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mbam daz.

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hello.just a quick query really.im currently using defraggler from piriform to defrag my hard drive.Just wondered if this product is ok or does anybody suggest any better programs? Thank you.

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hello.just a quick query really.im currently using defraggler from piriform to defrag my hard drive.Just wondered if this product is ok or does anybody suggest any better programs? Thank you.

Hi there. Have tried quite a few (both free and paid) and have finally settled on Auslogics Disk Defrag. And it's free :D)

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:D thanks mate.that is actually the one i had in mind.Oh by the way have you got enough add-ons for firefox? hahaha.all the best and thanks again.
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I've been using it for a couple of years with no problems!

edit: however if your running a duo core, XP... with 3gb of ram - you may find that your pagefile & MFT become hard to defrag.... so I bought a home copy of Diskeeper -- just look at your results on the defraggler and see if those files are stuck in the area of 33% "cannot defrag an more" (like I was) otherwise defraggler should do the trick !!! 30 day Trial on Diskeeper...

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Really? A .bat file that does that automatically? Where on Earth would you acquire such a file :D?

Yes, really :) Do you really need to ask me where I got it from? :) :)

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PageDefrag does not work on my Windows 7 system :)

I see

\??\C:\Windows\SysWow64\Drivers\PAGEDFRG.SYS has been blocked from loading due to incompatibility with this system. Please contact your software vendor for a compatible version of the driver.


Analyze your event logs with Event Log Explorer
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Auslogics Disk Defrag is what I'm using for a long time now, running really fast and smoothly :D

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I've been using the built in defragger but I too am currently checking out the trial versions of 3 rd party automatic defraggers. From what I have used its so much easier than scheduling the defrag and some of these commercial programs seem to have other useful features like low free space defragmenting and preventing a lot of the fragmentation from ocuring. I find the background defrag option quite useful as I dont need to turn off the other programs while defragging. I am yet to decide which one to get though :)

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