suck it in. I was watching a doccumentry called "into the universe with Stephan Hawking" and it was saying how if ur on the right angle around a black hole, u can orbit the black hole without being sucked in!


If earth will be on a axis, the polar ice caps will melt and that still means that earth would be in great danger. It would be a big climate change around the world and basically, were screwed.

And why is this topic for the digital world? i dont think that people even care about the digital world. We should be more worried about us instead of the computer world...

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One of my all time 1973 fav movies - Charlton Heston as the "future cop" ,also Edward G. Robinson , Leigh Taylor-Young , Chuck Connors , Joseph Cotten -

I still don't think I could afford those strawberries - :)

Which actor played the part of his bookworm friend (EDIT: Edward G. Robinson - thanks John :blink:). I loved the look of that apartment with all the shelves and books.. Heston gave him the piece of fragrant soap, yes? Excellent movie!


Edited by ShyWriter
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dont worry shy thats whats earths magnetic field is for it protects us from solar flares as the earth spins its molten core produces a magnetic field that stops the solar flares from doing anything to us

Yeah; but the magnetic field is constantly shifting and we're coming due for a pole reversal as well. The field will be weakest during the reversal and fate may decide to shoot that super solar flare our way about the same time. *shivers* Now I'm scaring myself. :blink:


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Ty Thorn (Charlton Heston) is a New York City Police Department detective who lives in a dilapidated, cramped one-room apartment with his aged friend and roommate, Solomon "Sol" Roth (Edward G. Robinson, in his last film). Roth is a former professor who searches through the now-disordered remnants of written records and books to help Thorn's investigations. Roth and his like are known as "books." He tells Thorn about the time before the ecological disaster and population crisis, when real food was plentiful, although Thorn is generally not interested in the stories, finding most of them too hard to believe.
Edward G was the "bookworm" that lived with Heston in the movie - Cotton was killed near the start, or at least not too far into the movie, by being beaten around the head with a 'blunt instrument' and Heston was the cop sent to investigate the murder - Cotton was a 'rich' person and Heston robbed him prior to starting any investigating into the death - :)
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Well this is all above my head, as I have not studied any of it.....

could we just not find a huge astroid or rock, and throw it into the black hole and plug it?.... LOL

Hope not. Bruce Willis is getting too old for that stuff. :)

Didn't know we were starting an Astronomy class here. If you started charging people you'd make a fortune.:)

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  • Root Admin

Was just up at the Griffith Observatory the other night doing a small photo shoot with others.

I like Astronomy but just don't have a lot of free time for it - life is too full of wonderful things to look at and do but unfortunately there just isn't enough time to do everything one would like to do.

There doesn't appear to be any documentation or displays there at the Observatory to indicate the end of the Earth in 2012


Full size 6MB image of Observatory








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Wow, great pics Ron :). I'm going to use the 5th one as a desktop background :).

By the way, I'm fairly certain that the reason you saw no documentation about the impending apocalypse is because they keep it hidden in a secret room, the same room they store their tinfoil hats in :). I gathered this information from a rather reliable source, the same source that informed me that in fact, the mole men are the ones behind it all :).

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  • Root Admin

You can actually read more information about the images by reviewing the Exif data.

This site here lists some viewers but I don't see Gimp on there and it too has support for Exif

Here and here is the camera I use for now - Nikon D300

I hope to move up to the D800 (or whatever it's name will be. if the naming convention remains it will be the D700 upgrade maybe early next year) and start using a Full Frame camera for shooting.

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You can actually read more information about the images by reviewing the Exif data.

This site here lists some viewers but I don't see Gimp on there and it too has support for Exif

Here and here is the camera I use for now - Nikon D300

I hope to move up to the D800 (or whatever it's name will be. if the naming convention remains it will be the D700 upgrade maybe early next year) and start using a Full Frame camera for shooting.

Sweet; 12.3 megapixels and the whole ball of wax. I'll view the EFIX info later as I have a Firefox add-on that'll read it. Thanks for the info.

Laugh; I *still* have my FIRST digital camera; An Epson-something or another with a whole 600 "K"-pixels.. for $700 US way back then.


That's cool when you're in ADMIN mode and the Red goes italic and the underline becomes dashed. :)

Hi Ron!

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May I but in with a bit of physics? xD

This will mainly be due to 'sun spots' and 'solar wind'. These are basically streams of Ionised particles (electrons, protons etc) traveling at around 400kms^-1. These occur periodically every 10-11 years or so. So we had a peak around 2000. Now they are gradually becoming more intense. This 'stream' of ionised particles will do more than just a black out. It will cause break downs in world telecommunication systems, affect earths magnetic field and cause some aural displays (auroraborialis <-- I don't know how you spell it, my spell check can't even get it) xD

So yes, it will happen. I don't know how long for, this is just my Yr 12 physics speaking :) Maybe a person who has studied physics or science on the forum could answer more.

Hope that explains a bit :)

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